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New search and hunt missions... really?

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6 minutes ago, Rabman said:

Thats how the game was for over a year, you couldn't spit without running into an enemy player, the servers were full, and content was everywhere, yet PvE'ers could still farm that French 3rd rate fleet that sailed by Cabo all day, KoC and I would laugh about it in US nation every time the calls went out that the fleet was near.

lol.  That and the poor 3rd rate fleet at Key West that couldn’t get 30 seconds off the dock before being tagged. 

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50 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

so just come out and say that you don't want to have to leave your safe zone. that you want to be able to just sit in the safe zone and wait for ai ships to sail into it so that you can farm without any threat. cuz that's the way it used to be. 

players now are actually enjoying this on PvP server, it's some of the few group content that people can play.

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11 hours ago, Henry d'Esterre Darby said:

That's very helpful Crusty.  Thank you.  So are you proposing PvE maybe having large fleet battles that players could join and fight in?  Are there other content suggestions that probably wouldn't take a ton of coding that you could recommend?

Some folks like to play all parts of the game.  Not just only PVE or only PVP.  They want to do some pve without fear of constantly getting jumped and be allowed to go PvP on there own terms and not be forced into it.


Oh I said this the other day and will honesty do it.  If they rolled PVE server back to historical nations owning ports and allow you to raid ports.  Fight the AI for the port and than you keep it for a week and it goes back at ends of week tonhistorical nation I’ll start to ply over there.  Right now there is no players no content and having every port neutral is just stupid. It’s not we can’t take a trade ship into them and get stuff.  Maybe even just rest the whole map monthly instead of weekly but give them something to do instead of just kill AI in ow and missions.

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4 hours ago, van der Decken said:

I still love this game. Plenty of NPC to player enemy for me. Although, enemy players don't hang around my "sack of the waters" much any more. It seems most of the action is in the Bahamas with those OP Herculese preying on greenhorns.

That makes me wonder those high PVE players posted on the spread sheet wonder where they grind cause it’s not in main areas.  Prob like your neck or the Gulf.  I use to catch folks all the time in Gulf afk running trade ships.  Should go back to hunting those waters early Sunday mornings.

some of y’all forget that folks have jobs and real lives.  Thanks giving weekend was the first weekend I had off in two months.  I would like to jump on and do a few missions/AI fleets and log off without worry of being tied up for 3 hours with gankers jumping missions.  When I have time to RvR or PVP I’ll do it but I shouldn’t be forced into it.  Telling me to go play one PVE server is just wrong as it doesn’t have all the aspects of the game I like and yes that is PvP.

oh and I never hunt AI in the safe zones.  I’m either in the shallows or some other part of the map less travel.  

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7 hours ago, John Hood said:

This whole thing since the  patch is just shit...  Lost 5 ships since the patch that cost me about 100k to build each... always a pay to win ship like herc or le req was involved in the loss... right now in the middle of nowhere got ganked by 3 pirates... two of them in hercs... the insurance is useless because loss was 100k... insurance was 13... Its just not worth it... you send people in the middle of nowhere to hunt... to get killed with stuff you cant make enough money to replace 


You sail around on your own in a slow ship and meet 3 pirates.

That's not ganking.

That's meeting a larger force and being sunk. Thousands of historical example of uneven fights IRL. 

But, If you want to sit in your safe zone and hit AI then ask the devs for that. This is available on the PVE peace server already.

The herc/requin is available for all so that's nice and fair.

Or, is it that you want to meet enemy's in the middle of nowhere that you can sink easily??


Edited by Pirate Blackbeard
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42 minutes ago, Pirate Blackbeard said:


You sail around on your own in a slow ship and meet 3 pirates.

That's not ganking.

That's meeting a larger force and being sunk. Thousands of historical example of uneven fights IRL. 

But, If you want to sit in your safe zone and hit AI then ask the devs for that. This is available on the PVE peace server already.

The herc/requin is available for all so that's nice and fair.

Or, is it that you want to meet enemy's in the middle of nowhere that you can sink easily??


there is a real difference between sailing around the map and getting jumped by enemy fleets and sailing out of a capital and being ganked by enemy players hunting outside the starting ports. historically it would never happen to catch a single enemy or a few enemy ships sinking small ships right outside a nations capital, blockades are one thing done with massive fleets what is happening is getting sunk right in ur own waters outside of capital waters is not historical. eg. lucinio hunting right outside KPR every day. killing off small players in a requin historically that would never happen, for 1 requin is a mediterranean ship not historically from the caribbean. and 2 its not historical for npc or nation ships to completely ignore an enemy ships in their waters they patrol.

and the herc/requin isnt available to all as it is pay to use not something fully acquirable ingame without the use of real money.

Edited by Crimson Sunrise
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25 minutes ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

there is a real difference between sailing around the map and getting jumped by enemy fleets and sailing out of a capital and being ganked by enemy players hunting outside the starting ports. historically it would never happen to catch a single enemy or a few enemy ships sinking small ships right outside a nations capital, blockades are one thing done with massive fleets what is happening is getting sunk right in ur own waters outside of capital waters is not historical. eg. lucinio hunting right outside KPR every day. killing off small players in a requin historically that would never happen, for 1 requin is a mediterranean ship not historically from the caribbean. and 2 its not historical for npc or nation ships to completely ignore an enemy ships in their waters they patrol.

and the herc/requin isnt available to all as it is pay to use not something fully acquirable ingame without the use of real money.

He said admin was sending him to the middle of nowhere. Not outside his capital.

You must read posts before replying.

And historically many single ships were sunk by superior numbers.

The DLC is available to all if you pay for it.

It is here. It is part of the game. It is never going away. So, use it or move on.

If you dislike the game this much then maybe it's just not for you ?

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When the patch came out I really hated it just because I was not able to find proper targets and was constantly trying to avoid PVP when sailing my SOL.

I have changed my mindset, nation and gamestyle and I can say I enjoy it a lot. I had a great time taking a pickle to Bahamas and then doing the same in Snow. Slowly I will advance to my Hercules and end with something like Trinc or Endymion for my OW activities.

I was sad about the prices of SOLs, but the developers intention is clear. They want people out sailing actively in affordable ships and do PVP. I have no problems with this. The days when everybody was sailing 1st rates for PVE are gone. These ships are too precious now and should be used in group activities only. It is limiting, but IMO people will get used to it soon. The truth is, the patch favours clans too much. 

I would like to see lower prices for 4th rates personally. They are ships which can satisfy the "big ships lovers" while not being extremely powerfull. I understand not everybody is interested in frigates as I am. I consider them the most beautiful ships of the era, but dont get me wrong. Watching full scale battle of 1st rates is really nice thing to experience. Nobody is doing RVR now. I think it is all about upcomming wipe rumours, so there is no will to do it. I hope the devs will reconsider the amount of nations. With the playerbase we have got on the PVP servers 10 nations is just too many. I think there will be more quality RVR if there is 5-7 nations only, because the smaller ones have a hard time to gather resources in a long run. 

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A player can optimize its OW operations, say for a week.

Take several Search&Destroy or Hunt missions that share same targets - yes yes you might have to sail and visit a few ports, sorry.

Example of this is having 3 missions - 2 Hunts and 1 S&D for 5thrates, no model discrimination - and for each 5th rate the player sinks it will count for all 3 missions.

This means you can do them by enjoying sailing around and engaging the targets in the open sea ( both Peace and War servers ).

For War server specifically, one can fulfill those missions really fast by taking hostility missions - take your 5th rates so it spawns 5th rates - or by engaging other players, actively sailing with the purpose of hunting the enemy frigates, kind of "create your own content". You don't need to do the PortBattle, just the missions :)  and if the hostility gets invaded, well, that's kind of good right ? PvP is PvP. Not only when we want it, but as it comes ( my point of view ).

In Peace server things are more linear and relaxed ( with the added bonus of being able to capture ANY ship from the AI ). True it might be lacking a "single player" storyline thing but that might not be intended ( no idea ) given it is a multiplayer game and Peace is like a "coop" mode without pvp.

Time spent in NA to do anything is never linear - one might have one day non stop of pvp and the next one being fairly absent.



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15 hours ago, Old Crusty said:

Now it is almost a certainty to meet an enemy player

This is EXACTLY what "thousands of players" ( to use your expression ) expect of the War server.

Interleaving AI attack with engaging enemy nation player is nothing to be ashamed of.

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10 hours ago, King of Crowns said:

so just come out and say that you don't want to have to leave your safe zone. that you want to be able to just sit in the safe zone and wait for ai ships to sail into it so that you can farm without any threat. cuz that's the way it used to be. 

It is to bad that you have such a narrow mind and cannot understand that that people have different ideas of what is fun and enjoyable in a game. 

You and others like you wanted to force people into your play style. You got you wish. Now we will see if the game ever makes it.


7 hours ago, Pirate Blackbeard said:

It is the war server.

And again you just ignore the people that loved the game on the “War server” before the patch. Apparently we are people that enjoy all aspects of the game and you and those like you have a very limited view of the game.

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29 minutes ago, Old Crusty said:

It is to bad that you have such a narrow mind and cannot understand that that people have different ideas of what is fun and enjoyable in a game. 

You and others like you wanted to force people into your play style. You got you wish. Now we will see if the game ever makes it.

1. game will not make it because of safe zones. 

2. you still have your pve server that is exactly what you want and more FREE LINE SHIPS. why cry because the pvp server is now more pvp oriented?

3. perhaps we should learn from fallout76 and adopt their pvp system so that no one can be engaged in pvp that doesn't want to be engaged in pvp. that seemed to work great for that game.  XD

Edited by King of Crowns
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28 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

2. you still have your pve server that is exactly what you want and more FREE LINE SHIPS. why cry because the pvp server is now more pvp oriented?

This just proves that you can’t see past the nose on your face. The “Peace” server has no content and is not at all what players like me want. We have been saying the same thing all along. The PvE server is not a viable alternative to those players that enjoyed the game before patch 27. THERE IS NO CONTENT ON THAT SERVER. It has an extremely narrow focus. Now the PvP server has an extremely narrow focus.

If the Patrol Zones would have been fixed and the AI fleets left the way they were, most players would have been happy and the server population may have increased instead of decreased. Am I right or wrong on this?

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1 hour ago, Vernon Merrill said:


Don't.  Care.  

If you're gonna leave, just leave.

Save the drama.

I’m sorry have I upset you? [respect others. comment removed] I know it’s hard to hear people’s opinions that are different from your own but please try and deal with it. 

Edited by Hethwill the Red Duke
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I will admit its hard to hear the same person whining about the same thing OVER and OVER again, yes.  

[respect others. avoid toxicity. comment removed]

Edited by Hethwill the Red Duke
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54 minutes ago, Old Crusty said:
1 hour ago, Vernon Merrill said:


Don't.  Care.  

If you're gonna leave, just leave.

Save the drama.

I’m sorry have I upset you?  I know it’s hard to hear people’s opinions that are different from your own but please try and deal with it. 

For over 2 and a half years I have seen people like you blow in and blow out.

Any system or mechanics the devs had that they disagreed with was wrong and would kill the game.

I am still here and so is the game.....

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3 hours ago, King of Crowns said:

1. game will not make it because of safe zones. 

This is wrong. New players dying right out of port is what kills pop. You have all this map to pvp with and you want to take away the last safe haven where people can relax?

Edited by Hethwill the Red Duke
comments Moderated. zero tolerance. stop verbal aggression.
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On 11/29/2018 at 3:38 PM, admin said:

The decline does not matter in early access. The game has not even released yet. 

We believe that with updated descriptions there will be more players playing on the Peace server in 2-3 months. And current PVP and PVE content plans will give new players new things to do, but some won't like changes. We have tested everything we needed and will steer the ship in the direction we believe is the best for the game. One thing is sure. There will be no more high end content in capitals and Top class ships will be more expensive, but if you know how to make money (by for example doing same thing Nassau owners are doing) you can support any fleet and any losses.

How can u say that updated descriptions will lure those on the pvp server to the pve server there is no real difference aside from the lack of pvp on either server, also the plans u speak of how will they give new players new things to do when even your sale at $15 for the game during steams autumn sale did not yield many if any new players, this game is in decline the way u state the decline does not matter shows (excuse my wording) arrogance that you as the devs can turn a game with less then 500 active players playing throughout the day every day into a more active game, if this was possible why has it not been implemented so far. between reviews activity charts and lack of pvp even on the war server it would turn off any hardcore player off the game due to its lack of content. yes this is early access but turning around and saying the decline in players doesn't concern your plans does not instill confidence or reliance in a end product to a consumer. if a sandbox naval game like NA has less then 500 players while in early access and a sale of 60% off did not yield a increase in players isn't likely to recover if it continues, we the testers are leaving the game faster then new testers are joining if you the devs cant convince new testers to play the game what confidence can u have that you can bring in enough new players on release to really make this game work.

the map is too big, RvR is practically pointless on either server, pvp usually only happens outside nation capitals and patrol zones (90% of actual pvp combat)  this game is not tailored to casual players its tailored to those that can spend countless hours playing.

as a consumer and as a previous closed alpha tester of several other titles i don't see this game succeeding as it could have too many patches were implemented too quickly without first being thoroughly tested out and all problems dealt with before being applied to live servers. many game mechanics were changed without first getting input from both the pve and pvp players,  servers were merged without first getting the info of how many players would quit because of it. 

too many mistakes were made during early access that it doesn't seem like your focus is on naval action but on other projects rather then focusing on 1 title your manpower is spread thin, decisions made in haste.

this is my opinion as is not intended to spread false information this is but an opinion on how i have watched and played NA and have seen the results of many different patches merges and changes and how it affected player activity, player count, and combat patterns.


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On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 11:32 AM, Slim McSauce said:

This is wrong. New players dying right out of port is what kills pop. You have all this map to pvp with and you want to take away the last safe haven where people can relax?

the problem isn't that its a safe space for newbs. the problem is that its a safe space for everyone regardless of skill or rank.  so what you have is a chain of events that has/is taking place. 

vets that are not cowards will sail around looking for people and give up because everyone is hiding in safe zones. they will then go to the safe zones pull a fight which inevitably ends in the vets getting ganked. the vets may do this up to 10 times. and then they just say screw it. not worth.  . which will leave you with only newbies in the safe zone. 2 weeks after WO made a no safe zone battles policy we all quit sailing in the open world. now we just sit and monitor our hostility bot while playing other games. 

so you will have lots of new players and that's all you will ever have. because people who are not new and who become not new realize that there is no one to fight and quit. this is why all of your major pvp clans have died and be remade into new clans.  or merged with other clans. clans like TDA OCEAN HRE RUBLI. full of the best players in the game. now gone. 

Edited by King of Crowns
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20 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

the problem isn't that its a safe space for newbs. the problem is that its a safe space for everyone regardless of skill or rank.  so what you have is a chain of events that has/is taking place. 

vets that are not cowards will sail around looking for people and give up because everyone is hiding in safe zones. they will then go to the safe zones pull a fight which inevitably ends in the vets getting ganked. the vets may do this up to 10 times. and then they just say screw it. not worth.  . which will leave you with only newbies in the safe zone. 2 weeks after WO made a no safe zone battles policy we all quit sailing in the open world. now we just sit and monitor our hostility bot while playing other games. 

so you will have lots of new players and that's all you will ever have. because people who are not new and who become not new realize that there is no one to fight and quit. this is why all of your major pvp clans have died and be remade into new clans.  or merged with other clans. clans like TDA OCEAN HRE RUBLI. full the best players in the game. now gone. 

This is true. I think one big issue here is players aren't encouraged enough by the game to leave their starting zones. In most games if not all, once you are not a new player you leave the starting area and never look back. You have max rank players still based on starting capitals, nothing is encouraging them to get based somewhere else. Open world being to blame here imho, or the way in which is it implemented. Putting sense of realism over gameplay.
There needs to be more separation in terms of ranks of players and what ships they sail. Devs trying to give players an open world with too much freedom. But then again things like not even basic repairs being available anywhere besides the starting capitals is an issue. If you wanted to be based in certain areas you have to produce your own basic items or buy it from players. Who one, there's not enough players producing them and two, the few that do ell them for 5-10 times the value. 
Lack of more outposts so people feel more free to be around more areas of the map. Limiting the number of outposts to so few means a lot of players will remain in those early outposts, cause again, there's nothing or just not enough to encourage them to leave them for other places. 
The map is too big and the game doesn't give players enough information about what to do or where to go and how to get more out of the game. One thing devs are doing that might make it better is the new, eventually to be implemented, 'operations'. 

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