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>>> Beta 1.09 Feedback (Released)<<<

Nick Thomadis

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12 minutes ago, Lima said:

@Nick Thomadis Can you please explain why I get these +250 VP every turn? I get them from every country, even Japan, which has just declared war on me.


The 250 VP is the amout you whould get if you were blockading a nation but it seams to be buggy right now.

It seams to sometimes just be given to one side during a conflict without any blockades and in an extreme case were I got the +250VP per turn when I was blockaded by China and Russia, if it hade ben working as intended it would have been the chinese and russians which sould have gotten the VP.

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@Nick Thomadis

Is America going to have any other ports around the world?

Because Britain, France, Germany, Spain does, and even a couple for Italy around South Africa. They have the advantage of repairing ships close to foreign nations. America, being a major miliary and financial power, you would expect some foreign ports under their control. Also, from a campaign gameplay point of view, America should not be levelled as a hardcore nation, there's already other nations for that. Japan also is in the same boat.

I only been running campaigns from 1910 (America) onwards, so feedback is based on that timeframe, could be a thing for 1890 onwards too.


When allied, shouldn’t nations be able to repair ships in their ports? is this planned?

Ok first, the AI doesn’t have to have this ability right away, it can be programmed later, but for the human player, repairing in foreign ports would help the above point but also isn’t it what it was IRL? Did not nations repair allies ships? Seems this aspect is missing from the game.


Is a wraparound map planned? - continuous scrolling left or right.  

It's not user-friendly selecting taskforces on the east coast of America and then scrolling the map all the way left to plot their course into Asia/Oceanica, vice-versa moving fleets other way. And the info tabs are in the way, if you have more than 5-6 wars, there's only a small gap between tabs to select any taskforces station on the far right of the map. Yes, minor QOL issue but it would improve the UI tenfold if implemented. 

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This image I think does a good job showing the optimization issues at play here. It is stuck loading a turn and doing all that processing on a single thread.

This cannot release in this state. Even running at 5ghz, load times are unreasonable, to downright stopping loading. Basically stop doing small fixes that are supposed to improve load times and actually optimize the game so that it is playable by letting it work on multiple threads.

Also since the game is frozen, I can't actually send in a bug report when this happens...


EDIT: We need to talk about Victory points and negotiation. The Player needs to have some ability to sue for peace. I've been in a constant war for 7 years in this campaign, had maybe 12 battles, and am crushing the 3 belligerents in VPs. Why have none of them sued for peace yet? I just want some overseas territory!

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3 hours ago, Eirchirfir said:

The 250 VP is the amout you whould get if you were blockading a nation but it seams to be buggy right now.

It seams to sometimes just be given to one side during a conflict without any blockades and in an extreme case were I got the +250VP per turn when I was blockaded by China and Russia, if it hade ben working as intended it would have been the chinese and russians which sould have gotten the VP.

Don't you get points for controlling areas too? 

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48 minutes ago, Schmitty21 said:

Don't you get points for controlling areas too? 

I do not think so, but I was blockaded at the time I got the 250 VP/turn so I was for sure not in controll of the sea region at the time. It also seams to contiune after the blockades are lifted.

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10 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

Something else that is broken... thought the AI couldn't build invalid ships....




I do not know about you all but I would love a destroyer with 3.8" of armor!   Shipdesigner maxes out at 1.5" on each entry


Turret side armor can have 3.8" on a destroyer. Not a bug.

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13 minutes ago, o Barão said:

Turret side armor can have 3.8" on a destroyer. Not a bug.

Thanks, I never put a lot of armor on my tin can's turrets so I was un-aware that was the max armor that showed up!

On a different note... I would like to thank the AI for being a Big Chicken!


The cruisers + destroyers could have easily overwhelmed my Protected cruiser and Torpedo boat

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Resurrected my Japanese campaign. Everything was going normally, no crashes, no delays.

Then the Russian fleet showed up and I suffered the WORST battle experience I have ever had. I completely lost control of the task force. It was like the Russians were doing whatever they wanted, and my boys were just randomly milling about and eating torpedoes.

All avoidance was off, and I turned off avoid ships. Yet my fleet would just....do whatever it wanted and would NOT coordinate. The enemy fleet was spotting me in good weather at long range, but I could not see their ships until they were right on top of me. And I have every technological advantage at this stage.

That was frustrating and crappy gameplay.

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It's very difficult to get taskforces to fight. I can have my own taskforce sit right next to the enemy and nothing wil lhappen for many turns. Yes, I have scouts in the taskforce as well, taskforce set to sea control.

This makes it very difficult to blockade narrow passages, as the enemy just sails on through.

Speaking of blocking passage, why can't the USA close panama canal? Why can't the British close Suez?

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The ship's speed bug in formation is still here.

The damaged ship is moving at the speed of the lead ship, even if this is by no means possible. In addition, when such a ship separates, its speed drops to 0 and does not recover (even if the ship has not received critical damage, for example, small flooding).


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Ok why is Austria insane and declaring war on everyone. Declaring war while losing a multi front war. Declaring war after having just lost a war. Declaring war when all they have is 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers to their name and the nation THEY decide to attack has over 100 ships....why?

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29 minutes ago, Ecallaweht said:

Ok why is Austria insane and declaring war on everyone. Declaring war while losing a multi front war. Declaring war after having just lost a war. Declaring war when all they have is 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers to their name and the nation THEY decide to attack has over 100 ships....why?

Yup, I just came in here to say wars need to be toned down. Since the first war started I have been at war continuously. At some point both france and spain declared on me when I am sure they only had very limited negative opinion -15 to -25 at best. Wars also just keep going way to long even when nothing is going on. Enemy hardly has a fleet any more, already had a revolution and fired the admiral. Been blockaded for god knows how long but war just doesnt end. 
FINALLY get both russia and japan to sue for peace, but i'm still at war with because of spain and france no reason declaration. 3 turns later, LITERALLY only 3 turns, Russia declares again.

Tbh i think i'm gonna quit for a bit and wait a few patches

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I seem to be stuck in a never-ending 'cold' war with Russia... I've sent my ships to the baltic, black sea and Asia, and I see very little action with them. I've been at war with them for 10 years so far haha! In comparison, war with Japan lasted a couple of years with a lot of action.

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Slight bug with mission generation here I think.
Every single month of the war thus far I've gotten a "Battlecruiser to the Rescue" mission. Problem is they've always looked like this:

That's every single operational capital ship in the entire Japanese navy being "Rescued" from 2 CL's. 
The AI, rather understandably, isn't too keen on committing suicide by 356mm APC, and is just going to retreat from this battle as soon as it starts, just like the last 20 times this has happened. Also, I wouldn't exactly call a convoy sailing with 7 BB's and 6 BC's "unescorted." So, this rather clearly isn't a rescue mission like it was in previous patches, but rather one BC rather awkwardly reinforcing a one-sided slaughter of a battle, should the AI actually advance to contact.

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