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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. "Wesreidau got back to port and he doesn't quite have enough to get him his gold ship back. He goes back to Koltes and buys a blue ship for 50,000 gold, that has also 3-5 upgrades on it and is still very competitive;" Still very competitive, BullShit! Still very competitive to a PVP pro, yes, but not to someone who is learning PVP. My apologies for swearing
  2. One last comment, if you are for complete loss, why not use captured ships now for PVP? Heck, once they remove loss of officer, I might even try it. Its because of the modules right? Maybe just modules need adjusting?
  3. @Heathwill, wasn't talking to you in general, just those for the 1 dur.
  4. I'm willing to test 1 dur but all I see it do is promote more ganking, running and less people willing to fight, at least those new to PVP. You may not feel loss when you lose a dur but as someone who is trying to find fights and not great at PVP, I do. And as someone who only plays on weekends, having more Econ to do is a downer.
  5. About dock space, I know admin posted somewhere before (and I'll need to find it later) that the amount of outposts cannot be increased due to database restrictions. Maybe increasing dock space isn't as much of a deal but I do not foresee dock space increasing by very much.
  6. With all the trolls, I'm guessing the average mental age of the US nation on PvP1 is around... um, 10. ?
  7. NA gets negative reviews bc it is really a niche game. It is not for anyone that wants to hop on and do a quick battle. Battles take time to find, battles themselves can last thirty plus minutes. The combat mechanics are awesome but unless you have at least an hour or more each session, there is not much to do. I love the open world and the PVP but if you do not have time and patience, this game is not for you.
  8. The first was good, rest were ok, this looks bad but I'll probably see it.
  9. Or dumb down the first mission a bit, or create a mission easier than the first one (by adding an automatic fleet in that mission).
  10. I guess I'm the exception as well as my only goal is to get good at OW PVP. Oh and someday completely circumnavigate the map. I've started it twice but never finished lol.
  11. Why? If anything I'd rather help screen for the underdogs. FYI, to me, everyone is an enemy so don't blame all pirates if I attack a Brit on the OS. Lol
  12. British pirates? Are you talking about all the alts that stayed in Sorry.
  13. Omg fox, don't say timers was the reason people left. Every game at the beginning has tons of players then loses them. Look at Dead By Daylight, you cannot even find a match anymore. Blackwake came out yesterday, they needed to add a bunch of new servers. I bet in 1 month they are down to 1/4 of the amount of people yesterday. In my opinion, this game takes too much time for any casual player that just wants to hop on and have a naval battle.
  14. That's what I'm wondering too. Seems that way.
  15. That wouldn't be bad. It just seemed to suggest in the original post that the wreck appear right after battle so people would return to the open world and not the nearest friendly port.
  16. The reason there is return to port is to help solve the problem of revenge fleets camping a battle site. So now you want to give revenge fleets free loot?
  17. I don't know if it's bc I'm a girl, but I hate big ships. I prefer to brawl over linefight, maneuverability over tankiness. Maybe this game needs more girls. ? But I do like the pb idea that one of the circles doesn't get points for SOLs. My suggestion to reduce SOLs is get rid of crafting SOLs but have a SoL something gained through admirality. However since everyone seems to want their big ships the end result will be the same, everyone who wants one will get one. And as it may take longer through admirality, it could discourage players, causing more to leave. So I don't know. Edit, I would also like to see an increase in the number of shallow water ships on the OS, outside of shallow water areas. Right now frigates seems the standard for PVP. Not sure how to do that either.
  18. I'm not for 1 dur ships across the board. I was saying 1 dur ships will hurt inexperienced pvp'rs. I like the dur system as it is now.
  19. True, but if every ship is 1 dur, as proposed, new players will be losing & having to replace 1 dur 7th, 6th & 5th rates. I'm just for keeping dur as is. Also, don't assume everyone sails SoLs
  20. I apologize for getting of topic, back to the testbed. A few days ago I did a trade mission and also sank AI traders, no manifest. I'm just curios, is the only way to get a trade manifest by exchanging PVE marks?
  21. Remember, not everyone is a PVP elite. I applaud anyone that tries to fight even though they might be new to PVP. 1 dur is going to hurt these people the most. But let's test 1 dur & see. ?
  22. Sometime ago admin posted that increasing outpost numbers takes up too much database storage, or something to that effect. For the same reason I highly doubt they would increase dock space.
  23. Amen. Omg, @fox2run, I think that's the first time I liked a post of yours. ?
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