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Is it just me or did the drops of upgrades been reduced dramaticly

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been doing missions some pvp and i swear in the last 3 days i have gotten like 1 upgrade drop and it was a like grey 

i used to remember that they would drop fairly regularly when doing missions and some when doing pvp no the only way to get them is to do port battles 


have the dev changed the drop rates so it makes people to have to do port battles to get anything higher than a green

and dont say craft them, some cant be made and who would use crafting notes on upgrades instead of ships


blue and purple need be able to be bought at ports and only exp should be drops can we maybe get a comment on this 

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blue and purple need be able to be bought at ports and only exp should be drops can we maybe get a comment on this 


I would make only grays purchasable at ports. Blue/purple upgrades are way to easy to get, and you get them for life.


These need to be territory for crafters and/or loot drops.

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In all my time playing OW, I have only ever received 2 gold drops and maybe 5-10 purple drops.  However, I am pretty lucky in crafting and getting crafting notes as rewards.  Since EA I haven't crafted a single high grade crafting note, and I've used maybe 10-15 and still have 17.

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well i agree with the loot drops but as i have said in 3-4 of playing about 20 hrs i have gotten 1 loot drop that i really thing something has changed but if you dont want to be able to not buy blue or purples then they need to drop


sure you can craft them but they take a stupid amount of resources to make and again as i have said some are not craftable

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sure you can craft them but they take a stupid amount of resources to make and again as i have said some are not craftable


Which ones? From what I've seen, modules are amazingly cheap actually. Crafting ALL (!) gray upgrades is a matter of 163k worth of resources, which is nothing!

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i am not talking about grays i am talking about blue or purple also make me some powder monkeys or is it mag access well one of those you cant make now what do you do


i am talking about drops not crafting them when game first went ea upgrade drops were a lot more i am asking if they changed them cause is sure seems like it

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i am talking about drops not crafting them when game first went ea upgrade drops were a lot more i am asking if they changed them cause is sure seems like it



Ya, and I am saying that in the year and over 1000+ hours in OW, I have only received 2 yellow drops and maybe 5-10 purple drops, and most of the purples from port battles.  Other people are luckier.  I hate ai, so maybe that is it.  But even from port battles, this is all I've received.

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yea crafting them now is a lot easier now that we have people who are maxed lvl in crafting.



Now if only you could craft powder monkeys, marines or boarding parties.


But hey, Speed Trim and Copper Plating can be crafted, yay for +10% speed raceboats.

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as i said most of the important onces cant be crafted so more loot would be nice, i have just noticed it because of our move to pvp1 from pvp2 i have received in one week like 1 upgrade i could use and it about 30hrs of play time maybe more

we need more loot would make alot of people happy and just maybe keep them around longer last nite on pvp1 the server that is supposed to be the grand server there was 503 people on at 8pm cst that doesnt instill confidence with me about this game

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I see that some players are alot luckier than me...


How many Belle Poule break does I need to get the damn Blue Print... Broke more than 8 now.

Also build exceptionnal Renomee and Surprise and still no Belle Poule Blue Print :(


Captured lots of NPC Frigates, Belle Poule, Cerberus and its always empty, no modules, they should at least put a little bit of cargo on these ships.


I'm probably the unluckiest player ever lol sniff!

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How many Belle Poule break does I need to get the damn Blue Print... Broke more than 8 now.

Also build exceptionnal Renomee and Surprise and still no Belle Poule Blue Print :(


Don't break up ships to get blueprints.  The chance is very rare, especially on 1 dura ships.  Instead, craft exceptional frigates.  If you are higher than lvl 28, I don't think it should take that long to get it.  You might get a Trinc or other ship as well.

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Maybe this is speculation on my part but I seem to get way most of mine from the target of opportunity suck in 2-3 ow fleets worth of traders and escorts giving me 6-10ish ships to fight and almost always get an upgrade of some kind (or 2 or once 3)... quality wise idk, seems like blue/purple mostly but yellows aren't that uncommon.

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  • 3 months later...

This is purely anecdotal, as I think most of these comments are on this subject, but I have received the most upgrade drops by attacking a single AI ship and causing as much possible damage to it before it sinks, i.e. knocking down armor on all sides and sails way down, then sinking it.  That has produced the most results for me.  I have gotten some pretty good drops that way.  Includes low-level missions too.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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This is purely anecdotal, as I think most of these comments are on this subject, but I have received the most upgrade drops by attacking a single AI ship and causing as much possible damage to it before it sinks, i.e. knocking down armor on all sides and sails way down, then sinking it.  That has produced the most results for me.  I have gotten some pretty good drops that way.  Includes low-level missions too.

thanks, both trades and warships?

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