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Lytse Pier

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Everything posted by Lytse Pier

  1. Esto es exactamente por qué Tenakha Kahn puso en contacto conmigo y hablamos sobre ello ayer por la tarde. No podemos evitar que las personas individuales de hacer las cosas que desaprueban, y seguramente no era común en las guerras de Oriente. Ni Tenakha Kahn o el Consejo francés, ni a mí y el Consejo Holandés tienen el poder (ni lo que quieren) en la detención de personas que juegan el juego como quieren. Al igual que incluso se explica por una persona dentro de la nación británica: ni siquiera era consciente de que hizo algo malo, que para ser honestos incluso puedo entender y relacionarse. Ni siquiera yo, que juegan este juego casi a diario, tienen la Knowlegde lo que todas las salvedades están en el juego. Al final, es la tarea de los desarrolladores para tratar de eliminar los excesos. Como una comunidad de jugadores sólo podemos expresar cómo lo percibimos y cómo lo discutimos dentro de nuestros clanes activos nacionales y actuar uponn difusión de ese conocimiento. No hagas a los demás lo que no quiere hacer en ti mismo. Tengo la esperanza de que va a convencer a los demás para jugar el juego por esta regla de oro de la vida. Llámame un idealista, llámame ingenua, que al final es como la mayoría de los jugadores dentro de la nación holandesa quieren gastar su tiempo de juego, incluido yo. Para una prueba de carácter, pedir a los cuatro jugadores Constitución de la RAE que me etiquetados ayer noche en mi solitaria Ingermanland sobre cómo funciona el cerebro. ;-) ---------------------- This is exactly why Tenakha Kahn contacted me and we spoke about it yesterday evening. We cannot stop the individual people from doing things that we frown upon, and surely wasn't common in the Eastern Wars. Neither Tenakha Kahn or the French Council, nor me and the Dutch Council have the power (nor would we want to) in stopping people playing the game as they want to. Like was even explained by one person within the British Nation: he wasn't even aware he did something wrong, which to be honest I can even understand and relate to. Not even I, who play this game almost daily, have the knowlegde what all the caveats are in the game. In the end it is the developers task to try to weed the excesses. As a community of players we can only express how we perceive it and how we discussed it within our active national clans and act uponn spreading that knowledge. Don't do upon others what you don't want to be done onto yourself. It is my hope it will convince others to play the game by this golden rule of life. Call me an idealist, call me naive, in the end it is how most players within the Dutch Nation want to spend their gametime, including me. For a test of character, ask those four Constitution players from RAE that tagged me yesterday night in my lone Ingermanland on how my brain works. ;-)
  2. Very nice write up Thonar and good results! Note to myself: You still need to get a Rattlesnake, Lytse Pier.
  3. I can totally imagine. It is still a much requested feature within our Nation and clan that the one who initiates the combat has some control over who can enter the combat instance. It will probably be a hard thing to implement and balance, but having a fleet of 20 people engaging combat only to find yourself in a fleet with 11 friends and 12 random people not on your teamspeak is the other end of the spectrum. It will happen again when more people will come online again and join the fun. I don't know yet what I prefer to be honest. A small amount of players, trouble to put fleets together, but when in battle we get in all our members in the same battle instance; or a large amount of players, no trouble to put fleet s together, but problems getting them into the battle instance without to many random players interfering. There must be a sweet spot somwhere in between those two options. ????
  4. Sad to hear this Donjuan, if I can help let me know ingame!
  5. Yup, it's hard to get a good fleet together as we also now face lonely cutters and small ships tagging entire fleets on their way towards the opponents. Let's hope numbers will increase soon (and evenly for all nations).
  6. Yes, I know, but it seems a bit weird to transport produced raw tobacco from Saint Malo, Brittany, back to the Caribbean again unless there is some subsidized trade going on that we'd like to be aware of as a company.
  7. The Compaignie des heeren negentien (-XIX-) are interested in taking tobacco from your hands, we have barter in return in the form of fish, batavian spices or other produced goods. But to be clear on the location of the goods, you mean Saint Malo in Brittany, France?
  8. Wow, that would require quite some paella ... let's see if we Dutch can chew on your appetizer guns first and then discuss the dessert.
  9. Hahaha, that was Hugo's masterpiece indeed. for those that missed that old post, here it is: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13871-spian-surrenders-to-hugo-republic/?hl=saipan Unfortunaly Hugo's Republic was demotivated and crushed under the fierce boots of captain Bubbles, as I understood it. But like a weed, I'm sure these rebellious ambitions within the Vereenigde Provincien will surface again in the future.
  10. You'd be amazed what I'd do for a good plate of Paella!
  11. Never shall I forget those worth remembering! Fish and rice is a combination to be cherished within our Nation like the British have the holy combination of fish and chips! ???? Hope you can strengthen the front from time to time with your valuable input Nash!
  12. Don't underestimate our fishing fleet from Urk and Volendam! --- No hay que subestimar su flota pesquera de la Urk y Volendam!
  13. Saludos capitanes, Para explicar nuestros motivos. Somos una pequeña nación tratando de equilibrar las fuerzas del poder. Un papel que han asumido desde hace siglos. Respetamos sus capitanes, su liderazgo y su primeros más valor en la batalla. Tuvimos unas cuantas batallas con usted y que fue maravilloso! Ya nos encontramos con un buen número de capitanes de su nación en las aguas alrededor de Trinidad durante nuestra guerra con los franceses, pero estamos mirando hacia adelante para cumplir con algunos más. Nuestra alianza defensiva es con los británicos, que es cierto, pero también con los americanos, nuestro aliado mucho tiempo, y la nación sueca orgullosa. Como podríamos estar en los lados opuestos de la valla en esta guerra, que sin duda son afines en espíritu. Combatientes, honorable, tenaces y, a veces un poco exaltados. Si tiene algún problema con uno o más de nuestros jugadores "temperamentales", no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestro cuerpo de dilpomatic, como vamos a hacer con su cuerpo diplomático si las cosas se ponen demasiado enérgica. Para una observación de los "herejes", como Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, duque de hierro, dijo: "Los holandeses son peor que el diablo cuando están en contra de usted No nacen, el diablo los caga.". ;-) Con mucho respeto, nos mantenemos siempre disponible para el contacto, Lytse Pier --------------------- Greetings captains, To explain our motives. We are a small nation trying to balance out the forces of power. A role we have taken up for centuries. We respect your captains, your leadership and first most your prowess in battle. We had a few battles with you and they were marvelous! We already met quite a few captains of your nation in the waters around Trinidad during our war with the French, but we are looking forward to meet some more. Our defensive alliance is with the British, that is true, but also with the Americans, our long time ally, and the proud Swedish nation. As we might be on the opposite sides of the fence in this war, we certainly are kindred in spirit. Fighters, honourable, tenacious and sometimes a bit hotheaded. If you have any problems with one or more of our "temperamental" players, don't hesitate to contact our dilpomatic corps, as we shall do with your diplomatic corps if things get too spirited. To your remark of "herejes", like Fernando Àlvarez de Toledo, the iron duke said: "The dutch are worse then the devil when they are against you. They are not born, the devil shits them." ;-) With much respect, we remain always available for contact, Lytse Pier
  14. It is indeed a game, words well spoken, sir. Sometimes a few might loose track of that fact, but the majority of the captains within all nations just love to have some good fights. Weirdly enough though that no one considers this move in the light of trying to have the French not to reach New Orleans/Louisiana and pressure the Northern frontlines. ???? We do try to support all of our allies with our moves, even how modest those moves might be with our current readiness of the fleet (most of the Dutch captains are choosing the honorable path of being a humble fisherman).
  15. It was indeed a very nice fight. We saw the Pavels and we thought ... those are nicer to sink than a few towers and jumped our fleet and flag onto them. You guys reinforced them nicely and a nice even battle ensued with an equal ending. We'll see where it goes CeltiberoCaesar, it certainly changed the scenery for our captains, just as we wanted and needed for a bit, and I must say that, apart from the weird thought you have about us and the British, you guys are giving some really good fights. We hope you guys will like the battles too and the mutual respect on both sides will continue. Big salute from our small nation! o7
  16. Again excellent questions. Under the current Law and Plantation Act of 1714 that was ratified by the Republic, shortly after the Spanish War of Succession, the plantations in the Curacao area and Surinam became private properties, and available easier to men of non-noble bloodlines. Although the current Heeren do hold wharfs and plantations privately, it is not possible to have them under the conditions of the Octroy yet fr the company, I'm afraid. Their labour is however used for the companies benefits and valued accordingly. We are still looking into starting legal procedures into owning these facilities as a company. I've heard of you, good sir, and your relations with the court in The Hague, perhaps you could assist us in making this plea to have those facilities available for companies under Octroy?
  17. Thank you good sir for this excellent question. We are following the model of the VOC in this and are somewhat bound by the rules of the Octroy. It is the intent, and our obligation, to have the stock sold by the end of this year, hence already activating it. It furthermore creates a hidden reserve for our company, as the focus is on adding value to the stock in the first year of our existence.
  18. Meeting for the first monthly public financial statement of -XIX- July 2nd, 1716, Willemstad, Curaçao - at the Colonial office of the Heeren XIX. - The prominent figure of the chairman rose from his chair. On the red curtain behind the large table an emblem was embroidered depicting the corporate signature of the Compaignie des heeren XIX. As he stood up, he saw the freshly baked cookies from Willemstad’s famous “Bakkerij Bussing” still went around in the audience that was already enjoying a hot cup of excellent English tea, acquired through some recent friendly and profitable contacts with British traders. Heer Jon ‘t Ven toe Raay, obviously of noble blood with a difficult name as such, was accompanied by the other members of the board and all sat behind that large table facing the audience. The board members were wearing their best set of clothes and wigs and were looking quite dandy. He started his speech. It was a pleasant voice to listen to. “Ladies, gentlemen, as heer der Heeren of the Compaignie des heeren XIX, I welcome you to our very first public financial presentation. As all of you are aware we are doing business under Octroy of the Republic and are therefore a public company obliged to make these public announcements. The first one we wanted to do in style.” He smiled and saw a satisfied audience chewing their cookies in anticipation of things to come. Heer Evertsen de Oude will probably be correct that investing in cookies can be profitable in the end. “As for the order of the meeting I’ll first say something about the focus of our company, then the esteemed Heer of the Rekenkamer, Pier Donia, will announce the financial results of the last month. Lastly we are happy to talk to you personally about some of our investment opportunities and shareholder options if you would be interested in that.” He took a sip of his own tea and almost burnt his tongue. “The recent agreed truce, the Treaty of the Antilles at Montserrat, saw to it that Willemstad prices plummeted as demand went down. Our company, despite those hostilities in the Eastern parts of our colonies, was earning quite well with spoils of war and the high prices. However, we are in agreement with the Dutch Consortium on the necessity of a truce. A change of focus and market is henceforth being taken care of. Our newly erected fishing squadron will see to it that profitability remains and new markets around Haiti and Cuba are currently explored. Our recently renewed defensive fleet to combat piracy around the northern parts of the Caribbean has been vigilant and profitable. In regard to trade and construction, our shipyards are continuously building new ships and our warehouses are filled abundantly with materials to trade. The focus in the coming months will be to establish trade agreements with other companies of all the nations active throughout the Caribbean. Furthermore, our company will be active in hiring more employees the coming months who will be offered a great working environment in professional surroundings, with an actual share in the company. Pier, can I hand the attention of the audience to you for the financial statements?” New cookies arrived quickly, as guiding audiences through financial statements would certainly not be an exciting part for most people in this meeting. Heer van de Rekenkamer, Pier Donia, started his oratory. “Yes, thank you Heer. I shall keep it as brief and quick as possible. We have provided copies of the statements, which clearly shows a profit of a little over 26 million Guilders last month. Some benefits are directly cash related and some were to build our assets. To strengthen the value of the company, our board has decided to assign 16 million guilders to the equity by adding it to the Capital Reserve giving our company a worth of just over 45 million Guilders. This increased the value of the shares two point three times, with …, .... blablablabla ..., …, and thus 50.000 Guilders per share in dividend is reserved to an amount of 9,5 million Guilders and to be payed out to shareholders. With the current activities deploying, profitability should rise further in the coming months.” There were no more cookies left and Heer Jon ‘t Ven toe Raay quickly took over. “Thank you heer van de Rekenkamer, the public statements looks excellent! Ladies, Gentlemen, thank you for your patience and attention. We now can take some of your questions and if you would like to discuss our investment and job opportunities, please feel free to do so. All of our Heeren are available to you.” You can find more information about the Octroy of our company here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14593-octroy-voors-compaignie-heeren-neegentien-xix/?p=270412 You can find more information about the Treaty of Montserrat here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14809-preliminary-treaty-of-the-antilles-commerce-and-free-navigation-valid-as-soon-as-the-four-nations-sign/?p=274607
  19. It will be the day the game gets killed, or the best game will come to existence. Too be honest, I am on the fence about all of this elected Lordship stuff, but you probably knew that. I would however find it interesting to see it actually in action. I know I'm not the only one in this duality, but using a system like suggested by the devs still sounds like a game-mechanic-guided-social-experiment-of-pseudo-democracy-for-wannabe-despots-with-more-gametime-than-the-average-user to me. Aethlstan, very nice added depth to the idea the devs launched. I can totally imagine something like this when that lordship stuff gets implemented, but I think it will be quite a challenge to keep it balanced with irregular gameplay from players. I'd rather see investement in more cooperative gamingmechanics like a proper market, clanwarehousing with pricing and improvements on fleet mechanisms for getting a team into a battle/ops and keeping it more together than into putting individual players in a position of exclusive game content that will detract from the experience from others.
  20. It does indeed, hence we made announcement #3. A lot of people mistake a diplomat for a politician. Both have motives, both don't speak for themselves, but both serve different purposes. Politicians are the council, diplomats are for the council's foreign affairs in liaison. Shooting at messengers is easy, seeing for what they really are; intelligent, witty, but empty shells with words of others; could improve quality of live on both sides, but that is apparently harder then using the gun.
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