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Safezone? Yes! For max lvl too? No!

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12 minutes ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

If people can't congregate and sail in front of their "capital" port because 5 enemy Wasas are parked out there sinking every boat that makes the mistake of undocking, then players disperse to the corners of the map and people stop logging in and that nation dies, and eventually the whole game dies as well.  If you happen to have a 5 Wasa gank fleet in your own nation they are probably parked in front of somebody else's capital port and aren't going to be any help on the home front. 


I agree with that.  You get tired of being camped and decide to go to the enemy camp, you just end up sinking other newbs while the gank fleet goes and camps another capital.  They don't care what you do in their backyard.  They have an alt network for trade goods and do it in off hours.

If you get a credible defense fleet for home the gank fleet goes off shore, logs and then plays with an alt for a while.  In a bit, a gank alt logs in, sees the defense fleet is clear, the gank fleet logs back in and does it's damage.

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2 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

The solution to your problem is quite simple ... as I have said it before ... if you remove safe zones then remove battle timers too ... but you would not like that since you want to have your toast buttered on both sides buddy. I fully endorse the balance that the Devs are currently getting at ... they want a game that has room for everyone.

I think the game was more popular when it was much harder on gankers due to adequate timers and the signal perk.  You could do it, but do it too much or too close to someone's home and your ship was gone.  A ganker was much safer if he found out of the way corners to do his craft.

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3 minutes ago, IndianaGeoff said:


If you get a credible defense fleet for home the gank fleet goes off shore, logs and then plays with an alt for a while.  In a bit, a gank alt logs in, sees the defense fleet is clear, the gank fleet logs back in and does it's damage.

Gank fleet doesn't even need to hide.  5 of the better players in tricked out ships can easily beat down whatever number of random players some of the smaller nations can put out to sea at any given time. 

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The Devs are our NA gods: And as true gods we can't expect them to see stuff from the player perspective, until they notice that they are losing followers. Right now I belive the OW PvP'ers is the player base who are feeling the wrath of the gods the most. I belive the PvE, traders and RvR players are getting their fair share of content for now. But there is a balance here and a healthy nation requires a player bases that covers all the different play styles to survive over time. 

From a game-historical point of view, our honorable NA gods have a tendency to implement new world changing ideas. Our beloved gods also commits to their new ideas in a godly fashion. So it does not seam that they want to hear players arguments, but insted focus on defending their new miracle against all form of attacks..

So I struggle a bit with my faith in dark times when the NA gods implement some extreme version of what could have been decent idea. Like the safe zones, capitals/unconquerable ports and new hard core nations with we have now. 
From my humble point of view it would have been a more useful if it had been implemented these factors differently for all nations ingame. That way we would get several different difficulty levels, represented by nation flags. The easiest nation could have many and large safe zones and the hardest nation no safe zones and no capitals. And the rest of the nations some where in between these to. Safe zones could get smaler and they could have less unconquerable ports. The difficulty levels could be set depending on nations historical presence in the Caribbean..    

This option would imo be more useful to observe what difficulty levels was sustainable over time. I fear that the way we have it now, the hardcore nations are to hard and will struggle to survive. And at the same time the nations with safe sones are to boring. That we don't get to test the areas in between kinda bugs me..   

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5 hours ago, IndianaGeoff said:

If I am on, doing PvE and something fun PvP wise pops up, then I will jump in.  If i am not on, then I will never PvP.

I stopped reading right there. How does "something fun PvP wise pop up" when you are in the greenzone? You either look for PvP or you don't... it's not like great PvP battles pop up like epic events in the greenzone... you have to make it happen, unless you mean jumping into a gank battle on the ganker side? It's the only way US ever won battles in the last months... hide in their greenzone and wait for real PvP players to take a fight against their 15 SOL fleet, cause they get bored waiting.... there is some video out there of ram dinark fighting them 1 vs 15 or so and he completely trashed a bunch of them still, before going down... if that is the "something fun PvP wise" you mean then yeah, this simply "pops up" from time to time in greenzones... doesn't mean we need the tossers that bring out their 1st rates to meet a bunch of frigates and still lose some of their ships... 

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3 hours ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

If people can't congregate and sail in front of their "capital" port because 5 enemy Wasas are parked out there sinking every boat that makes the mistake of undocking, then players disperse to the corners of the map and people stop logging in and that nation dies, and eventually the whole game dies as well.  If you happen to have a 5 Wasa gank fleet in your own nation they are probably parked in front of somebody else's capital port and aren't going to be any help on the home front. 

That'd be true if there was no safezone at all. What I suggest is completely voluntary. You sign up for unrestricted PVP when you join a clan designated for war. Otherwise you can use the carebear zones as they are. (Even without safezones you have the forts to protect you)

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I never get why people that actually want a bit of pvp and see that they get slaughtered by "pros" near their own capital don't go to enemy capitals and sink some of the same level. The "pros"(or pvpers) are mainly not in homewaters. So if one wants to find pvp on a scale one can do it: go to an enemys capital. The pvp thingy is all about losing fear to get into a fight. If one is always the defender one nearly never can choose the fight (either the attacker is too strong or if the defender is too strong the attacker runs and one still doesn't get a fight). So why not just change the perspective, be the one being hostile as an attacker and *swoosh* we will see people losing their fear. If one loses his fear one can start to improve the skill. If skill rises on a global (like server wide) scale and more people will sail out, they will suddenly meet on open waters leading to less actions at enemy capitals but more around the freetowns (where the raids to enemy capitals usually start). 

I don't know, for me pvp itself is enough and the most (and only) fun part of the game. Safezones are fine imo, people just have to start to explore the world more. But perhaps I'm naive and the game isn't that easy. 

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17 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

The pvp thingy is all about losing fear to get into a fight

It's not about fear.  It's about futility.  I could buy some frigates in the ship shop and spend an hour or two sailing to Belize or Havana, with the end result of either finding no battles and having a long sail back, or running into baddies and getting sunk along the way.  Then I'd have to go back to PVE for a while to replace the losses and buy more frigates.  Getting enough people together with the same time window to form a fleet with a fighting chance isn't a regular enough occurance.

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5 hours ago, Landsman said:

I stopped reading right there. How does "something fun PvP wise pop up" when you are in the greenzone? You either look for PvP or you don't... it's not like great PvP battles pop up like epic events in the greenzone... you have to make it happen, unless you mean jumping into a gank battle on the ganker side? It's the only way US ever won battles in the last months... hide in their greenzone and wait for real PvP players to take a fight against their 15 SOL fleet, cause they get bored waiting.... there is some video out there of ram dinark fighting them 1 vs 15 or so and he completely trashed a bunch of them still, before going down... if that is the "something fun PvP wise" you mean then yeah, this simply "pops up" from time to time in greenzones... doesn't mean we need the tossers that bring out their 1st rates to meet a bunch of frigates and still lose some of their ships... 

I'd explain it but you wouldn't bother to read it.  Have fun, I hope someday you find enough folks that will provide you the game you desire.

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12 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

If we could fit PVP and PVE inside safezones without interfering with each other, that would be the best thing. Everyone wants to go to populated areas for PVP, have the PVP missions but don't hard force PVP outside of populated areas. You're just pushing against a wall doing that.

Right off the bat players will be exposed to PVP and know what this game is about, it won't just be something you only get in far away PBs and freeports. PVP shouldn't be alienated to any section of the map, promoted in areas yes, excluded no. A lot and I mean A LOT of people want to see PVP return to the areas around capitals, including me. I simply will not subject myself to sailing many hours to fight in a battle way far away from the front lines of Nation v Nation, there is no such thing as clan V clan as we have it so that is my only choice.

Have you ever played GB? Your game experience is buy a ship, sail out get ganked. Buy another ship sail out get dragged into a battle you have no idea from what get ganked.

You wouldn’t be able to undock without the green zone because of  ironically people like you 

IF love pvp as much as you claim but are too lazy to find it, why not use your papers and go to GB where you have experienced players waiting for a fight 24/7 outside your capital

Edited by Fletch67
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1 hour ago, Fletch67 said:

Have you ever played GB? Your game experience is buy a ship, sail out get ganked. Buy another ship sail out get dragged into a battle you have no idea from what get ganked.

You wouldn’t be able to undock without the green zone because of  ironically people like you 

IF love pvp as much as you claim but are too lazy to find it, why not use your papers and go to GB where you have experienced players waiting for a fight 24/7 outside your capital

Then don't join a clan of war. How many times do I have to say it?

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18 hours ago, admin said:

a lot of pvp groups prefer standing and waiting near capitals to searching for other pvp groups. And they are still not attacked by people in the safe zones. Incenives come to you themselves if there is a group near your capital waiting to be attacked (which could give you pvp marks + really well fitted ships). 

Sorry but for me this comment just goes to show how out of touch with your own game you are. You say that PvP groups wait near capitals to encounter other PvP groups, yet we constantly see these groups sail past each other outside nation capitals to jump into a battles players has started with NPC ships. Often, BOTH groups will join the battle on the NPC side.

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27 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Then don't join a clan of war. How many times do I have to say it?

I am not the one complaining you are. If you want 24/7 pvp against skilled players you know where to find them.  Join GB sail out of KPR and see if your man enough.

This of course is not the pvp your looking for, you want the people who don’t know what they are doing or the people your not going to loose your ship against.

I am quite happy with the green zones it’s still dangerous enough for new players but it’s enough to give them enough protection not to quit the game, just look how the nations without a green zone are doing for players.


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On 2/26/2018 at 6:10 PM, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

Some factions can't/won't do port battles, which are often empty anyway, and a lot of players don't expect to get much out of pvp.  It would help a lot ot have some kind of incentive beyond gold and XP to sail an hour and in the end expect to lose a ship and give the goons easy PVP marks.  I'm not sure what that is - maybe it's story or RvR driven?  We can get gold, XP, books, repairs in our own harbor.  What kind of good battle or goal will get people to sail up the coast an hour expecting to lose their ship and its weight in clan resources? 

And some of those ports are taken ages ago and no one fights over them.  We need port wipe to come with next big patched and let’s see which nation/clans are still active.  Also from past expierece I gotten a lot of pvp just fighting folks trying to flip ai neutral ports lol. 

Also we need some sort of port limit in shallows so mega clans can’t own ever port.  That suppose to be the area for newer and smaller clans to fight over.  Not be owned by one or two clans only.  Actually the more nations and clans in an area the more fights you will have if the big boys stay out of it.  

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6 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

And some of those ports are taken ages ago and no one fights over them.  We need port wipe to come with next big patched and let’s see which nation/clans are still active.  Also from past expierece I gotten a lot of pvp just fighting folks trying to flip ai neutral ports lol. 

Also we need some sort of port limit in shallows so mega clans can’t own ever port.  That suppose to be the area for newer and smaller clans to fight over.  Not be owned by one or two clans only.  Actually the more nations and clans in an area the more fights you will have if the big boys stay out of it.  

Port wipe will not be change how meaningless rvr is right now. The majority of ports have no meaningful resource drops and basically just cost you money. A big part of the important ports has a tactical port window, so ya, great game if you wanna do rvr. 

And I am still favoring pvp outside of safezones! 

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1 hour ago, Fletch67 said:

I am not the one complaining you are. If you want 24/7 pvp against skilled players you know where to find them.  Join GB sail out of KPR and see if your man enough.

This of course is not the pvp your looking for, you want the people who don’t know what they are doing or the people your not going to loose your ship against.

I am quite happy with the green zones it’s still dangerous enough for new players but it’s enough to give them enough protection not to quit the game, just look how the nations without a green zone are doing for players.

You say that but people still want more PVP. Again, you can have safezones with PVP on the side. Doesn't have to be a one or the other thing.

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it is useless to discuss a topic thats around PvP with PvE Players... we will never agree... a PvE Player will never understand what a PvP Player want to reach in this game... on the other Hand the PvP Players will never understand your point of view...

But anyway this game have to deal with both Players... and i think atm it doenst deal it well... I mean the most Ports on this map are useless... you only have a hand of ports that are worth to get capture... on the otherside PvE Content doesnt get a good motivaiton for a long time


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PvP is not when I want only. PvP is also when the enemy wants it. And it might be when I don't want it.

We are all content in a PvP environment. 

Very very very easy to understand.

Alas we, me, you, everyone, the individual player, must voice our views as to how to make the game the game I, ME, MYSELF, want. Not what you want :) 

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I think your find more people are killed in these safe zones than outside of them. They are not as safe as you make out.  Perhaps the devs could make a map showing where the sinking hot spots are. It could be the safe zones are creating pvp rather than turning the map into a deserted wasteland like your average port.

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5 hours ago, Never Surrender said:

Port wipe will not be change how meaningless rvr is right now. The majority of ports have no meaningful resource drops and basically just cost you money. A big part of the important ports has a tactical port window, so ya, great game if you wanna do rvr. 

And I am still favoring pvp outside of safezones! 

Do you even RVR?  It's not meanless but a good large chunk of the map is stale mated or held by nations in another time zone that don't fight with any one.  With a wipe it would bring back owners to active clans and nations.  I bet most of the folks against it are cause they know there nation that holds a large chunk of ports isn't as active or strong as they use to be.   Ever time there was a wipe in the past folks ran and did port grab.  That puts in you in missions where there can be PvP.  On global Pirates didn't even try to go after a port for the first week.  All we did was sit out side Spanish ports that the US was trying to grab up fast since they won't be contested (it would be the same as neutral ports.)   We captured over 17 1st rates that week using mainly 2nd rates and frigates.

I'm part of a small clan and we can play in most time zones, but we can't fight 60-70 screens of the mega clans that own most of the shallows or "NEWBIE" Friendly zones.   Those ports should not be held by mega clans, they should be left for small clans and nations to fight over.  That is why I made a suggestion to have certain ports restricted to clans that own 5 or less or even 10 or less ports. If you own more than 5 or 10 than you can't capture and own those ports.  They should be mainly shallow and some none important deep water ports around the map (there are shallows all over the place, not jsut Bahamas).

As for the OP makeing zones for certain levels only doesn't work.  Just look at the old NEWBIE ZONE In the Bahamas.  Most the time it was nothing but RA's running around in H Rattlers killing new players and ganking traders.  Hell it made great hunting for us pirates cause most of those RA"s sucked at the game any way.   The key to catching them into a trap was to send in a low level alt.  I had one that ran shallows for a long time and I never grind any PvE with him.  He made most of his levels purely through shallow PvP and than later RvR.  I since maxed him out and have anther char I did the same.  HE was rank two when I got my first PvP kill when some guy though he gank my privateer.  I destroyed his mast (he thought I was just bad shots) and than baorded him using the moral perk and my mods to destroy him in boarding.  I done this on other games where I left a char low level in a certain zone cause of folks farming noods.  Than watch them cry when they get owned by a lower level char that is actually very modded out and played by some one that knows the game.  SO restriting certian zones to certian level chars won't work it will be abused.  Specially since alll we have to do to get Master Com rank is to past the final exam in the new tutorial.   So ever time I hit a certian rank I can just delete that char and start all over again, do the tutorial and be set mid rank.

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