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A Controversial Subject.

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Just now, staun said:

@jodgi wrote it nicely a bit up. We just view the world diffently. For you p2w seams like a holy grail in a game. For me it it is not a yes ore no. I would like a game where there was no advantage at all in dlc, but I am also realistic. For me in the end whats mattes is will it gives a better overall game play ore not. Personally i dont think the ships is the biggest p2w win we have in the game. it is alts accounts. But even you who is against p2w use them from time to time.

Not sure the new guys will be farmed more because of dlc ships. The pvp playes will just buy a store ship and go to patrolezone and then redeem a ship from the admiralty for the dbl they got, and then they are set to hunt new players. If we care about farming new players I think it it the mechanic of the game we should look at. Should we have newbie zones, should they be protected from pvp for maybe the first 50-100 hours ore another and better reinforcement zone. New way to do missions. i would think such tings would help against farming new players, more than the removal of dlc ships.

there is nothing unrealistic with the request DLC ships become craftable with mats. 

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2 minutes ago, staun said:

Nope it isen't, but neiter is the request that they stay as they are.

it is not no but it is quite selfish to be fair. Do you think I personally care if ships are free or not? Doesn't matter to me if the trash I am smashing is in a DLC ship or not. It matters to the gameplay experience overall. You do not need to believe me and lets leave it at that. Lets wait until release and you know what. I hope nothing changes so you can see what happens :) 

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1 minute ago, HachiRoku said:

it is not no but it is quite selfish to be fair. Do you think I personally care if ships are free or not? Doesn't matter to me if the trash I am smashing is in a DLC ship or not. It matters to the gameplay experience overall. You do not need to believe me and lets leave it at that. Lets wait until release and you know what. I hope nothing changes so you can see what happens :) 

Actually I think for you Dlc ships have little value. As long they keep the trinc in game I think you would be fine.

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1 minute ago, Zoky said:

@staun I'm sorry for making fun of you, i got triggered :) But that doesn't change the fact that hatchi is right about ship dlc

Oh I take no offence. And to be fair I knew what he ment, just liked to poke the bear. Sometimes I like to debate more for the debate itself, then for the case.

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24 minutes ago, traitorous mctraitoro said:

I didn't read the whole topic. On purpose.

But those ships you suggested, they are balanced fine I think. They have different uses of course. Dueling is only a part of sandbox play so comparisons of ship Vs ship is kind of pointless if say, one is better at catching ships it will.probably be weaker. Etc etc bla bla.bla.

He said its p2w because  its redeemable like ships, instead of being craftable (dlc should give you permit according to him). Said it breaks RVR (bs) because it breaks logistics (also bs), meanwhile completely disregarding advantages of Admiralty Connection DLC (OMEGALUL). He also linked a whole bunch p2w-like posts from the internet and even p2w wiki page.

He completely disregarded combat performance or the fact you get ship insurance for craftable ships 💩

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11 minutes ago, jodgi said:

(blush) I'm so ignorant about that I wouldn't know what a yes or no means. Should I read up on it?

Nah, there is a hypothesis that reminded me about it when I read what you said. I personally believe its nonsense but mainstream science likes views. Basically some retards think there could be a universe that would have other laws of physics. 2+2 is not 4 for example. Its mainly people with to much time that come up with stuff like that. 

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1 minute ago, Beeekonda said:

He said its p2w because  its redeemable like ships, instead of being craftable (dlc should give you permit according to him). Said it breaks RVR (bs) because it breaks logistics (also bs), meanwhile completely disregarding advantages of Admiralty Connection DLC (OMEGALUL). He also linked a whole bunch p2w-like posts from the internet and even p2w wiki page.

He completely disregarded combat performance or the fact you get ship insurance for craftable ships 💩

No, I debunked your claims with facts and Ill do it again. 

Insurance doesn't matter because you still need to waste time making a new ship and that factually takes more time than redeeming period. Faster=P2W

It breaks the logistics of RVR because you are not required to build ship yards and gather resouses. Faster=P2W

We talked about Admirality being technically p2w and that is why I also did not buy that DLC. http://prntscr.com/lyao3q

We talked about the Fact Alts are P2W

The combat performance has nothing to do with general discussions and is 100% irrelevant to what I am saying. 

P2W is getting and item(ship) faster by paying for it with real life money. There is no way to get a ship in naval action without investing hours in it. You can however just buy a DLC ship and get some guns and you are good to go.  


If anything I have just said it factually incorrect I welcome you to point it out. I assume you will not because you had nothing to say last time I destroyed you. 

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I rather think that owning DLC ships is much like having the hull 100% insured, a shipyard that provides materials, and, takes an accelerated time scale to build for the owner, in reality warships, are, and, always have been uninsured, Lloyds certainly do not insure warships and ships taken up from trade if damaged, or, sunk are replaced from the public purse, not, from insurance. Within the game then, we have, a mirror image of real life in respect to Insurance

In that respect they are, I think, certainly P2W, the only real costs for them is arming, and, provision of crew/repairs which in and of itself bestows significant advantages in time, Reals, and, labour. If they perform as  their original counterparts did, then, I see no issue, but, the moment a mod is applied to any ship, be it crafted or DLC, then, they no longer perform as the original ships did. 

From an historical perspective the DLC ships are unique, one is a warship little known outside of South America, (Incidentally, the last ARA Hercules was a Type 42 Destroyer built by Britain and delivered shortly before the Falklands conflict) the other, the Xbecs were native to the Mediterranean with a specialised sail plan, better suited to her native environment, which, necessitated France to build the Le Requin type ships, oddly the USN found no requirement to do so and had little difficulty countering them even with Square rigged ships. That was a case of differing national policy and no reflection on either Nation. 




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1 hour ago, HachiRoku said:

Nah, there is a hypothesis that reminded me about it when I read what you said. I personally believe its nonsense but mainstream science likes views. Basically some retards think there could be a universe that would have other laws of physics. 2+2 is not 4 for example. Its mainly people with to much time that come up with stuff like that. 

That must be me you refere to. I have more time now, thats right. Do still have a full time job. But have went from 60+ weeks to 40. But yes I do embrace the idea of challange the existing. Otherwise we problerbly still think the World was flat. There was a time ppl didn’t think we couldn’t fly, break the Soundbarrier. Look what those crazy men that challanged that idea have brought in to the World and the changes it have made. Just because we don’t have the intellekt to grasp a sience like that, does that mean we just should distegsard it and make fun of it.

Not many hours you made fun of me for saying that 2+2 is not for sure 4. But I was right. I do not put my self up among oure great intellectuel of our time, But if life have thought me one thing, that is if you don’t evolve you get left behind. If your resistence is based on so have we allways done, you will stand still. The human race is set for exploring an evolve. So lets us not demish those men brave enough to in the frontline.

Edited by staun
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38 minutes ago, staun said:

That must be me you refere to. I have more time now, thats right. Do still have a full time job. But have went from 60+ weeks to 40. But yes I do embrace the idea of challange the existing. Otherwise we problerbly still think the World was flat. There was a time ppl didn’t think we couldn’t fly, break the Soundbarrier. Look what those crazy men that challanged that idea have brought in to the World and the changes it have made. Just because we don’t have the intellekt to grasp a sience like that, does that mean we just should distegsard it and make fun of it.

Not many hours you made fun of me for saying that 2+2 is not for sure 4. But I was right. I do not put my self up among oure great intellectuel of our time, But if life have thought me one thing, that is if you don’t evolve you get left behind. If your resistence is based on so have we allways done, you will stand still. The human race is set for exploring an evolve. So lets us not demish those men brave enough to in the frontline.

no I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about mainstream science. 

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@Slim McSauce Mr Sauce, my post :

1 hour ago, LeBoiteux said:

Any feedback on the Surprise, Cerberus and Renommée in shallows ?

was a genuine question. I'm really interested in the opinions of players who have actually tested those fights mixing LRQ, 7th and 6th-Rates, light frigates...

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Dlc doesn't break rvr, but it sure as hell means a lot less ships in the store. Less ships for people to capture, which again means less ships in shop. Less ships crafted, which again means less in store. This means less supply more demand Hense overpricing. 

Overpricing means they can only afford cheap ships, cheap ships became expensive, everyone's using cheap useless ships except those who have dlc. As an average anyway.

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44 minutes ago, LeBoiteux said:

@Slim McSauce Mr Sauce, my post :

was a genuine question. I'm really interested in the opinions of players who have actually tested those fights mixing LRQ, 7th and 6th-Rates, light frigates...

I'm enjoying them, that's all I can say about it so far.

14 minutes ago, traitorous mctraitoro said:

Dlc doesn't break rvr, but it sure as hell means a lot less ships in the store. Less ships for people to capture, which again means less ships in shop. Less ships crafted, which again means less in store. This means less supply more demand Hense overpricing. 

Overpricing means they can only afford cheap ships, cheap ships became expensive, everyone's using cheap useless ships except those who have dlc. As an average anyway.

This, print more money and give to away as welfare, only makes things more expensive for people who work. Great if you're the one benefiting from it, still it's leaching and hurts the economy.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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