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USS Niagara (New Ship to Be Added)

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Ah, I didn't think about her width. Correct me if I'm wrong, but turning rate is really a function of surface area in contact with the water, as far as steering by sails go?

That's more hydrodynamics than I know. The one rule of thumb that's for certain is that having a short hull helps you spin like a top. And Boudriot states that fine ends increase the efficiency of the rudder, but I'm not sure about that.


But if you want to steer with sails, you're probably going to do it better in one direction than another, since most hulls and standard mast arrangements lead to weather or lee helm to different degrees.

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I don't see why she shouldn't get 32pd carronades. Likewise, I don't see why the Mercury doesn't get 24pd carronades (subbing for very short Russian 24s she carried). The weight equivalence by class is off in game (32pdr = 9lb long gun, not 12), but each carronade should really be in its own class (like the 18pdr carronade already is), as even where some smaller ships could carry the weight of a long gun they might not have the room or crew to work it. This has lead to the situation where many small ship broadsides and larger ship top works are allowed never carried or carried and found to be unworkable overarmament in long guns, but can't carry historical loadouts for carronades.


As she only carries 18 32pd nades and 2 long 12s, it would be strange to see her with anything else. As for what she could carry, i think the lake boats are a special case. Niagara and Lawrence were wide enough to have all long 12's if they were available - in fact both ships put both their chasers on one side during the battle on erie to increase their range. 


Does this have stern or bow chasers?


As above

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  • 5 months later...

The Niagara is not allowed in shallow port battles..................................................................


Why?  She has the same draft as a Lynx.  Hell, she's a lake vessel... :rolleyes:

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The Niagara is not allowed in shallow port battles..................................................................


Why?  She has the same draft as a Lynx.  Hell, she's a lake vessel... :rolleyes:


But she carries 20 32-pdrs carronades not like a Lynx  :D. Have you seen the damages on a Brig of one Niagara broadside ?


Right now, the Niagara is caught between 2 worlds because of her HP and her firepower : her only current opponents are the Mercury and the Cerberus.

And the Mercury has only 20 class 6-pdrs guns or 18-pdrs carronade ! (Correct me if I'm wrong)


The Niagara could fight in shallow port battles if there were others Corvettes / Brigs with about 24 18-pdrs or 20 32-pdrs carronades.

The 20-gun Rattlesnake is coming. Don't know the caliber of her carronades.  


Problem is that if Niagara were allowed in Shallow port battles, she'd be OP compared to the others and become the "Sol of the small ships". There'd be only Niagaras in those PB. No more small ships.


If the lineup grows, one could imagine a third kind of PB for medium ships with Mercury, Niagara, Brigs, Corvettes...

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Having seen the BR list for all the incoming and current ships id say Niagara should be the new top shallow water vessel. Remember there are corvettes to come - and they have lower BR than her.


Yes she packs a punch, but shes quite fragile to balance it out. Also because of the extremely low freeboard its 'challenging' to time the waves and get all shots on target.


I like the idea of an intermediate size port BTW - it could be an interesting solution - Sloop Brigs/ ships up to 12 pdr frigates could work.

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But she carries 20 32-pdrs carronades not like a Lynx  :D. Have you seen the damages on a Brig of one Niagara broadside ?


yep. Yesterday i test mine on mission vs two brigs and i didnt complete it with 32 carronades. I seen that damage on brig is pretty same as snow with 18 carronades do. They hit me hard and i sink only one brig. When second one was half damaged, i run from him



3 minutes of fight make me wana cry with bloody tears. Just straight to docks to never pick it again. THis ship have pump and purple extra planking and still you will stay on survive forever.


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But she carries 20 32-pdrs carronades not like a Lynx  :D. Have you seen the damages on a Brig of one Niagara broadside ?


Right now, the Niagara is caught between 2 worlds because of her HP and her firepower : her only current opponents are the Mercury and the Cerberus.

And the Mercury has only 20 class 6-pdrs guns or 18-pdrs carronade ! (Correct me if I'm wrong)


The Niagara could fight in shallow port battles if there were others Corvettes / Brigs with about 24 18-pdrs or 20 32-pdrs carronades.

The 20-gun Rattlesnake is coming. Don't know the caliber of her carronades.  


Problem is that if Niagara were allowed in Shallow port battles, she'd be OP compared to the others and become the "Sol of the small ships". There'd be only Niagaras in those PB. No more small ships.


If the lineup grows, one could imagine a third kind of PB for medium ships with Mercury, Niagara, Brigs, Corvettes...


It shouldn't matter what guns she carries.  It's already a race to the biggest ship in Port Battles anyway.  Once people can crew Mercs and Snows, trust me, that's all you'll see in Port Battles.


The issue is that she is a shallow draft ship.  She shouldn't be excluded from shallow battles because of "balance" nonsense.  Not to mention, she's SO fragile (again because of balance nonsense) that she is balanced out by that.  You think it's tough against the Martello towers in a Merc or Snow?  Wait until you get your Niagara hit by one...You'll forget about your "She'd be too OP" argument real fast.


Ships should just be historical in this game.  Making ships fit into a WoT tiering style always causes more issues because people cry "imbalance" more than they would if they were more historical (not to mention it just leaves everyone scratching their heads as in this case).  You just have to balance ships that are better than their peers through other means like availability and costs.


I totally agree about the "medium" PB you propose though.  Something for small frigates and lower.  That would be a good edition.  Then again, with the current system or either shallow port or deep water port, it's hard to justify why larger ships couldn't attack a deep water port or why small frigates should be allowed to attack shallow water ports.


The problem is just that it seems totally nonsense as to why some ships are nerfed for no real reason other than the devs want them to be and why other ships are buffed for no real reason to an ahistorical interpretation simply for the sake of "balance" which doesn't make any sense for warships in the first place.

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I wasn't too keen on having the lake boats in the open world, but that's a gorgeous model...  :D


Anyway, Niagra is very large for a brig, extremely fast, heavily armed, big crew. But all things come at a price, her draught and freeboard border on non-existent (I'm serious, she draws significantly less water than the Lynx), meaning rough weather would be "interesting" to say the least, and with such a large crew in a hull with next to nil capacity for provisions her range would be extremely limited. She was after all never designed to operate far from home, so that's how it is.


But yeah, seriously pretty model, stunningly close to the real ship.

shes a snow alex not a brig take a look at her rig

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"In the late 18th century, brigs started to set main courses as well, which gave rise to the term snow-brig. The difference was lessened even further when the snow-mast was replaced by a steel cable, at which point the term snow-brig gradually became interchangeable with the term brig and the term snow fell in disuse.



The "snow-brig" USS Niagara(center) in 1913.

The twin brigs Lawrence and Niagara, American warships of the Battle of Lake Erie, were both snow-brigs."

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