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Bad reviewers on Steam with 1,000+ hours: You are an absolute disgrace

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14 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

You complain that you don't get information, and when you get said information, you attempt to weaponize it.

Not entirely sure who you were responding too. This reaction, unfortunately, is the result of pent-up frustration. Oop - as Archaos just said too.

I favor open discussion too where issues can be hashed out and points of view examined. It's our best chance of exposing potential abuses. And yes, if people can't be civil about it - caution them and then break out the ban-hammer. If you can't express yourself without constantly ridiculing everyone else's opinion then you don't deserve to have one either. Occasionally losing your cool is one thing. Being consistently abusive just means you're an ass.

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20 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

See.  This is why we can't have nice things.  You all get the pitchforks and torches out over something, someone tells you how it's being resolved, and you simply redirect said pitchforks and torches.  You complain that you don't get information, and when you get said information, you attempt to weaponize it.  Is it any wonder the developers don't want to wade into this mess?

I wanted to try to help assuage some concerns.  Certainly a mistake I won't make twice.

If anything the reason we can't have nice things is: WE CAN"T GET THE BP FOR THEM! or ---- or ----or WE CAN'T BE AT THE EVENT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO DO REAL LIFE!

sorry for the yelling - but isn't it obvious that if you (as Dev's etc.) only give "the good stuff" to a few people - the other people WONT have it?

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42 minutes ago, Magnum said:

sorry for the yelling - but isn't it obvious that if you (as Dev's etc.) only give "the good stuff" to a few people - the other people WONT have it?

aerh... - yes... I think that is the idea with rare items: that not everybody has them. ;)

37 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

...you may have a Cecilia, Agamemnon and L'Ocean if you promise to just sit tight and stop yelling about it.
Deal ?

Hey, wait - how much must I stop yelling for that C'ILIA ? Nobody can sit straighter than me! I'd LOVE to have that ship ! ... :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Hethwill said:

If I reset my character in the next 24 hours, which I might, you may have a Cecilia, Agamemnon and L'Ocean if you promise to just sit tight and stop yelling about it.

Deal ?

What I am yelling about is the idea that it's right to only allow certain people into the "good gear" club.


1 hour ago, Olham said:

aerh... - yes... I think that is the idea with rare items: that not everybody has them. ;)

Yes, but it is IMPORTANT that everybody have an equal shot at having them - subtle difference.

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Point taken, will keep them and will not delete my character then. Will give them to you 1 day before the wipe then ;).

Out of trolling mode, this is not the first project that gives away different things to members of the community or event winners. It is not a novelty.

Actually in those projects there are no BPs. It is impossible to get them by any means not even with real cash. They are truly unique and very few exist.

It is not a an idea to yell at tbh. It is pretty normal for development houses and community management to do...since massive multiplayer entered the gaming lingo.


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36 minutes ago, Enraged Ewok said:

You are literally bitching about the equivalent of not getting rare loot drops when you didn't even participate in the raid, to use the most general MMO mechanics.

No, as I said it is a "subtle difference" - your analogy falls apart if you get to ensure that "your raids" are only scheduled when "your pals" are online - leaving the bulk of players out. Using special events of any kind to distribute loot is the stoopidest thing I've heard of in a long time - duh, since all the people who paid for the game are NEVER all online at one time.

"Random" drops are almost civilized compared to that crap, at least everyone gets an equal (if slim) chance.

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It sounds as if your concerns were heard quite some time ago, and your issue is being directly resolved.  These notes I know are in the open, so I'm not sure what all the hullabaloo is about?


On 11/14/2016 at 11:15 AM, admin said:


We would like to share the features we are working on. Features are to be delivered in the next content patch.

During this early access we have found that some features that are realistic (and demanded by players for testing) are later found out to be less fun than the previous implementation. Early access is the only time to test all ideas and cut them if they are not fun. So hang on there - we will be fast and ruthless in cutting things that don't work. 

Feature list that will get in

Land in port battles.

  • This is an experimental feature and might make port battles better or might actually make it worse.
  • Port battles will be run in the harbor of the regional capital of that region.
  • Instead of tower and BR difference requirements, there will be 3 objectives.
  • Controlling objectives gives your side points. If you played conquest mode in Battlefiled 3 you will understand how it works.
  • 3 objectives will be at certain distance from each other sometimes forcing fleets to split up and coordinate. Faster, lighter ships importance will increase.
  • Potential griefing and kiting will be completely eliminated. You won't care if your opponent is kiting you - capture and control 2 objectives and you will eventually win.
  • The only drawback found in testing is this - land changes combat completely and in some cases will slow them down depending on the harbor. Some harbors will be very hard to capture due to their natural composition.
  • Port entry will change and both attackers and defenders will spawn based on their OW position. We don't know about the wind yet but maybe the wind should be taken from the OW forcing attackers to carefully choose the time for attack. 

Global events 

  • PVE challenge. New lobby event focused exclusively on killing NPC ships. Players will have limited time to sink as many opponents as they can (on a pre-selected ship). Event will run weeky (or for several days) depending on the testing results. Top 10 players will be rewarded by ship redeemables, upgrades, rare materials and paint customizations. Ship which can be used in events will change every event. 
  • PVP challenge. Open world map events focused exclusively on sinking players. A special area will be designated for PVP events and will run 3 times per day for Far East, EU and US prime times for several hours. Kills (victories) will be counted for players fighting in that zone. Players who gain leaderboard positions in their respective time zones will be rewarded by ship redeemables, upgrades, rare materials and /or paint customizations. Proposed initial locations for pvp challenge: shallow - Bahamas sand bank above Cuba (2 free towns north and south), deep water - hispaniola channel (3 free towns north south and west).

Crew damage changes

  • It is not logical that all crew can be killed by ball or grape (for some of the sailors are on the masts and yards). We have returned the old sea trials thresholds of 30 and 10%. After you kill 70% of enemy crew it will be harder and harder to inflict more casualties. After losses reach 90% crew damage becomes impossible. The cannonball damage is still under review.
  • Brace is added for testing. Brace allows you to give a take cover command to your crew that will act a s crew shock severely limiting crew casualties, but blocking some of the actions you could do while you are on brace. Brace will stop reload, affect firing ability, stop repairs and water pumping and rudder usage. You will still be able to use yards. 

Possible features (might not make it)

Admiralty store.

  • New currency will be added and will be granted for PvP victories and successful port attack or defense. In its basic implementation players will be able to use this currency to buy rare materials and upgrades. 

Other changes

  • We think that fine woods and ship crafting in general forced players to fight less and sail and craft more. The changes we implemented last patch were based on player proposals and we all thought that they will make the crafting more challenging and provide more options for conquest goals. Testing shown that might have just sucked out all time from PVP and increased the risk levels forcing some players to sail safer.
  • ROE changes. We believe that the final ROE should be a combination of the old roe and new 2 circles system. But with adjustments. 
  • Social perk will return for testing in another form - allowing entry to the weaker side until the battle is balanced.


Fires will finally damage sails 

ETA - End of November.



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3 minutes ago, Powderhorn said:

It sounds as if your concerns were heard quite some time ago, and your issue is being directly resolved.  These notes I know are in the open, so I'm not sure what all the hullabaloo is about?

What? The hullabaloo is about some smug _______ saying many many many other players of the game with THOUSANDS of hours playtime are "Losers", "Idiots", "babies" and "little crybabygirls" and it not only doesn't get moderated - it is applauded by a few here.

I lost my special tag and my tester status for daring to use the word Russians on this forum - yet NW calls dozens and dozens of players some really mean-spirited stuff and "poof" it's all good....

F___ G____ A_____ Double standard.

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27 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

The world is a rough place man....  Not everyone gets the same trophies

You also miss the subtle point - it is "NOT" about the trophy - it is about being allowed to enter the race so you have a chance at the trophy.

See - subtle.

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2 hours ago, Magnum said:

Yes, but it is IMPORTANT that everybody have an equal shot at having them - subtle difference.

You have, I think
A guy from our NATION received a SANTA CECILIA after only just fighting 1 (in words: ONE) Port Battle well.
He made a lot of REWARD money and EXP points, and when he was back home, he found a redeemable CECILIA.

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15 hours ago, Powderhorn said:

See.  This is why we can't have nice things.  You all get the pitchforks and torches out over something, someone tells you how it's being resolved, and you simply redirect said pitchforks and torches.  You complain that you don't get information, and when you get said information, you attempt to weaponize it.  Is it any wonder the developers don't want to wade into this mess?

I wanted to try to help assuage some concerns.  Certainly a mistake I won't make twice.

Well quite frankly the town is bloody full of heresy... - a little bit of hostility bomb here, a little bit of port battle logging there and over there some crafting mixed with blueprints and fine woods. Oh look a newcomer to the the - is it an inquisitor here to fix it all - hells no it is the devil. He's gonna make it worse or put stuff somewhere else but still within this town.

I hope you enjoyed that - I don't anymore. (And yes being a moderator sucks especially when the people go to town with their pitchforks and torches - but the real issue is - why do so many of them do it!)

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I like this game very much. I want it to succeed. I have well over 1500 + hrs in this game if not more. I have been here since the days of sea trials. I do not like all the changes, some I do. But this is testing and we are testers. I want more ppl in this game and when a new one comes in I try to help them out. It is very hard to play as a newbie in here. So helping a new player becoming a full time player is a lot of work. Crafting w/the fine wood didn't go as expected I believe with the way the Devs were hoping. I have seen crafting come to an halt in ships and trading go up. Little to no PVP because ppl do not want to lose their ships. Crafting ship mean more purchase of ships to more PVP., (theory).

So In closing I say we have to work with Devs to make this a success. We all want this to succeed and bring in new players to this fun and great game. 

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Tbh, I don't see the point for giving a negative review just because you don't like changes in the current patch.


It's still early access, so there will be a lot of weird and often broken changes while the devs try to balance and work things out. So I don't think it's fair to give a negative review on the basis of changes in content regarding patches.

I see that the developers work on this game and try to do the best. We get content patches regularly (and it's real content - changing game mechanics, not just some silly skins or something), developers actually try out ideas that the community suggest and due to that some things work out, some things are shown not to work out.

It's stupid to give the game a bad review based on experimental game mechanics. Especially since such short sighted reviews might kill the game.

One would think that someone that played this game for thousands of hours already came to such a conclusion since he obviously was here for many different game mechanic changes, so he knows how the developers change the game every now and then.

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16 minutes ago, sruPL said:

I waited 2 weeks for hotfix (promised by Devs) before putting negative review after patch. Remember that Reviews can be changed back to positive, but only if I will like the next patch... I am not recommending broken game to the new players, otherwise the new players will bring more negative reviews and usefulness.

I wouldn't either, but with early access games I believe we should look at the state of the game in general, not in particulars. If this was a released, finished game, then it would be different.

Any new player that wants to buy this game has a big big disclaimer warning him that it is early access, so he should know what he is getting into.

And I don't think that if someone sees so many negative reviews he is going to follow different patches and then recheck reviews and then change his mind. Once he gets turned off this game, it's done. One player less.

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3 hours ago, sruPL said:

This game is not even advertised well by Devs. New sailing game like Blackwake that just got into Early Access! Has already videos on youtube with 2m + views and is more popular than Naval Action... Devs are not trying to make NA popular (probably because it's not released yet).

Blackwake is in early alpha too ... So you know ... :ph34r:

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