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Salty Dog.

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Everything posted by Salty Dog.

  1. what I'm getting at is the US doesn't have a coal port. Until we are able to capture a coal port we cannot craft cannons or ships. That is going to make it tough to capture a coal port because the US will need to be using store bought ships and medium cannons whereas the port we are attacking may have crafted ships and long/caro guns
  2. ok, as a PVPer, how fun are you going to have when other nations have longs and caros but your stuck with mediums because your nation doesn't have coal and cant craft cannons? Or consider how fun it will be when other nations have crafted ships but you need to slug it out with store bought ships because your nation cant craft ships.
  3. and the nations without coal can not craft anything. Being able to craft is kinda important. Won't this make make the nations with coal impossible for a non-coal producing nation? I get the idea of having precious resources for a nation to focus on getting..... BUT COAL? Without coal, a nation is kinda screwed. Not having access to a type of wood I could understand because you can build other wood type of ships, but coal is kind of a core resource to, well, craft anything.
  4. I agree, it is a core item. Without coal you cannot craft cannons or ships. So to take a coal port, you will need to attack with inferior ships and inferior cannons.... what could go wrong?
  5. Could you expand on the "Coal is a conquest resource"? Is coal not going to be a minable resource? Is Coal only going to be available from AI trader ships? Or is coal only a reward for conquering ports?
  6. we have been getting "warnings" for a few months now.....
  7. What "aiming bar"? that little red line that shows gun elevation? Every shot you need to factor in "kentucky Trajectory" ("windage" is aiming left or right to factor in cross wind or target movement). Slower shots, and non long guns just have much lower speeds and drop more as range increases.
  8. Of course there would need to be a time limit that more players could join. I can see your point about exploit. Maybe it would need a queue that if 25 attackers try to join, they are all placed into a queue as more defenders join, the attacker does as well. maybe put them into the Port battle but they cannot drop sails until a matching defender joins.... after 5-10 minutes the extra attackers go to the end of battle screen.
  9. Let's think about this for a second. The biggest problem with US prime time is other nations do not have 25 people on for the port battle. Could the solution be as easy as reducing the port battle from 25 v 25 to a 10 v 10. I know WOW did this because players were having problems bringing 50 people...that worked pretty well. I would think Port battles could be changed fairly easily to a system were it starts as a 10 v 10 and if the defender gets 2 more defenders in, the attacker can bring in 2 more. Wouldn't this make it easier to defend a port battle if you only needed to find 10 players instead of 25?
  10. Here is my proposal. Let me ask you this: Does the loss of Gasparilla's region really matter? was it a region that had a important regional bonus or a resource that was critical to the Spanish? For several weeks the US and spain has been trading Islamorada like a hot potato. 1/2 a week US owns it, 1/2 week Spain does.....and it doesn't matter who has it because. it has no regional bonus I has no scarce resource that you couldn't get with a smuggler trader. It has been a fun region to attack because usually the spanish show up. We don't like taking empty port battles any more than the spanish do. That is why I think a Nation should be able to protect 3-4 critical regions to the nations ability to keep playing the regions that are not critical should be single port....port battles.
  11. I would like to say "I've never done that before", but it would be a lie. Lost a Live oak port with transport ships and tons of supplies. I just figured it was a dumb move on my part, they gave me plenty of warnings.
  12. I am saying EVERY NATION should be able to play at their prime time. You get to have port battles at YOUR prime time against a nation that cannot fill the port battle. We should also be able to have port battles at OUR prime time. This whole thing is crap. All the US demands is that they be able to play at their prime time. Some how you think it is fair to attack the US at YOUR prime time, but it it wrong if the US attacks your nation at OUR prime time.
  13. pretty easy to figure out. You accuse the British of night flips and tell they to learn to win in prime time, thus your a Troll. At the same time the French have a port battle scheduled for 22:29 a whole 9 minutes earlier than the British scheduled. Troll. But if you can't win, complain until you get your way. The amount of negative reviews that will come if the Dev's go through with kicking an entire nation off a server they have been playing on for years will kill the game. So ya, complain until the Dev's commit business suicide, the game wont survive but you will be able to sleep.
  14. So let me get this right..... When the French attack at 22:29 that s OK, but if the British attack at 22:38 they are doing night flips? You sir are a troll and a hypocrite.
  15. Well sunshine, the VAST majority of the so called "night flips" HAVE been fully defended. So I as YOU "how much players do you have to defend PB when you are sleeping?" (or in english "How many players choose to play while others are sleeping") Look pal, It would be one thing if ALL port battles on US prime time were undefended but they are NOT! The night before you managed to get a full fleet into Islamorada and it was a good fight. We also saw a lot of spanish captains outside Remedios that did not join. Excuse me, don't you have an entire spanish speaking continent with a population of a few hundred million in the same time zone as the US?
  16. If you want a game like that, Try world of warcraft.....seriously, this is gladly not that type of game.
  17. Global Warming: Creators of enough salt to melt the polar caps.
  18. It may be that I am just tired of staring at the ass end of a traders brig and would like some other ships to stare at. Maybe some other shallow water trader ships....Trader Rattler or a new design.
  19. At first reading, I really like the idea. One of the biggest problems I see currently is the need of taking up outposts slots to craft regional bonus or to farm resources. I currently need to keep supplying resources to three outposts that I build ships in, plus I have several outposts I keep to farm in. That leaves very few outposts that I can put in forward areas to pvp out of. I'l like to be able to do away with the need of having a farm outpost, and outposts in regional bonus areas and use my outposts as places to stage ships. Eliminating the need of having these outposts dedicated to crafting regional bonus ships would be a real improvement. Here are a few additional changes I would like Buildings do not need to be in a outpost. They can be in any national, allied or freetown bring back shipyards for crafting ships, but allow crafting of parts in any friendly port. Can we get a larger shallow water transport ship? craftable cannons. Crafted cannons could have bonuses like faster reload, lighter weight, more accuracy. Along with officer bonuses, I would also like to have crew proficiency. The crew proficiency would increase of decrease depending on the amount of crew loss and they number of successful battles the crew as been in. Like with officers lives, surrendering would keep the proficiency of the crew for the surviving crew.
  20. I would guess the 4 hour window is so any port battles scheduled at the last minute would have time to complete before the restart.
  21. Kinda a dick move to pawn your crap on your competitors website. Probably going to backfired because your game play looks awful.
  22. Their isnt a tutorial yet because the game is in Alpha and any kind of tutorial would quickly become out of date. few suggestions: Youtube has some great videos on how to sail and game features. Do a search for Naval Action and watch some videos. visit the guides section of this forum. Ask in game, I have helped several newbies learn the ropes ask in the "Help" channel or in Nation. join a clan or find a friend to sail with.
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