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I'm just curious to see how many people actually enjoy the pve events or if it's a case that players only do them for the rewards.. seeing as its normal to see the same 10-15 players names on the board every day..

Couple of questions..

1. Who actually enjoys events..?..

2. Should players have to suffer something boring/ repetitive as hell to receive rewards.

3. Does the same players receiving rewards everyday harm lower player morale.

4. How can it be made better, other/better ways to get rewards. (Personally I think pvp points acquired for all pvp fights would be the way to unlock rare bp's or ships) with some form of pve reward system for paints...

Meaning even lower ranked/skilled players still get rewarded for hours in game..when I say in game I mean open world not Sat in pve/mission lobby doing rinse & repeat pve missions.

Edited by Spitfire83
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I regularly place in the top 10 on pvp1 for the timed event, and I absolutely despise these events.  I have given away so many paints and broken down so many garbage ships all in the hopes that I get a blueprint out of the ship chests.  Every day I open one of these ship chests, its a letdown, as I get another shitty unusable ship.  I want a blueprint, not some garbadge ship!  As an example, I got an oak wood type agile hull, speed L'Ocean that I tested out in the pvp event, only to have it go to the bottom of the ocean floor.  I should have just surrendered the ship and let the enemy have the POS.  It was completley outclassed by the Bucentaure next to me stripping my armor away with strong hull live oak, stiffness or build strength. 

I tried to do the max kill pve event, but I barley have the patients for the timed one, so I gave up on that one. 

Edited by Yar Matey
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I do them for the rewards, but sick and tired of the same ships, especially those damn cheating snow. I will wait until the timed event changes ships that move like a real ship that has actual weight and momentum and actually affected by crew shock.

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I honestly do not care for any of the events both PvP and PvE listed at the ports. I feel that it takes away people from the Open World/ main part of the game. This however, is just my opinion. 


With that stated. The PvE events I felt were somewhat repetitive and were quite dull. There are multiple reasons why I feel this way and lack of variety in ships are one such reason.

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Not a fan of the PvE events either, maybe the first or second try it's somewhat novel, but after that you're just repeatedly trying to manipulate the AI to shave off as much time as possible. Stopped bothering with it after the first day, it's just annoying.

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At first, I liked them as it helps me gauge how good (no, make that how bad) I am at sinking Snows, but after seeing the same Snows for the 20th time, I have not attempted to sink any more...  I just wish there was variety.  Please expand to include all the craftable ships - and rotate through the list. 

I think the PvE Events could be turned into much more.  From evade and escape missions, to Fleet Missions which count to the PvE leaderboard.  At least then, the PvE grind leading up to a PB might give some reward other than just the PB being scheduled...  I ran 15+ 160XP Fleet Missions yesterday on PvP2 - not what I want to do on a PvP server...



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personally I probably wouldn't spend any time on the pve event if not for the rewards, I think there's plenty of scope for variety on the pve missions & I'm hoping the reasons for them being static is development time is going into other content which I understand. I would like to see player VS a mixed fleet to see how long can survive while picking killing targets before inevitable death I.E. a actual challenge..

Though with the AI the way it is that could be a cluster f$%K..

The AI in pve missions is annoying and yet the AI you get given in fleet is useless I would like to have more/better commands for my fleet.


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Ever painted a really large wall with a really small brush? Feels the same right?

Although i do like the paints because it brings a bit of individuality,not really bothered about the bp they will be wiped anyway so i just give them away,wheres that random treasure fleet sailing from point A to B, or parts of a map to locate something juicy,even an odd paint or chest in a bottle wouldn't go a miss for the noobs.

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I do those pve 'challenges' for the rewards, only. There is not much fun in them, I agree, but after a few days you get to understand how AI thinks, when they want to turn, what you need to do to prevent them from turning and how you can make them turn the way you want, so it's mostly 1st or 2nd try to get a good result.
A bigger variety would be nice though.

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I do the PVE time challenge some times ... to get some rewards ... some times I sink the snows, sometimes they sink me ... (I have only Fir- or Bermuda-Cedar Rattlesnakes)  ...... but it seems every times there are 10 better players than me ;)...  do it faster or with more damage ....  so I never reached the top10 ...

I hope the ship to use will change soon ... and maybe I have a stronger ship for it ....

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Why can't we have events that are both pve and pvp. For example take 10 tons of live oak from port morrant to wilimstade between server time 1900 and 2000's. Makes it a national event gives, if completed 2million to each transporter of 500 units of more, plus gives each national a 24hr 10% buff to labour hours created. The event will attract pvpers wanting the materials and pvp who want pvp from defending! Is this not easy to do?

Do it for each nation etc

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1 hour ago, monk33y said:

Why can't we have events that are both pve and pvp. For example take 10 tons of live oak from port morrant to wilimstade between server time 1900 and 2000's. Makes it a national event gives, if completed 2million to each transporter of 500 units of more, plus gives each national a 24hr 10% buff to labour hours created. The event will attract pvpers wanting the materials and pvp who want pvp from defending! Is this not easy to do?

Do it for each nation etc

I have been coming up with suggestions for months like this, but they are always largely ignored.  We need raiding ports, we need blockades (I came up with a whole design in the suggestions for blockades).  I came up with a similar PvP/PvE event where one side has to protect a group of NPC traders to their destination and one group of players attack and try to sink the traders.  But sadly, we are given a PvP gankfest event, and PvE challenges that are boring and pointless other than for the rewards. 

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