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  • Playing battles with other people (group) cedes me no captured loot/ships

I play missions (that either I start or someone else). We win, I board and capture the enemy ship, the white flag goes up. I then press leave battle, to get to the Combat Results screen. Where there is nothing. I don't get the ships I have boarded and captured through this mission.

I guess it's a programming bug or I'm missing something.

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Try to disable firewall and antivirus first, check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game. If this won't solve the issue, then please run connection test tool, when you launch the game in Steam there are 4 options, please, pick 4-th "Report Connection Test" and paste the report number here, its like NAS-XXXX



k heres the report number




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  • Playing battles with other people (group) cedes me no captured loot/ships
  • I play missions (that either I start or someone else). We win, I board and capture the enemy ship, the white flag goes up. I then press leave battle, to get to the Combat Results screen. Where there is nothing. I don't get the ships I have boarded and captured through this mission.
  • I guess it's a programming bug or I'm missing something.

At the moment the ship is given to the player that caused most damage to the captured ship




Когда будет русский язык в игре?! Прошу ответить того кто знает правду!

Русский язык будет после добавления нескольких важных элементов игры



Try to disable firewall and antivirus first, check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game. If this won't solve the issue, then please run connection test tool, when you launch the game in Steam there are 4 options, please, pick 4-th "Report Connection Test" and paste the report number here, its like NAS-XXXX


k heres the report number



So, firewall, antivirus and port opening didn't help, right?
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At the moment the ship is given to the player that caused most damage to the captured ship


I see. Is there any chance of this changing in the future? Maybe adding a new mechanic for voting/deciding on who gets the ship/loot. As it is I've played a few battles and have won, but no ship yet. Thanks for your time.

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after i press start in character selection nothing happens exept that a little black dot shows up in the bottom left. i've left it over night and it was still in the same spot it was. there was no bug crash handle at all so i cant quote it in this report. i sent an in game f11 report before this so i hope that helps the devs.

k so i came over to my friends house to try it out and it works here so its got to be my router. how do i open up router ports?

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At the moment the ship is given to the player that caused most damage to the captured ship




Русский язык будет после добавления нескольких важных элементов игры



So, firewall, antivirus and port opening didn't help, right?


no it didn't it works at my freinds house but it doesn't work on my network for some reason so its got to be with the router but i dont know how to unblock specific ports on net gear genie

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Im trying to join PVP 1 and the game is telling me my version is 26383, but i need 26404. I have just done a fresh install. Any idea's why this is happening?

Verify integrity of the game? Perhaps there is a missed update somehow?

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no it didn't it works at my freinds house but it doesn't work on my network for some reason so its got to be with the router but i dont know how to unblock specific ports on net gear genie

Try this link, if you can't set up it by yourself, probably it would be better to call the netgear support to assist you?


Im trying to join PVP 1 and the game is telling me my version is 26383, but i need 26404. I have just done a fresh install. Any idea's why this is happening?
I guess you need to update the game, close the game, launch it on Steam, wait till updating is complete and run the game
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It is now 7.15 pm on January 19 2016 I still can't logon can any one tell me what is gong on ?

either maintenance or you got my problem where you cant get past character selection

either maintenance or you got my problem where you cant get past character selection

at least that's what i asume

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Hiya All,


just (literally just) capped a renomee in a small battle but it wouldn't move. Sails said full but no sails deployed, no movement, nada. Had to swap back to my yacht using x as the fight was still ongoing but didn't get anything on my loot screen. Please help?


PVP Server 1, in game name Matey Buoy

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well i opened the ports again. still nothing... T-T



Try this link, if you can't set up it by yourself, probably it would be better to call the netgear support to assist you?


Try this link, if you can't set up it by yourself, probably it would be better to call the netgear support to assist you?


I guess you need to update the game, close the game, launch it on Steam, wait till updating is complete and run the game


Edited by baka
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Hiya All,


just (literally just) capped a renomee in a small battle but it wouldn't move. Sails said full but no sails deployed, no movement, nada. Had to swap back to my yacht using x as the fight was still ongoing but didn't get anything on my loot screen. Please help?


PVP Server 1, in game name Matey Buoy

if enemies are present in battle you cannot cap a ship as they steal it.

to be able to cap a ship you either have to transfer to it by pressing X (sailing up close) and run away in it.

or win the battle

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Hiya All,


just (literally just) capped a renomee in a small battle but it wouldn't move. Sails said full but no sails deployed, no movement, nada. Had to swap back to my yacht using x as the fight was still ongoing but didn't get anything on my loot screen. Please help?


PVP Server 1, in game name Matey Buoy


The reason it wouldn't move is that you were so undercrewed, you needed to wait a VERY long time for your sails to come up.  If you weren't in sailing mode, you may never have gotten the sails up.  40 people can not effectively get a Renomee moving without a half an hour of scrambling up and down masts.


I've been undercrewed to the point that it took 20-30 seconds per 1% point of sails.  Full sails means you've commanded the crew to put up full sails - but watch the % underneath full - there is a lag between Full Sails, and 100% Sail status.  If you're undercrewed, you'll see it tick to 1%, then a little while later to 2%, etc.

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can anyone tell me if these are all the ports this game uses?


7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 


because i've port forwarded nearly six times over and with Netgears help i confirmed i wasn't crazy and i was doing it right.

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can anyone tell me if these are all the ports this game uses?


7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 


because i've port forwarded nearly six times over and with Netgears help i confirmed i wasn't crazy and i was doing it right.



yes, those are the ports which we use, but on top of firewalls and antiviruses there is programs like K9 or utorrent which can block traffic. Worst case, your internet provider might filter traffic


I would suggest to turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients, K9 kind of software, ...), disable antivirus, firewall any other protection/filtering software and put your computer to DMZ on router (you can find instructions for your router).


If that won't help - please try to use 3g/4g connection for a test to see if it works through it

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I've got horrible graphical glitches (Radeon 270). No matter the settings, the newest drivers. It's to anoying I cannot play - any sugestions?


I've sent reports several times (F11) - but no reply or any help. I've participated in tests before the Open World and everything was peachy.

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I've got horrible graphical glitches (Radeon 270). No matter the settings, the newest drivers. It's to anoying I cannot play - any sugestions?


I've sent reports several times (F11) - but no reply or any help. I've participated in tests before the Open World and everything was peachy.

Have you tried to reinstall game and also reinstall visual studio redist? Also, can you post here the bug report name like NAB-xxxx (the name you can see here). 

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Trying to login (any shard, but especially PvP One.)

I get to the Player Selection screen, but no players are listed?


Dude, where's my Enseigne de vaisseau:(

do you mean, you were able to play but eventually your character selection is empty now? Were there any change in PC done (like new firewall, antivirus etc.)? Please check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game, also turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients, K9 kind of software etc.), disable antivirus, firewall any other protection/filtering software, also, you can try to put your router into DMZ mode.


If this won't help please send report through Steam Launch option "Report Connection Test" and post report name here (it will look like NAS-XXXX)

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do you mean, you were able to play but eventually your character selection is empty now? Were there any change in PC done (like new firewall, antivirus etc.)? Please check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game, also turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients, K9 kind of software etc.), disable antivirus, firewall any other protection/filtering software, also, you can try to put your router into DMZ mode.


If this won't help please send report through Steam Launch option "Report Connection Test" and post report name here (it will look like NAS-XXXX)


Yes; have been playing for a day or two.

No changes to PC; logging in via the same Steam account.  IP address may have changed due to flaky ADSL connection.


Connection report:  NAS-99164

Edited by Nankeen Heron
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alright now my router says the ports are blocked by the router... didn't tell me that before. Sigh*   how do i move the already used ports by the router?

for Netgear genie? As you can already tell, its a new router and layout, super confusing and apparently super finicky.


i run 2mB per second if this is an issue

Edited by baka
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Yes; have been playing for a day or two.

No changes to PC; logging in via the same Steam account.  IP address may have changed due to flaky ADSL connection.


Connection report:  NAS-99164

Connection test has been passed successfully, please, try to reload router, steam and the game, also make sure to check what was said before:


Please check that router/software is not blocking ports 7770, 8089, 5672, 5222, 8080, 21020-21036, 7401-7600 for the game, also turn off all programs which use internet heavily (like torrent programs, netflix clients, K9 kind of software etc.), disable antivirus, firewall any other protection/filtering software, also, you can try to put your router into DMZ mode.

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alright now my router says the ports are blocked by the router... didn't tell me that before. Sigh*   how do i move the already used ports by the router?

for Netgear genie? As you can already tell, its a new router and layout, super confusing and apparently super finicky.

Did you try the link ? If not, I'd suggest to contact netgear support to assist you.  I'm using another router myself, I'd help otherwise with a tip.

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Bought the game yesterday on steam.


When i create a new character i get spawned near roseau no matter what nation i choose. My ship wont react to any commands and is stuck but the speed shown is something like 5000KN. After every 30 seconds or so i get respawned and if i wait long enough it respawns me at port royal, where im able to enter but as soon as i leave my ship is stuck again.


I already tried reinstalling/relogging/starting a new game on a different server

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