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>>>v1.09+ Feedback<<<

Nick Thomadis

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The war declaration mechanics desperately need fixing. I keep having countries which are already at war with 6 or 7 other nations declare war on me. Not only is this completely ridiculous, I cannot win the war because their ships are apparently all busy fighting the other nations. I've just spend a year in game trying, and failing, to have an actual fight with the Russian Navy after they declared war on me. This wouldn't matter, except that fighting a war tanks your GDP.

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An encounter/mission shouldn't prevent ships from moving AT ALL during that entire month.

I am Spain, at war with Austria-Hungary. I have a massive blockading fleet in the East Med. Suddenly, I'm at war with Italy. Italy has NOTHING. They've been wiped out by endless wars with the UK & only have 3 submarines to their names and a CL or two. I want to move my blockading fleet back to home ports in Spain/West Med. However, every single month, I get a stupid submarine mission (side note: these are bugged, see below). I easily repel the subs or even kill one of them. Problem: this prevents my ships from moving at all, so they stay put. Apparently, I'm somehow too close to Italian mines, and every month a good quarter of my fleet gets entirely sunk by mines. It's been four months now & all my destroyers are dead, half of my capital ships & cruisers are dead, and I'm still getting the god damn sub mission when I'm RIGHT NEXT to my port. I can't move because I keep getting the sub mission, so I can't leave the minefield that keeps killing my ships. I have destroyers coming in from all over the global empire to help, but it doesn't matter--Italy has sunk more battleships than in the rest of my 15 year campaign just with their 3 submarines.


Please don't make encounters completely freeze your task force in position. It needs to still be able to move or it will keep accumulating damage & be unable to return to port.


BUG: Submarine missions against large fleets freeze the game. The application's still responsive--you can still mess with the UI, but you can't do anything until you go to the main menu & return, at which point it'll have resolved without an issue. The more boats, the longer sub missions take to resolve. I timed one & it took 30 minutes to figure itself out against a large task force. Again, going to the main menu & back works fine, so it's obviously trying to think about something it doesn't have to.

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Bug with random engine damage after the battle was cured, but the bug with random damage to the hull was not.

This thing has been present for a very long time. Finally I have a crystal clear example. Here is everything that we love so much. 

Well, it seems that on the 6th(!!!) turn my ships were finally able to sink one Spanish submarine. However, one of my cruisers was damaged (HOW). I didn't take a screenshot, but there was 10% damage to the hull. I separated her from the group and sent her to the nearest port.

Of course, she ran into an enemy TF. Which stands in the same position as my entire large TF. But they were very busy resting after they finally heroically sank one submarine (you know, it's not easy to sink a submarine with 400mm guns).

I took the fight and what we see is that the hull received another 10% damage out of nowhere. Okay. The enemy decided to run away, I destroyed 4 old cruisers without taking damage. The destroyer retreated.



I expected that on the next turn I would attack the destroyer again, and take damage out of nowhere. However, something happened that happens very rarely - my cruiser returned to her task force (I didn't move this TF). Surprisingly, this TF had no battles in June. However...


After a battle in which my ship wasn't even scratched, she received new damage out of nowhere. And so it happens with every damaged ship.

Please fix it, just like the engines were fixed. This is a very old bug.

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47 minutes ago, Lima said:

Bug with random engine damage after the battle was cured, but the bug with random damage to the hull was not.

This thing has been present for a very long time. Finally I have a crystal clear example. Here is everything that we love so much. 

Well, it seems that on the 6th(!!!) turn my ships were finally able to sink one Spanish submarine. However, one of my cruisers was damaged (HOW). I didn't take a screenshot, but there was 10% damage to the hull. I separated her from the group and sent her to the nearest port.

Of course, she ran into an enemy TF. Which stands in the same position as my entire large TF. But they were very busy resting after they finally heroically sank one submarine (you know, it's not easy to sink a submarine with 400mm guns).

I took the fight and what we see is that the hull received another 10% damage out of nowhere. Okay. The enemy decided to run away, I destroyed 4 old cruisers without taking damage. The destroyer retreated.



I expected that on the next turn I would attack the destroyer again, and take damage out of nowhere. However, something happened that happens very rarely - my cruiser returned to her task force (I didn't move this TF). Surprisingly, this TF had no battles in June. However...


After a battle in which my ship wasn't even scratched, she received new damage out of nowhere. And so it happens with every damaged ship.

Please fix it, just like the engines were fixed. This is a very old bug.

Are you sure you're not suffering mine damage? Keep an eye on the mine damage reports--my working theory is that the fact that task forces are continuously suffering damage & crew losses (keep an eye on your Fleet tab) is due to mines hitting you when you're in an area near (not even in!) them.

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2 hours ago, neph said:

An encounter/mission shouldn't prevent ships from moving AT ALL during that entire month.

I am Spain, at war with Austria-Hungary. I have a massive blockading fleet in the East Med. Suddenly, I'm at war with Italy. Italy has NOTHING. They've been wiped out by endless wars with the UK & only have 3 submarines to their names and a CL or two. I want to move my blockading fleet back to home ports in Spain/West Med. However, every single month, I get a stupid submarine mission (side note: these are bugged, see below). I easily repel the subs or even kill one of them. Problem: this prevents my ships from moving at all, so they stay put. Apparently, I'm somehow too close to Italian mines, and every month a good quarter of my fleet gets entirely sunk by mines. It's been four months now & all my destroyers are dead, half of my capital ships & cruisers are dead, and I'm still getting the god damn sub mission when I'm RIGHT NEXT to my port. I can't move because I keep getting the sub mission, so I can't leave the minefield that keeps killing my ships. I have destroyers coming in from all over the global empire to help, but it doesn't matter--Italy has sunk more battleships than in the rest of my 15 year campaign just with their 3 submarines.


Please don't make encounters completely freeze your task force in position. It needs to still be able to move or it will keep accumulating damage & be unable to return to port.


BUG: Submarine missions against large fleets freeze the game. The application's still responsive--you can still mess with the UI, but you can't do anything until you go to the main menu & return, at which point it'll have resolved without an issue. The more boats, the longer sub missions take to resolve. I timed one & it took 30 minutes to figure itself out against a large task force. Again, going to the main menu & back works fine, so it's obviously trying to think about something it doesn't have to.

Yes this, 100x this. 

The campaign system itself is opaque and illogical. I'm malding right now because my fleets are trapped due to this very poorly thought out system. "Sea Control" - "Invade" -- these are not actual missions. You're just putting ships in a sea zone with certain probabilities of interactions with no thought about why certain ships are being matched up against others. 


Edited by admiralsnackbar
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26 minutes ago, neph said:

Are you sure you're not suffering mine damage? Keep an eye on the mine damage reports--my working theory is that the fact that task forces are continuously suffering damage & crew losses (keep an eye on your Fleet tab) is due to mines hitting you when you're in an area near (not even in!) them.

Absolutely. This bug is easy to check, try it yourself. It is VERY old.

As for mines, every turn I get reports on the destruction of dozens of Spanish and American submarines, and nothing else. It is absolutely safe to release ships in this area (I own all of North Africa). There is only one minelayer left in Corsica.

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For all her suffering, P-31 receives magical repair

One day I will understand how the magic teleport to the port works. I have TF with "Low" priority which return to the port after a couple of scratches and TF with "Very high" which remain at sea with 50% damage. But anyway.



64% damage - everything is "fine"


Also a very old problem. The ship did not receive damage in this battle, there is nothing to give points for.


TF returned to the port and P-31 is definitely fine. Yes, it's right after the fight. You can check the date.





Edited by Lima
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10 minutes ago, Lima said:

For all her suffering, P-31 receives magical repair

One day I will understand how the magic teleport to the port works. I have TF with "Low" priority which return to the port after a couple of scratches and TF with "Very high" which remain at sea with 50% damage. But anyway.



64% damage - everything is "fine"


Also a very old problem. The ship did not receive damage in this battle, there is nothing to give points for.


TF returned to the port and P-31 is definitely fine. Yes, it's right after the fight. You can check the date.





oh i have had a FEW ships that were like 80% damage, in port for a few turns repairing, for them to be on the other side of the planet fighting ships, just for the game giving them the WIN due to it being stronger and i was damaged. from mines, or a previous battle

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10 hours ago, Lima said:

My main problem is probably the reason why you like it. It's too easy. I want a challenge. And AI is simply not able to control doomstack either at the tactical or strategic level. 

At the strategic level, AI does not update ships in the fleet, which means there will be a bunch of old ships. Also, AI doomfleet has huge problems with fuel/mines/submarines. If their home is attacked, doomfleet does't pay attention to it.

At the tactical level, AI cannot control a large number of ships, it just feels like a beating and not a battle.

Often it just doesn't make sense. Look at these 60 Japanese destroyers. In case of war, I'll just sweep them away with a couple of battleships equipped with radar. If they were operating in small groups, against which my destroyers would be directed, it would be much more difficult.

I want to see major battleship battles, not the destruction of a crowd of small ships. I had several battles with doomstacks where large lines of battleships fought (37 italian BBs), it was a lot of fun.

Yeah I recently had a battle in German campaign mode where my radar equipped task force in Tsingtao took out the entire Chinese battle fleet of 69 light cruisers. LOL what a slaughter.

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11 hours ago, Marshall99 said:

My problem is not with dealing with a huge fleet. It is challenging, I have to say. But without pre battle formations my fleet is a mess most of the time

Secondly many of us don't have top of the line PCs. I have 1-3 FPS when I am dealing with these 100+fleets. 

This way it is unplayable

Oh yeah, I experience the slideshow when that doomstack arrives. My computer is ten years old and barely held together by nicotine. And it wasn't the absolutely cutting edge when I bought it either.

But she's a good reliable companion.

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14 hours ago, Lima said:

My main problem is probably the reason why you like it. It's too easy. I want a challenge. And AI is simply not able to control doomstack either at the tactical or strategic level. 

At the strategic level, AI does not update ships in the fleet, which means there will be a bunch of old ships. Also, AI doomfleet has huge problems with fuel/mines/submarines. If their home is attacked, doomfleet does't pay attention to it.

At the tactical level, AI cannot control a large number of ships, it just feels like a beating and not a battle.

Often it just doesn't make sense. Look at these 60 Japanese destroyers. In case of war, I'll just sweep them away with a couple of battleships equipped with radar. If they were operating in small groups, against which my destroyers would be directed, it would be much more difficult.

I want to see major battleship battles, not the destruction of a crowd of small ships. I had several battles with doomstacks where large lines of battleships fought (37 italian BBs), it was a lot of fun.

last doomstack i fought had 11 BBs and 5 BCs facing my 5 BBs. I lost a super cruiser and a DD, the first ships I had lost all campaign, and I only won because all my own BBs were purpose built for long range and could afford to hang back and whittle down the enemy before closing once they were all damaged.
If I had built my ships like stealth or brother munro does with short ranged focus then than battle would have been a pyrhic victory at best.
From my perspective it was the first battle in a 10 year campaign that wasn't a complete comp stomp, but where I actually had to use my brain a little.
I agree the AI couldn't handle it, they didn't use their screens effectively and many of them bugged out and stopped moving entirely, so immersion wise it was worse than the little fights, but at least the game got difficult for a few minutes.

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19 hours ago, Admiral Donuts said:

I don't understand why people complain about doomstacks all the time. I mean I've never had any problem dealing with them. They bring their junkyard navy, I scrap it with a handful of ships, war usually over. I love it when they try to bring the hurt. Welcome to the meatgrinder.

Is it just me?

Yeah, most Doomstacks are made of of old warships, so dealing with them or outrunning them is usually  not a problem. For high-end PCs, that is. Medium-Range or low-end systems have a hell of a lag in such large battles, if they start at all.

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3 hours ago, Draco said:

last doomstack i fought had 11 BBs and 5 BCs facing my 5 BBs. I lost a super cruiser and a DD, the first ships I had lost all campaign, and I only won because all my own BBs were purpose built for long range and could afford to hang back and whittle down the enemy before closing once they were all damaged.
If I had built my ships like stealth or brother munro does with short ranged focus then than battle would have been a pyrhic victory at best.
From my perspective it was the first battle in a 10 year campaign that wasn't a complete comp stomp, but where I actually had to use my brain a little.
I agree the AI couldn't handle it, they didn't use their screens effectively and many of them bugged out and stopped moving entirely, so immersion wise it was worse than the little fights, but at least the game got difficult for a few minutes.

It depends very much on AI designs. I've had a lot of battles with doomfleet, but only the British and French have caused problems. Other countries have very bad BBs.

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Designer bug - a gas turbine engine do not use boiler, but is it so?

Let's choose turbines with natural boilers.


Then choose gas turbines.


Now. Let's go back to the turbines, choose balanced boilers and then choose gas turbines again.


-100% boiler weight, but as you can see, balanced boilers affects on weight and engine efficiency.

Edit: the same bug applies to diesels. It's just not so noticeable because of their high efficiency.

Edited by Lima
+ diesels
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On 11/26/2022 at 10:20 AM, Lima said:

My ships left the shipyard with 2,400 tons of displacement. Then something happened and they became 2436t. I can fix it very easily - I just need to click "Refit". Ships will even displace less. Why are technologies that add weight applied to the operating ship instantly (some of my ships have not seen the port for years, as it happened), and those that reduce it - after refit? It is just wrong. If you're doing something to my ship, tell me about it.

Again, this refit in 1928 was 2,400 tons of displacement. I did absolutely nothing with these ships, but at some point their displacement increased. Even with those ships that have been at sea for years. I don't touch the priorities of technology, let everything develop as it is supposed to. So everything is fine with hull/boiler technologies. And it can be seen, if I refit, if I get less displacement than 2400.

Juggling research priorities is a game mechanic, and the ships work fine until the next refit, its a game about designing ships as much as anything else, it happens IRL. New crap is constantly going aboard my clients boats and every few years I need to take a boat in hand and re-trim, chuck gear. I just re-trimmed my #1 work skiff (ok, not super close, but still steel) to adjust for ten years of adding weight and got much better performance. the old boats went 11-12kts with 175hp, the new boats go up to 43mph with a 350hp. My point, is that this is an ok mechanic that has not stopped my gameplay for a moment, because it's part of the gameplay.

that's the best workboat photo ever taken. I was born somewhere over to the right, and of course the Statue of Liberty where my grandparents arrived in 1905 fleeing the Russians.



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It is just wrong. In the current state of the game. To install mk2 I need to make a refit, but the weighting of my ships at sea with some new devices happens instantly. It is inconsistent.

We can say that this is logistics, for example, we do not produce old radio stations etc. Well, somehow we still produce all these shells of 20 different calibers for different versions of guns.

Also, the captured ships are changing, which I can't even refit.

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3 hours ago, Lima said:


It is just wrong. In the current state of the game. To install mk2 I need to make a refit, but the weighting of my ships at sea with some new devices happens instantly. It is inconsistent.

We can say that this is logistics, for example, we do not produce old radio stations etc. Well, somehow we still produce all these shells of 20 different calibers for different versions of guns.

Also, the captured ships are changing, which I can't even refit.

well i don't have that problem with captured ships cause just give me the cash or provinces, thanks!

Some things, like heavier shells, you would expect to just show up, even though some of them seem to require heavier armor. But it's a game, and some game-play mechanics have to be a little loose to emulate real life.

I just went through that period in my usa full campaign where all the shell and internal addons were building up while I was concentrating on getting my Mk5 16" turrets out for refit. As soon as I got there, I slammed back to hull strength, engine, and armor (modern 2), which got all my big ships from 2000 to 4000 tons free, so I added enough deck and belt to get stability to all awesome.

When I play a campaign, I jam research to max until 1945.

I jam Training until it gets fairly full around 1900 and then 60% pretty much the rest of the game, I salvage every crewman before scrapping a ship.

And try to get that GDP up as high as you can because all spending is scaled off that

research is also doubled in war so those constant border wars are perfect

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I just had a slightly aggravating event happen for the second time in the campaign.


My task force went into battle completely undamaged, then, once I got into the battle itself, most if not all of my ships had 30-40% structural damage. Undeterred, I fought and won that battle handily, even though I had to cede VP to the enemy for the undocumented damage.


Once I got back to the map and went to the next turn, I then was notified my ships had received mine damage (even though I was nowhere near mines, and had a hefty escort of minesweeping DD's in the task force)


Ok, fine, that's understandable if it was just the notifications being a turn late.


But wait.....


After that turn, I was confronted with a large enemy TF (the whole reason I formed mine to begin with) who suddenly after 5 turns of trying to corner is more than happy to seek battle with my damaged force.


Ok, no big deal, the AI is fairly clumsy so I engage.  To my horror, 2 of my BB's are now at 5 and 6% structural integrity. Why? Who knows? Most of my TF also received more damage with the exception of one BC, who magically repaired himself to 100%.


So, after handing the AI it's rear end, and managing to only lose one DD the battle was finished. Still won handily.


Now, I've returned to the world map to move my fleet back to port for repairs, and...... my TF is totally undamaged 🤷‍♂️


I'm lost , and just a little frustrated . I've sent bug reports in game at each event. I really enjoy this game, but the mine mechanic is getting a bit much lately.



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22 hours ago, Admiral Donuts said:

Oh yeah, I experience the slideshow when that doomstack arrives. My computer is ten years old and barely held together by nicotine. And it wasn't the absolutely cutting edge when I bought it either.

But she's a good reliable companion.

I get stutter on doomstacks even with a recently upgraded CPU.

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Can you guys do something about the barbette restriction on the modern Japanese BB 1? These are pushed out to the edges as far as they can be, for anything that isn't "huge" and up. A primary and secondary tower can't even be placed between that. The modern Japanese BB 2 with that slope in the front, has similar issues with less than huge barbettes, among many other problems.


If you want to use this hull for guns smaller than 18 inch, you have to use these absurdly oversized barrettes to do it. its 1925 when im designing this, don't even have mk1 18in guns yet, not that id ever use any mk1 gun.


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