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Hotfix 4 for testbed patch 9.99


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Hello Captains

Hot-fix 4 for testbed patch 9.99 is being deployed today before the May holidays.

  • IMPORTANT: Battle result screen removed. Can stay up to 15 minutes inside the battle after it is over. Player exiting battle spawns in the open world.
    • If you alt-f4 in battle you will be sent to the OW after battle
    • If you exit the battle and do nothing - normal disconnect mechanics will apply.
  • Important: You can now loot hold from sinking ships if you are near the sinking enemy vessel.
  • Crew is now free in ports. You will have to use rum at sea. 1 rum recovers 10 crew. 
    • Free crew per rank removed
  • PVP content in the admiralty store rebalanced.
    • Keep in mind that PVE server will have different prices (everything will be priced in PVE marks)
  • Fixed UI bugs in ship to ship transfer
  • Bow figureheads rebalanced slightly
    • Fixed Rattlesnake figurehead bonuses bugs
  • Added a tooltip to cannon crafting blueprint
  • Hold now affects open world speed (hold numbers are not final and will be rebalanced next patch according to ship sizes and capabilities)
  • Light carriages skill removed (due to plans to add lightweight crafteable guns)
  • Bug causing blueprint drop during breakup removed
  • NPC prices for cannons increased to promote crafter efforts
  • Fleet and fort kills are properly counted to captains in your fleet (not you) 
    • why - players started to AFK farm using fleet ships
  • Fixed most bugs not giving rewards for sinking surrendered ships (some might remain)
  • Added a button to sink a ship during cargo transfer interface (to receive kills and assists)
  • When instance ends all hulls with white flags left in instance are sank and give rewards to players who were supposed to receive kills for them
  • Recently killed flag is not given if you were sank by NPC
  • Shipyard and workshop resource requirements bug fixed.
  • Certain tuning is done for Carpenter and Steel toolbox (bonuses reduced)
  • IMPORTANT: Crafter heaven change.
    • From now on All NPC ships cannot be captured on the PVP server. You can still take their hold and loot but you cannot switch to an NPC ship anymore.
      • PVE Server: NPC ships will be capturable on the PVE server with no restrictions.  
      • PVP Server: On PVP server you will only be able to capture ships from players. Fleet ships are NPC ships
      • Testbed is a pvp server thus NPC ships cannot be captured on testbed.
    • This fix also change closes final loopholes on pvp marks farming and provides guaranteed market to shipbuilders
  • Probably new bugs introduced - Expect issues and problems as it is a testbed.



Edited by The Red Duke
some details added
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4 minutes ago, Amonacc said:

Отличный патч, чтобы снова перестать играть.

Great patch to stop playing again.

focus on specifics. whats wrong, why and how would you improve it. otherwise your comment is useless.

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5 minutes ago, Anne Wildcat said:

All looks good. Not sure about not being able to capture AI ships. ? I liked to use the trader brig I captured from my basic cutter for trading & broke up AI traders for parts. 

Again this hurts the solo player that can't afford to buy ships every time they get sunk.  I like using the captured ships either as an AI trader in my fleet or a war ship in my fleet.  Now I have to craft every ship I want to use and than make the guns?   This going to get really expensive fast if the awards are worth a crap.  Glad we get the scuttle button, but if all ships are sunk when you leave the battle kinda pointless other than the fact I can scuttle it to keep some one else from recapturing and using that ship in a battle.  Every thing else I like for the most part.  

@admin question about the end of battle.  If we need to take a restroom break or something can we stay in the battle instance and take care of that before we leave and go to the OW or will it instantly kick you into the OW affter a set amount of time after the battle is over.  The only thing I really liked about the BRS was I could take a quick break before getting back into the actions. I been in fights that lasted over 4 hours longs cause folks camped out side with there buddies and keep tagging me.  Some times you just need a break.   

Edited by Sir Texas Sir
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  • Added a button to sink a ship during cargo transfer interface (to receive kills and assists)

Very good. 


  • PVP Server: On PVP server you will only be able to capture ships from players.

Too hardcore. Very risky. I can say right now, many are packing their bags goodbye. Why? Huge Time sink.

Please for the love of God consider this:

-Instead of capturing NPC ships, allow while searching hold to find ship Manifest/Certificate/Writ. Collect enough ship manifests and deliver them to Admiralty will allow us to turn them in for a Full ship deed.

So, instead of capturing ship we will need to collect let's say 10 Writs that will equal to 1 ship. 

Like I said it before, the number of hardcore players in NA is very limited and this content is only for them. 


Edited by Ned Low
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4 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:


@admin question about the end of battle.  If we need to take a restroom break or something can we stay in the battle instance and take care of that before we leave and go to the OW or will it instantly kick you into the OW affter a set amount of time after the battle is over.  The only thing I really liked about the BRS was I could take a quick break before getting back into the actions. I been in fights that lasted over 4 hours longs cause folks camped out side with there buddies and keep tagging me.  Some times you just need a break.   

i think currently you can stay in battle for 15 mins after battle over message. This time can be extended. 

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2 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

 Now I have to craft every ship I want to use and than make the guns?  

How did captains do it in Real life? 
Joined the navy (large clan who will provide you with everything for your time) or were privateers in light cheap ships. 

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1 minute ago, admin said:

How did captains do it in Real life? 
Joined the navy (large clan who will provide you with everything for your time) or were privateers in light cheap ships. 

On the spot.

Especially the privateers. Find a crafter and pay in %% of prizes taken. He will appreciate a LOT.

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No ships at all from ai on pvp? Just about to hit rank 3 on testbed and not even close to affording shipyard/workshop and crafting ships, am i stuck in the basic cutter now w/ basic guns


Also about free crew in port does this mean go back to port after every battle at low levels?

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Just now, The Red Duke said:

Fleet ships are NPC ships. At least for now.

This should be changed. I remember we had the bug on the main server back a while ago, where fleet ships couldn't be kept after battle if captured. People put their Santis in fleet to transport them while sailing a small ship, effectively discouraging enemies from bothering to attack them since their golden, crafted, fleet Santis couldn't be captured from them.

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3 minutes ago, Wigermo said:

No ships at all from ai on pvp? Just about to hit rank 3 on testbed and not even close to affording shipyard/workshop and crafting ships, am i stuck in the basic cutter now w/ basic guns

Also about free crew in port does this mean go back to port after every battle at low levels?

if you plan to play on pve server in the future hang-on, test bed is a pvp server and we have decided that pvp server will be about pvp.

free crew in port means you will have to use rum at low levels at sea. cost of 1 rum (to produce) is less than 80 - 1 rum recovers 10 crew. crew is free in port. Make or buy some rum and never run out of crew.


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6 minutes ago, admin said:

i think currently you can stay in battle for 15 mins after battle over message. This time can be extended. 

15 mins is plenty of time I would say, if you can't get your business done in that time than you might have some other issues lol

7 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

@Sir Texas Sir I think the fastest way other than waiting the full battle screen is exit to OW, Tow ship, and then exit.

Just remove the GPS for no pin point "accuracy" of battle locations. Entry timer is already extended.


You can still get tagged than and pulled into a battle.  I'm more just saying a bit of time to go smoke a cig, take a restroom break get a snack before you have to face a battle again. I sat out side a port after a port battle for 13 hours to capture/sink 7 first rates with some clan mates (only one other sat with me all day)  So I know all about camping the out side of a battle screen.

Need to leave the GPS (it's not even GPS cause there is no dot you still have to figure out how to read a map) cause some fokls including myself get lost and suck at maps.   They did have means to chart there locations back than with maps and other things.

5 minutes ago, admin said:

How did captains do it in Real life? 
Joined the navy (large clan who will provide you with everything for your time) or were privateers in light cheap ships. 

Well that is all fine if I was in the Navy...but as a Pirate I should be able to split my prize with my crew and advance some one to captian of my fleet if I so wish or upgrade my ship to something bigger for my raiding.  Hmmmmm since pirates have nothing but nagative effects to them right now could be a lovely perk of being a pirate.  They can only capture ships while all nationals can't.   Though as a trade off make it where they can't craft anything above a 4th rate.   Many brought this up before. Hint Hint.

5 minutes ago, Anne Wildcat said:

Or for those that like GPS, limit it to integers only, no decimals.  I for one would agree on complete removal of it. :)

 Yah I like this way better than totally removal.  Even wight great charts they where never exactly perfect with the locations of where they where.  So making it where you can be off a bit at your location would be a good way to meet in the middle with those that hate the GPS and those that still want some form toe chart there locations, but this is a topic for another time.

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From now on All NPC ships cannot be captured on the PVP server. You can still take their hold and loot but you cannot switch to an NPC ship anymore.

I think you forgot to write "Pirates removed."


I probably won't be suffering through anymore of this Testbed, since it's going to be unplayable until the population is high. Crafter heaven and hell for everyone else.


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