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Hotfix 2 for testbed patch 9.99


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2 hours ago, admin said:

I hope you did not mean - "Hey, as a pirate i want to jump from FT to FT like a grasshopper attacking poor traders in instantly closing battles with a teleport to safety from the BRS?"

The teleport from BRS has to go IMO but the tp to FT (as outpost) should be re-introduced.  I stated my reasons and time and player base will tell if I was right or wrong.  As for me, I will not be sailing for 1hr to maybe get pvp but that is me. 

Starter pack did not work.
Players sold the starter pack and traded cash, deleted the account, created new, sold the pack, traded cash, deleted the account. 
One particular player have created 200 characters this way until we closed the loophole the next day. 

now we have a free cutter with free cannons and free repairs. 

Then give some xp and gold for damaging ships or capping ships when on a basic cutter or something.  I have many hours in the game so I will be ok to restart with nothing.  However, for a newbie it can be a frustrating experience and many will not stay the course to the detriment of player base. Again, time will tell...


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2 hours ago, admin said:

what do you mean? 

I hope you did not mean - "Hey, as a pirate i want to jump from FT to FT like a grasshopper attacking poor traders in instantly closing battles with a teleport to safety from the BRS?"


Starter pack did not work.
Players sold the starter pack and traded cash, deleted the account, created new, sold the pack, traded cash, deleted the account. 
One particular player have created 200 characters this way until we closed the loophole the next day. 


now we have a free cutter with free cannons and free repairs. 

I meant what I said. What is the role of pirates in this game? Latest ROE tells me you want Pirates to RVR. Why?   So what is the role of pirate? Simple question really. Why are pirates in game when you removed any pirate activity?

Pirates did not build navy's and took ports from empires. It was rare for large number of Pirate Captains to work together. They appeared out of nowhere, raided, pillaged, ransomed and dissapeared into nowhere. Empires chased them and exterminated them at every oportunity. Empires in your game can chase and take the Pirate ports, yet pirate cannot be pirates.

If Pirates are a nation in this game, then make them a nation. If pirates are pirates, then give them pirate activities.

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I may just be a weirdo but do plan, as a casual player who only has weekends to play, to base myself out of a free port in enemy waters, even if it takes a month to get set up. :) 


So, if you are a casual player, with no tp between free towns, stay in your home waters. If you want to venture into enemy waters, set up an outpost on the border between you and your next nation (hopefully you are not best buds).  Yes, it stinks for pirates as this again makes them a nation (waiting for raids and no pirate ports, although we can still have shipyards in free towns :) ) 

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19 minutes ago, AxIslander said:

I am not happy about the teleport situation. this game has a lot of micro management that we need some TP ability.

You can TP between national ports. That is enough for management of buildings and more actions. 

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5 minutes ago, AxIslander said:

yes, you are right. i was in a FT at the time.

The problem was people was exploiting the deliveries system + free TP between freetowns. You could to win various millions without actual playing. Only going online every 2-3 hours for sell and buy and deliver the new stuff. I used that exploit before and I had a shit load of money and the game becomes boring in the end.

Now you can to micromanage the buildings and even TP to the other side of the map IF your faction have own ports there.

Maybe now we will have real OW RvR and not the "battle arena with OW RvR masquerade" with very cheap ships we had before. And for RvR you don't need 25vs25 SoLs' battles every 48 hours.

I am very happy than devs take this new approach for Naval Action at last.

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5 hours ago, Cmdr RideZ said:

He means are pirates like every other nation, with an exception that they can go pirate vs pirate.

Grasshopper sounds so negative.  There could be a lot to offer in grasshopping, I recommend to think about it.

The problem is many of us pirates don't want to be like other nations.  Though it seems the devs don't want us to be nothing other than a bastard of a nation with a bunch of a penalitys, but no perks.   We keep loosing things that made the none Pirate Republic (nat players) Outlaws (Traditional pirate players) from each other.   

4 hours ago, furyGer said:

I am not a pirat friend, but perhaps they need 2 or 3 bases over the map to teleport. Or we will see them only around mortimer town. But who will decide where this bases will be.... Hehe. And if they are save like free towns, its not fair vs the nations. So not sure if it will be a good idea. 

The hostility system don't work well with only npc ships and fleets. The are all over the map, but not in their region. We need missions or something else. 

We really need to a proper raid system, drop the conquest and let us work out of freeports/Pirate havens and let us be pirates.  Right now we have to do conquest and it seems every nation tends to hate on the pirates if we get snippy and want any regions of our own to grow or be able to raid properly.   Now the only way to do it is you have to drag half a dozen ships and supplies to that free port and camp it for the weekend until you run out of supplies.   Since capture ships don't give you crap for xp or make any money off them you can't even support such forward operations with your ship raiding.

3 hours ago, fremen said:

Better a lot of changes suddenly than no changes in two months....

I agree, cause lets be honest LIVE SERVER has not been updated in 5 months....Though I get what he's talking about it would of been nice if they had this figured out more 2-3 months ago and we where able to start testing many of it than and spread it out instead of waiting so long and getting it all in one month, but anything is better than nothing. I'm still thinking at this rate we aren't getting every thing to testbed until by the end of the month as a lot seems to be missing so far.  Which means we won't see it to live until Mid May prob.

1 hour ago, Anne Wildcat said:

I may just be a weirdo but do plan, as a casual player who only has weekends to play, to base myself out of a free port in enemy waters, even if it takes a month to get set up. :) 


So, if you are a casual player, with no tp between free towns, stay in your home waters. If you want to venture into enemy waters, set up an outpost on the border between you and your next nation.  Yes, it stinks for pirates as this again makes them a nation (waiting for raids and no pirate ports :) ) 

That is proper raiding, but right now you have to bring so much supplies with you to support your operations or hope you can upkeep it.  If you didn't have spare ships with you the first time your sunk your great adventures are over with.....not fun for the casual players at all.  To say stay in my home waters?   Well hell why can't I play my Privateer/Pirate the way I want.  Raiding deep in the enemy waters, disrupting there supply lines?  If your waiting on pirates mechanics that make us anything other than a broken nation than you better not hold your breath. I really don't feel the Devs ever plan to make us nothing but a bastard/red-headed step child of a Nation.

Well I guess I'll be over here grinding 50 ships just so I can get good at my one good ship I like to master.  Which I might be able to some time next century cause of how much I have to grind.

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So I pushed my luck in my frigate and got sunk.  No biggie I'm thinking it should be easy to just jump in port and buy a new one (Devs words after all wasn't it?)  So I take my little 80K pot of gold (was way more but I just burned my econ, reason I went out doing missions and ship grounding).   Well I get a Cerberus, figure it's a temp replacement for a Frigate utnil I get some more money and it was only 50K.  Than I go to buy the guns.  160K.   Well looks like I'm back in a basic cutter or as most causal players would prob rage and just not come back.  Your cost for a lost and replacement doesn't add up for what you gain and loose.  I been trying to not do trade runs to make money and right now I can't support doing econ and grinding ships and having a lost.  I'm sorry 160K for the guns on a 50K ship?  That is insane that means the ship actually cost me over 200K.  

Think I'll go grind my alts to make some cash now since I can't get crap from traders and hunting them with a basic cutter is to much a pain.  I should not be forced into a beginner ship every time I sink cause I can't afford the cost to run my econ production and keep ships in docks.  

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Serious question:

What's with all the deliberately killjoy decisions?

  • Puny AI trader holds
  • Comically small returns from breaking up vessels
  • Captured vessels literally worthless for sale


And now that XP for damage has been removed, I take it the devs are planning for no new players to buy the game ever? No one cares if a few people farm XP with alts.

The devs should really play from scratch and not use their redeemables. Lots of great changes to the game, but you are separated from them by a wall of newbie-hating mission-grinding misery.

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6 minutes ago, maturin said:

Serious question:

What's with all the deliberately killjoy decisions?

  • Puny AI trader holds
  • Comically small returns from breaking up vessels
  • Captured vessels literally worthless for sale


And now that XP for damage has been removed, I take it the devs are planning for no new players to buy the game ever? No one cares if a few people farm XP with alts.

The devs should really play from scratch and not use their redeemables. Lots of great changes to the game, but you are separated from them by a wall of newbie-hating mission-grinding misery.

I've been playing the testbed since the patch. I think you are off base from the stand point of team play. Team players wont be affected by this stuff very much. But yes solo play will be a lot harder now.  Basically they want us to start interacting with other players and generate sand box content ourselves.  The old view of a game where a solo player was his own ship captain, ship builder and mods maker teleporting around the Caribbean safely sailing off enemy coast protected by computer enforced ROE looking for arena fights in the OW are mostly over.

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4 minutes ago, AxIslander said:

Feels a lot like a second job, this game.<_<

And that not good for sure - devs should eliminate time needed in ports, long sailing times and complex eco and let us focus on sea combat.

Edited by Bart Smith
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7 minutes ago, AxIslander said:

Feels a lot like a second job, this game.<_<

Its no second job.

All you have to do collect logs, ore, etc... every two days. For 10min of your time fabricate it into a sub part and put that up onto the market and sell it to make your money. You can actually make an enormous amount of money doing this in the right spots.

You don't need to grind to sail any ship in the game. But if you want elite level skill unlocks on that ship you will. Your choice.

Pure PVP can buy everything on the admiralty shop including ships.  Theoretically you don't have to do econ ever if your very good at pvp. 


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3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

That is proper raiding, but right now you have to bring so much supplies with you to support your operations or hope you can upkeep it.  If you didn't have spare ships with you the first time your sunk your great adventures are over with.....not fun for the casual players at all. 

I suspect FTs will be the main hubs for selling repairs and cannons - provided they don't ban combat ships from them as well, as has been discussed elsewhere.

We don't yet know what the relationship is going to be between player-made and NPC-made ships, but I also suspect that without TP to capital, capitals are going to become less important so FTs may become ship selling hubs as well.

Incidentally, when you die, can you be teleported to an FT, or is it always a national port?

1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

So I pushed my luck in my frigate and got sunk.  No biggie I'm thinking it should be easy to just jump in port and buy a new one (Devs words after all wasn't it?)  So I take my little 80K pot of gold (was way more but I just burned my econ, reason I went out doing missions and ship grounding).   Well I get a Cerberus, figure it's a temp replacement for a Frigate utnil I get some more money and it was only 50K.  Than I go to buy the guns.  160K.   Well looks like I'm back in a basic cutter or as most causal players would prob rage and just not come back.  Your cost for a lost and replacement doesn't add up for what you gain and loose.  I been trying to not do trade runs to make money and right now I can't support doing econ and grinding ships and having a lost.  I'm sorry 160K for the guns on a 50K ship?  That is insane that means the ship actually cost me over 200K. 

I have read lots of posts from staff about how players should create PvP opportunities and why some things are now being changed because they were being abused, but pretty much every post I read is from the battle winner's viewpoint. Sure, everything's going to be brilliant for winners - but we'll also keep you in your place and stop you from abusing ... well, I'm not quite sure, exactly, but clearly there must be some people who need protecting from pirates (or anyone else) teleporting to FTs.

But very little thought seems to be given to losers. You cannot dura-stack ships to be able to instantly return to battle. You have to pay a fortune for guns as well as your ship. You get no rewards for damage - fighting well isn't enough: you have to win! Losers are the people most in need of gold, yet have the least. Ok, it's quite right they have less than winners, but nothing at all??

New players will probably start off as losers, and therefore get a very hard path to follow. I wonder how many will bother persisting until they are winners. It certainly places a lot of pressure on clans, for I don't think a new player will be able to survive without one. This may be a good thing, but I do think a little more attention needs to be paid to those who lose.

Edited by Remus
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Ok since I heard folks say once again, "Sink the trader and you will get rewards after you capture it." Well I caught me a Brit Trader Snow, worked it over enough to make sure I get the damage on it for a kill along with the board capture.  I take the ship and send the crew to the sharks.  Than I get my 24 Chesire Cheese of the ship (yep once again crappy cargo) and sink the ship.   BATTLE OVER NO REWARDS ONCE AGIN.


@admin Thought you said if we sink them we get rewards?   Yet again no we don't....there is no rewards for captured crap ship ad cargo.....well traders.


Oh and any one want some moldy cheese?  Bet this won't fetch me the cost of my repair and crew. 4989...so it replaced 10 of my crew.....glade it was a Trader Snow and not an LVG where I would actually have to get the crew down first.  Completely useless so I'll just sink traders for now on.

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47 minutes ago, maturin said:


  • Puny AI trader holds
  • Comically small returns from breaking up vessels
  • Captured vessels literally worthless for sale


inflation control starts from 0 money. Then if there is not enough money it is easy to add. but if there is too much money its much harder to take back

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Use basic cutter, cap trader snows and lower, sell cargo, break down ship, sell parts, get back in basic cutter.  Each time you do this you get anout 15k.  That's at rank 1.

Get a rainy day fund established.  Do some trades and you'll have 100k in just a few hours at rank one.

This game isn't hard at all at start in testbed.  Gamers pretty much always want it easier then when it's too easy complain about content that'll challenge them.

As for losers, it's a risk reward game.  No or little risk makes it easy and thus boring.  But if i can get 100k in a few hours at rank 1 then maybe it's not so hard?

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The actual testbed is very easy from 0 rank and 0 money. Obviously you will not get SoL with maxed stats in the first day, but that is not the goal of the game.

People losing money from crew losses capping a trader or even doing missions are doing something wrong. I never payed even 1 gold for a crew member in a full week. playing from 0 rank.

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@SiirTexas - The dynamic for raiding is changing.  It's going from haphazard FT outposts all over the Carrib we just teleport or favorite 3 dura good ship to a much more planned out event.  We are going to have to establish a base first and stock it with logistics.  Then raid.  Otherwise losses for non-home water fights will be devastating.  Also home water defenses will be more expensive if we don't plan accordingly.  I imagine we will need to start collecting guns off captured ships and storing them up as a logistics item.

@ Remus - I think new players, that have not established the play habits we did over last year, will learn the game in a more prepared fashion than we did. Hopefully this makes them less susceptible to problems many of us take for granted.  In EVE if you a traveling frontier space and your ship gets blown up you are left floating there in a life boat pod you actually have to travel back in.  Without a nearby base you can't just jump back into a fight. Ships are incredibly expensive and if you haven't previously set up an out post with a spare things don't work out well.  Anyway, my point is that the starting EVE player doesn't expect anything different.  So they plan ahead because the have to and it's one of the first things they learn.  NA didn't start hard mode but now it's going there.  People still play EVE. More than currently play NA. If NA players had never started with super easy Econ and teleports. If the POTBS players had not shown up expecting ship dura, open world ROE, computer protected "fair" fights and such we wouldn't be talking about half the stuff in these forums we do.

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i'm the only one who thinks that the cannons are very expensive?

cost 18k to arm a basic cutter with mediums 6pdrs,  do the maths for the big boats ....

the new players are going to make a lot of shitty battles with the free cannons to get only  a better cannons...

a money sink is needed but please make it reasonable 

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50 minutes ago, admin said:

inflation control starts from 0 money. Then if there is not enough money it is easy to add. but if there is too much money its much harder to take back

And yet there are delivery missions with rewards of 400,000 and 400% profit. People are making millions just trading around Jamaica.

This isn't inflation control. This is kleptocracy. Денег нет, но вы держитесь.


Are missions still going to be limited? Because they have only increased in importance as the best form of grinding.

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