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Let's name the taverns in the open world

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There will be a lot of ports in the open world and those ports will have taverns for sailors to recreate between those voyages. Let's get some names for the devs to use. I'll periodically add entries people suggest in this post.


-The Sunk'n Norwegian

-The Dead Viking

-The One Eyed Parrot

-The Ale Barrel

-The Drunken Sailor
-Dog Watch
-The Rusty Anchor
-The Spirit Room
-The Busty Wench
-The Black Mongoose(in Port de Prince)
-The Still and West(was around in Nelsons time and is still in Buisness in Pompey!)
-The Admiral Benbow
-The Shovitt Inn
-The Newcastle Packet
-The Homewardbounder
-The Stump and Parrot


-Ocean View
-Ritz Cafe
-Harbor View
-Hideaway Pub
-Coach and six
-Coach and four
-King's Head
-The Crown
-The Royal Crown
-Portsmouth Inn
-The Casino
-Rising Tide
-Svedka Ice Bar
-Skyline Lounge
-RedFrog Pub
-Wipeout Bar
-Wheelhouse Bar
-Cellar Masters
-Cruise critic
-The Hung Drawn And Quartered
-The Jolly Taxpayer
-The Nobody Inn Bunch Of Carrots
-The Quiet Woman The Cat And Custard Pot
-The Three Legged Mare
-The Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps Inn
-The Q Inn
-Poosie Nansie’s
-The Swan With Two Necks
-The Case Is Altered
-The Skiving Scholar
-The Pyrotechnists Arms
-I Am The Only Running Footman
-The Drunken Duck
-The Bull And Spectacles
-The Gate Hangs Well
-The Goat And Compasses
-The Legend Of Oily Johnnies
-Brown Edge
-My Father’s Moustache
-The Bucket Of Blood
-The Broken Drum
-Willy's Roundabout
-The Carlisle Sound
-The Three Sheets House
-The Stowed Anchor
-Jack Stagger's
-The Toppled Yardarm
-The Wet Cannon
-Ben Gunn's Remise
-The Rumrunner
-Rutger's Alehouse
-Hangman's Hatch
-The Squalid Squid
-Bonnie Prince Charlie's
-The Hammered Ale


Dutch names:

-De Zeven Zonden (The Seven sins)
-De Zeerover (The "sea-robber" ~= casual word for pirate)
-Het Groot Genot (literally "the large enjoyment")
-De Hoorn des Overvloeds (The Horn of Plenty / Cornucopia)
-De Vliegvis (the flying fish)
-Moeders mooiste ("mommy's prettiest...")
-De Dronken Draak (The Drunk Dragon)
Scottish names:
-Black Bull
-The Beehive Inn
-The White Hart Inn
-Last Drop
-Maggie Dickson's Pub
-Biddy Mulligans
-The Fiddler's Arms
-The Grassmarket Bar
-Bobby's Bar
-Oz Bar
-The Bow Bar
-Finnegan's Wake
Edited by Ivan
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Doesn't have to be all Ingles-ish right?

Just throwing some potential Dutch tavern names around:


De Zeven Zonden (The Seven sins)

De Zeerover (The "sea-robber" ~= casual word for pirate)

Het Groot Genot (literally "the large enjoyment")

De Hoorn des Overvloeds (The Horn of Plenty / Cornucopia)

De Vliegvis (the flying fish)

Moeders mooiste ("mommy's prettiest...")

De Dronken Draak (The Drunk Dragon)

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Rising Tide


Svedka Ice Bar

Skyline Lounge

RedFrog Pub

Wipeout Bar

Wheelhouse Bar

Cellar Masters

Cruise critic

The Hung Drawn And Quartered

The Jolly Taxpayer

The Nobody Inn Bunch Of Carrots

The Quiet Woman The Cat And Custard Pot

The Three Legged Mare

The Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps Inn

The Q Inn

Poosie Nansie’s

The Swan With Two Necks

The Case Is Altered

The Skiving Scholar

The Pyrotechnists Arms

I Am The Only Running Footman

The Drunken Duck

The Bull And Spectacles

The Gate Hangs Well

The Goat And Compasses

The Legend Of Oily Johnnies

Brown Edge

My Father’s Moustache

The Bucket Of Blood

Edited by Admiral_Of_The_Fleet
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Willy's Roundabout

The Carlisle Sound

The Three Sheets House

The Stowed Anchor

Jack Stagger's

The Toppled Yardarm

The Wet Cannon

Ben Gunn's Remise

The Rumrunner

Rutger's Alehouse

Hangman's Hatch

The Squalid Squid

Bonnie Prince Charlie's

The Hammered Ale

Edited by William the Drake
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Rutger's Alehouse


I can't argue with that one!

All aboard! :D (or more accurately.. all under the table...)

I guess as Flemish we could be exporting beer. After all, Stella Artois dates back to 1366 B)


Attempting a few French ones (it's a bit rusty so please feel free to correct, dear francophiles!):

La Mouette Fou (The crazy seagull)

Le Poissson (word play on fish=poisson and poison=poisson)

La Sirène Laide (the ugly mermaid)

La Fantôme de l'épave (the ghost of the sunken ship)


I'll leave others to actual French speakers ^_^

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Those are true french hostels/taverns names :


Le cheval blanc

La boule d'or

Le lys

Le lys d'argent

Le lion d'or

Au fer à cheval

Le canon d'or

Au mouton noir

Chez Collinet

A la tête de bœuf

Aux trois anneaux

Au maillet

A la belle image

Aux trois faisans

A la Galère

Aux trois pigeons

Au petit Paris

AU petit Louvre

Aux trois cantons

Edited by Dagann
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There's a pub in Hayle, Cornwall called the bucket of blood. Out her good sou'wester pubs are the highwayman, the Jamaica inn, the Turks head, the quayside, the trafalgar and the victory! In fact any port of a reasonable size would provide excellently named watering holes regardless of geographic location!

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