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Green on Green

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29 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

But why are we forced to be friendly to an enemy nation that joins on our side. I still think Green on Green should only pertain to same nations in a battle.  All other nations should be Free for all cause I wouldn't let just some pirate come help me or the current enemy I'm at war with just cause he joined my side of a battle. 

Of course this isn't the PvP zones where we are suppose to join up with sides and kill each other, the problem seems to be a OW in actually zones we are fighting over with multi nations.

I Sir Texas Sir has the right of it. Admin has repeatedly said "on the War server, all nations are at war". So why do we force a Dutch player not to shoot a British player inside a battle simply because his flag got switched when he joined. The player is still Dutch, thereby, he is "at war" with the British and the British ship is (or at least should be) fair game. Players should not get their flag switched when they enter battle.


That said, under the current mechanics, intentionally shooting a team mate, even if they are from a different nation, is green on green. What's funny is that GR didn't initially deny he was shooting green on green, just that he hit the wrong player.

Edited by GrubbyZebra
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On 2/4/2020 at 8:45 PM, z4ys said:

You still lose HP (sail/hull) = need to repair  + you can even sink after battle is over

Its like hitting someone and say "Dont be such a sissy pain will go away" While its actual right pain will go away does it make hitting someone legal?


its about nothing
one only thinks of a scratch here and there, and not even sunk yet.
have you already thought of the one who lost his entire ship?

  oh well we all need a psychiatrist at times

this is also about nothing
just about big egos that are running around a bit

but everything is permitted in court.

do not forget :

The public prosecutor can decide, inter alia, on grounds of public interest to prosecute or not to prosecute. The case is then dismissed.

that can be changed at court, which can make you pay for the unlawful process.


case dismissed.

Edited by Thonys
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8 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

But why are we forced to be friendly to an enemy nation that joins on our side. I still think Green on Green should only pertain to same nations in a battle.  All other nations should be Free for all cause I wouldn't let just some pirate come help me or the current enemy I'm at war with just cause he joined my side of a battle. 

Of course this isn't the PvP zones where we are suppose to join up with sides and kill each other, the problem seems to be a OW in actually zones we are fighting over with multi nations.

You are not forced to be friendly to an enemy nation, when they join the battle they are flying the same flag as you so are the same nation as you. Its no different than saying why am I forced to be friendly with a person that has used prolific forger to join my nation. The person joining the battle has a choice to join you or not, but once they join you then they are your ally during that instance.

If it worked as you suggest then instances would become free for all's with people joining on your side just to sink you and help out the person you are attacking. The only other option is to prevent a third nations players joining in an instance, but I am sure more players would dislike that, because it would allow exploits for people to escape being tagged by starting a battle with a friend from a different nation.

Even if you allowed multiple nations in an instance for a free for all, you would have to have a complex RoE and how would you ensure it was a free for all and not just a gank of 2, 3 or more nations players against 1. Example: a Brit ship of 500 BR attacks a French ship of the same BR, in the first 2 minutes a Prussian and a Dane join the battle again with similar BR. You now have 4 nations in the instance, are they all forced to fight each other or will they gang up 3 against 1 then 2 against 1? and what happens if only two nations are left but they are friends, how does the battle end? It would just be a mess. Also how would the battle remain open if there were different BR's, you could have lower BR in a battle and another nation joins on your side 15 minutes into the battle with the only intent to kill you and not the bigger target you are facing. It just would not work.

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3 minutes ago, Archaos said:

You are not forced to be friendly to an enemy nation, when they join the battle they are flying the same flag as you so are the same nation as you. Its no different than saying why am I forced to be friendly with a person that has used prolific forger to join my nation. The person joining the battle has a choice to join you or not, but once they join you then they are your ally during that instance.

If it worked as you suggest then instances would become free for all's with people joining on your side just to sink you and help out the person you are attacking. The only other option is to prevent a third nations players joining in an instance, but I am sure more players would dislike that, because it would allow exploits for people to escape being tagged by starting a battle with a friend from a different nation.

Even if you allowed multiple nations in an instance for a free for all, you would have to have a complex RoE and how would you ensure it was a free for all and not just a gank of 2, 3 or more nations players against 1. Example: a Brit ship of 500 BR attacks a French ship of the same BR, in the first 2 minutes a Prussian and a Dane join the battle again with similar BR. You now have 4 nations in the instance, are they all forced to fight each other or will they gang up 3 against 1 then 2 against 1? and what happens if only two nations are left but they are friends, how does the battle end? It would just be a mess. Also how would the battle remain open if there were different BR's, you could have lower BR in a battle and another nation joins on your side 15 minutes into the battle with the only intent to kill you and not the bigger target you are facing. It just would not work.

sounds like a blast.

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23 hours ago, Mad Dog Morgan said:

I'd just like to know why this community uses the term Green on Green instead of Blue on Blue. 

Because, as is the case here, it is green on green (technically different nations, but allied in the battle instance), not blue on blue (same nation). 

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LOL @Gregory Rainsborough "sorry i missed" is that really what you could come up with mate? :)
Everyone who even haves a small clue who Greg is, would know very well that it's pretty much impossible that he would miss at such a close range especially considering he's so used to fighting in a snow he knows exactly where to fire and by how much to lead the target . Probably better than a computer .

Furthermore looking at the map it seems that gregory's ship is not even angled enough to be able to shoot at his clanmate who he claims to be really aiming at . Regardless to miss by 3 ship lengths from such a close range for someone so experienced like Greg and "accidentally" hit the guy square on the main sail? No sorry i call BS

I recomend a firm slap on the wrist and a demand to write "I shall not inflict green on green damage ever again" 50 times with the left hand

While might seem trivial it might have forced the player out of the battle earlier than prefered and force him to use rig repairs which he might be short on

Edited by John Sheppard
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On 2/5/2020 at 3:26 AM, Mad Dog Morgan said:

I'd just like to know why this community uses the term Green on Green instead of Blue on Blue. 

or Black on black....  o.0 

also not allowed :)

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On 2/5/2020 at 1:59 AM, Sir Texas Sir said:

But why are we forced to be friendly to an enemy nation that joins on our side. I still think Green on Green should only pertain to same nations in a battle.


This is some low level logic right here.


Lets say we do it your way, whats to stop me and my friends joining your battle on your side and sinking you because "hurr durr we are not frens" ? Or lets say Britian attacks sweden and sweden has higher BR, no one can join the swede side because ROE mechanic, but you can join the brit side. So when the dutch join the brit side and shoot brits to help the dutch you think that would be acceptable?

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3 minutes ago, ashley said:


This is some low level logic right here.


Lets say we do it your way, whats to stop me and my friends joining your battle on your side and sinking you because "hurr durr we are not frens" ? Or lets say Britian attacks sweden and sweden has higher BR, no one can join the swede side because ROE mechanic, but you can join the brit side. So when the dutch join the brit side and shoot brits to help the dutch you think that would be acceptable?

you are missing the overarching argument, which is "why only have (2) sides?"

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4 hours ago, GrubbyZebra said:

you are missing the overarching argument, which is "why only have (2) sides?"

Because having multiple sides per battle will be a clusterfuc'k  for ROE BR calculations...

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6 minutes ago, Yoha said:

Not sure what all the fuss is about, Green on Green can be a real blast.

Why not make all battles a FFA. In my opinion if you join another nations battle and they didn't ask for your help, then you should be at war in battle.

or simply make it to the only nations that can join a battle are the ones that are involved. No foreign crap happens then

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