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The Redneck

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  1. Ya ves. Habéis conseguido que el único clan con capacidad (y ganas) de mojarse por los intereses de toda la facción se haya ido. Bravo. Lo que queda de jugadores en España es poco, malo y muy desorganizado. Joder que artistas estáis hechos algunos. La hostia
  2. D4mi4n / NielsVisser - what a surprise you guys here bringing...nothing...to the discussion. I did not expect less (or more) from either of you. Now, any proposal at all? anything? apart from copy and paste pics or a bearded guy that definitely does not look like you? I mean though.
  3. I think it is a bit sad that we’ve managed to get to this point. I have played NA for over a year now: found great people, made some friends. Got sunk, took prizes. We have discussed this issue at length, to no avail. I guess we all agree that NA has a lot of potential, but please let’s not forget that it is still a demo and not the final product. I have started to see a few negative reviews, mostly related to the nigh flips issue. To be honest, I cannot really understand what’s so cool about taking ports with no defence. It just seems to me a cowardly way of playing this game. As a Spaniard, I have fought against the US in numerous occasions, sometimes I have been in the winning side, sometimes not. But at least I have faced fully defended ports and screen fleets, not empty spaces. I felt that NA was designed to be a real OW, 24/7, where every player had the chance to enjoy it. Not any longer. I think the time to tackle this issue is now, otherwise we seriously face the risk of having a one-side game. We have started to see the haemorrhage of players from the eastern alliance, and the players left refusing to engage with the US players any longer. Let’s be mature, for the sake of the game and the community. I know that, as in real life, there are some toxic characters. Let’s ignore them and try to build a game that is enjoyable for all of us. Or either we agree to a solution now, or the NA is in serious jeopardy. My proposal is to revert to some kind of mix solution: the lord protector combined with flags and the current ‘heating’ system: a PB will be open once the area has reached 100% level, and its main port is open for PB within a time window of X hours around the time set up by the Lord Protector. The PB itself should open 24 hours after the zone has reached 100% heating (and not the current 48 hours, which impedes weekend attacks). Other solutions proposed are not great, including splitting the servers. But that’s is where we are heading now. Happy to discuss this, but only in a constructive manner. Trolls (you know who you are) please abstain of commenting here. good wind!
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