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In-game chat banned - explanations request


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Dear Moderators - please lock other chat ban threads.



You were chat banned.


In this topic you can post in the following format:

I can't access the ingame chat and i would like to know why i was restricted.

Ingame nickname: ''Captain''


You provide this information, in this format, and you will be contacted by Ink with the explaination.




In the age of sail navy indecency, blasphemy, or any other hateful crime towards another man (even enemy in capture) was punished by flogging.


Cursing is allowed especially if it has age of sail flavor. We review all reports very carefully. 

In 100% of cases you said something bad or/and indecent in relation to another person. We are different from other developers and want our game chat to be clean. If you want to see what is allowed and what is not please read the fighting instructions. Also when purchasing the game you were warned about certain rules of behavior you have to adhere to. There is a list of allowed curses that are ok of directed towards other captains.


No appeals on chat ban are accepted. You can reform and can start reporting others to the superior officers.


All reports are reviewed by hand and bans are only issued in the cases like this. There couldn't be false cases


Here are the examples of posts that caused bans


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No one can contest that all these examples are more than enough to warrant a ban. I know that I have definitely never said anything even remotely similar in chat. If you are not going to let us know what we were banned for, at least tell us the length of the ban.



Bans are issued from 1 to 7 days max depending on the severity

We are also adding a warning message for mod tools that will help the mods to give a warning first - will get easier and will become more transparent

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Very well. I guess I will just have to wait and see then. In the future, it may be a good idea to implement some way to appeal, since moderators obviously make mistakes too. Racism goes against every fibre of my being and I know that I would never and could never have said anything like that in chat. I report, confront and oppose, on a daily basis, people who express such views in various games and social media.

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Sad how many of those I recognise from Brit national chat on pvp1. Glad you guys are stamping on this nice and hard.

tbh sverti is trolling nation chat all day. I hope it wont get even worse now that he officially "won" a fight by getting his opponent banned... He is apparently walking that fine line between gettin banned himself and just annoying a lot of people fairly well.
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I hope using an expletive isn't reason alone for a ban. Such as the 7th one down...although I am sure there is more to that conversation (on both sides). Is cursing itself reason to get a ban, I think it shouldn't be, especially in the pirate nation chat (unless it is directed at another player). 

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Ban accepted, mine was the pretentious twat comment, not the worst but at least I can avoid that in future. Thanks Admin. Time to get the naval action insult generator.

This is slightly off-topic, but do I know you? Your "pretentious twat" comment sounded exactly like what a guy I used to know on another forum would say. 

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HI I M yann coatanlem in naval action


i m access to chat was limited in naval action since 2 days. So i m surprise because i have do nothing bad but now i see the list of reasons of ban something come to my memories. In chat a pirat say we need pirat school and i have say its unusefull and i was in trade with cabo canaveral (american city in game) and all american had niggar for do work free, and its that we need.


So after that lot of people were schock and i have do apologize and stop this immediatly. I have do apologize to 2 people in private chat also. I m not racist. I played a role of stupid pirat who want money and is racist. I doesnt think that could schock people like this and person ll see that like a joke, a role.


Now i m surprise to be ban of chat because i have never say racist words against people in the game. I know now playing a role can be tooken at face value and ll be care in the future.


Whiout chat i cant play because alone is no interesting.

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Now i m surprise to be ban of chat because i have never say racist words against people in the game.

What about the black people in the game that had to read your casual black slavery joke? Or do you assume everyone playing this game is white, which would also be in a careless way... Well.

Sit it out, don't mention it again and move on :)

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What about the black people in the game that had to read your casual black slavery joke? Or do you assume everyone playing this game is white, which would also be in a careless way... Well.

Sit it out, don't mention it again and move on :)


If i speak about to buy slave, i think people have understanding I play role of 18th century so i dont think history could be a fault even if that could shock. N***er word is in dictionnary. But i m french and see this word have tooken very very bad sense in English since few years. In french he is not also bad. If i played a modern game i never use these words. It was historical role. I think people can be shock but if u are clever u can understand what i mean. Shock is not a fault.

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If i speak about to buy slave, i think people have understanding I play role of 18th century so i dont think history could be a fault even if that could shock. N***er word is in dictionnary. But i m french and see this word have tooken very very bad sense in English since few years. In french he is not also bad. If i played a modern game i never use these words. It was historical role. I think people can be shock but if u are clever u can understand what i mean. Shock is not a fault.


There are quite a few words in the dictionary that we absolutely will not use in polite conversation.


Do not "roleplay" slavery, do not call people the N word, there are so many great roles to play from that time, we do not need to drag out the worst in humanity.  Now let us go back to blasting each other to smithereens with large bore naval artillery, like civilized gentlemen and ladies.

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There is a line between roleplay and what is indecent, and it can be hard to know what is which as everyone will say I am no good at knowing where the line is.  However, the devs decided that slavery would not be included in the game at all in any form.  I know that I made a conscious decision to keep any reference to slavery and any other hot issue out of my newspapers, and we should probably all do the same since the devs decided that there would be no mention of slavery in Naval Action.  We probably shouldn't roleplay treating women poorly either, or being religiously intolerant, or being nationalist.  Roleplay shouldn't break the rules.

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So I guess i've been Chat banned since that message seems to resemble that? IF the first offense is "1 day" well, kinda sucks for me cause if I have been chat banned for whatever reason but I've been "chat banned" for alot longer than 2 + days already... and it is indeed the first time it's happened to me.

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There are quite a few words in the dictionary that we absolutely will not use in polite conversation.


Do not "roleplay" slavery, do not call people the N word, there are so many great roles to play from that time, we do not need to drag out the worst in humanity.  Now let us go back to blasting each other to smithereens with large bore naval artillery, like civilized gentlemen and ladies.


Civilized gentlemen and polite, ok but i m pirate in the game lol. In the future i ll say Nothing in roleplay. Actually i have received no mail who said why i have chat ban , how many time i m ban, and never received warning about this. I just guess i m ban for that , then directly i had send lot of apologizes to people and stop playing this role of drunk stupid racist pirat who want just money.

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hi admin


i m ban of chat since 5 days ago. I have understand the lesson. Its very hard as lesson because i have never receive warning before. All my friend believe i doesnt want speak to nobody. I ll say never Nothing things or any jokes in the future.

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hi admin


i m ban of chat since 5 days ago. I have understand the lesson. Its very hard as lesson because i have never receive warning before. All my friend believe i doesnt want speak to nobody. I ll say never Nothing things or any jokes in the future.

Captain, it is a 7 days ban

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be blocked one week ...  careful not to speak of Russia and Ukraine in the chat ...Why this censorship?


Well, if you were being politically divisive or speaking against someone's nationality, I would hope you would get a chat ban.

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