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Merging PvP1 & PvP2 -- Some questions.

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Should we expect the possibility of a server merge after the next port wipe?


Is the possibility of a server merge more likely given the decline of PvP2 in comparison to PvP1, or does player population have no bearing on the developers' decision to manage multiple PvP servers?


Even if all servers had equal population, is there a strive for having a single mega-server similar in essence to EVE?





I apologize if many of these questions have been answered before, but I know that the next content patch will be arriving eventually (along with a port wipe) and I've been genuinely wondering if I should expect a merge or if that isn't a possibility at all even after PvP2's population has declined considerably. I've invested a lot of time into this game's national politics, community building, leadership, etc. that exist outside of a steam account bound XP bar. If my server is doomed to be the less appealing of the two PvP servers (something that wasn't widely apparent after Early Access Launch when I began playing) and no merge is in the future, then I'd like that to be explicitly announced sooner rather than later so I do not waste further investment in a dying server.


This is not a complaint or a desire to see one server instead of two as I know there are those who enjoy less populated PvP servers, but I am just unclear on the dev's goals for server merges at this time.


Thank you,



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It's kind of happening all on its own and will probably continue after it becomes common knowledge that many players are already making the switch.  But yes, I too wonder if an official merge will become inevitable. 

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Strictly speaking there's no need for a merge.  People can simply agree to recreate their characters on PVP1 after the next wipe, whenever that may be.


Some players have chosen not to wait and have created characters on PVP1 already.  Personally I plan to stay on PVP2 for now.

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I also agree with the OP.

I've noticed for a while players and moderators encouraging more players to go to PVP 1 instead of PVP 2 and it's having a big effect.


I've also noticed the economy on PVP 2 is slowing down.......prices are a lot lower in PVP 2 vs PVP 1.


We don't know what the developers intentions are and it's a lot of work to start over again when you have a lot of time invested in PVP 2.

Edited by Bert Beard
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This has now gotten ahead of the developers and gained critical mass.

Rather than silence or encouraging the movement of players from server PVP 2 to PVP 1 ........ the moderators and developers should have had a plan and told us about it.


I'm USA on PVP 2 and my clan leader has just sent an email to all members that an exodus has been under way from PVP 2 to PVP 1 and he will hang on in PVP 2 as long as he can but it's looking like our clan will have to start again on PVP 1.

We are in a dying server that has been left to die by the developers and unless we like solitude we will all have to start from scratch on PVP 1.


A few minutes ago PVP 2's population was under 190 ........another drop from the day before.


I wonder if the developers realize that this kind of thing will piss off a lot of players from PVP 2 and more than a few will say the hell with this........I'm not starting over again after 2 months because of something this ridiculous...........And quit.


This is basically the same as a complete server wipe on PVP 1 where you lose everything including your XP.

Edited by Bert Beard
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hey bert we moved last nite and in less than 4 hrs we had the seven of us that gave it a shot in ships from a connie to remos to suprises it wont take long for us to get third rates prob today or tonite we will be on ts later or i am sure some are on now 

pm me is you have more questions

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it really wont take to long by the end of today i would think we should be able to have everyone in the ships they had on pvp2 just not exceptional ones

and dont hold your breath on the dev responding they seem to think everything is just fine with their game and couldnt be happier


at best you can expect them to say it is up to the players to do what they want and that is how the game will play out but i you really want to stay on pvp2 let us know in ts and we can prob give you a lot of stuff if you want

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Thankyou Atomic Moose.......I guess that's what clans are for.


I was not happy when I saw what was happening and the silence from the moderators & developers.

But I did keep my XP going to PVP 1  ........which I didn't realize.


I'm going to cool down a bit and see what happens.

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If society want to switch pvp2 to pvp1 in french nation contact thé csnf to organise supllying organisation for your Come. Each society there can probably build à ship per society incoming.

If society want to switch pvp2 to pvp1 in french nation contact thé csnf to organise supllying organisation for your Come. Each society there can probably build à ship per society incoming.

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If society want to switch pvp2 to pvp1 in french nation contact thé csnf to organise supllying organisation for your Come. Each society there can probably build à ship per society incoming.

If society want to switch pvp2 to pvp1 in french nation contact thé csnf to organise supllying organisation for your Come. Each society there can probably build à ship per society incoming.

Tis true, these guys have more first rates than they know what to do with them :)


but why are you offering only one ship per society?

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Captains, as it has been noticed, the game needs 2-3 servers without a huge increase of populations. By this, some servers might be merged into more populated ones in the future. We will announce and firstly ask players beforehand which servers to close and when.

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Captains, as it has been noticed, the game needs 2-3 servers without a huge increase of populations. By this, some servers might be merged into more populated ones in the future. We will announce and firstly ask players beforehand which servers to close and when.


I'm not sure what your saying.


There are 3 servers right now plus the mirror of EU.

Based on what's been happening we need 1 PVP server with added capacity and one PVE server = two servers.

PVP 1 and PVP 2 should be merged.

Unless the developers intend to save PVP 2 and do something to reverse the migration from PVP 2 to 1.


This shouldn't be too hard to figure out but clarity would be helpful.

And sooner rather than later would also be not a bad idea as it looks like a lot of players from PVP 2 have left the game because it looked like it was dying.

Most players don't participate in the forums so they may not know what's going on.


Right now myself and many others have a lot invested in PVP 2 and don't really want to start over again just because we picked the wrong server ......especially if we have a real life besides this game.

So.......show respect towards your paying customers who are helping to support Naval Action.

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Captains, as it has been noticed, the game needs 2-3 servers without a huge increase of populations. By this, some servers might be merged into more populated ones in the future. We will announce and firstly ask players beforehand which servers to close and when.


I understand from the developers' standpoint it may be jumping the gun to talk about server merges this early on, so it is appreciated that you are at least confirming that the possibility of a server merge is an open path for the developers to take in the future.


If it means anything, as a PvP2 player, I would personally be much more comfortable with the developers taking the initiative on actively merging/splitting servers even haphazardly as this is still Early Access. I do not believe this game was made with the intention of only have 100-400 players on a PvP server given the size of the map in question. If a server is so depopulated that many are actively spending time elsewhere or actively asking for a merge on the forums, I can only hope there will be an appropriate response from the devs.


Thank you,



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Yea, ok.


In other words no answer and no clarity till sometime in the future ........probably months ?


Is that showing respect towards your customers ?


Ink.........as a paying customer, I don't consider that an acceptable answer

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Yea, ok.


In other words no answer and no clarity till sometime in the future ........probably months ?


Is that showing respect towards your customers ?


Ink.........as a paying customer, I don't consider that an acceptable answer


Respectfully, developers in this industry are always lambasted by their customers for trying to address and issue ahead of time that they won't be able to fix in a day. Their release schedule obviously has all of their focus on pushing out an integral content portion of the game (addressing land in battles which is coming alongside a port wipe) to start a discussion about server merging.


I think that is fair and given their response I think he was being very respectful. He could have simply not given a response at all which is usually par for the course in most developer forums.

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I understand what your saying Federico .......but that doesn't change the facts on the ground ( or sea )


I'm willing to bet more than half the player loss from PVP 2 are players who in fact quit the game.

They were not going to start over again on PVP 1 ........ they have better things to do,  either they saw this as a dying game or simply said the hell with this and quit.


And those lucky enough to have been on PVP 1 are I'm sure thankful they didn't have all their stuff in PVP 2.



It would be very easy for the developers to help reverse what's happening without merging the servers.

- first the obvious step.......instead of encouraging players to go to PVP 1 .....encourage them to go to PVP 2.

- one good way......offer a 20% - 30% ( whatever, but make it meaningful ) gold bonus to pvp and missions.......this is something that can't be exploited because gold does not transfer between servers.

 Plus the economy on PVP 2 desperately needs a boost........this would do it.


Easy Pesy..........  right ?


If and when the servers become more balanced take the bonus off........again, too easy.

But don't wait weeks to do something, because then it would be pointless.


I bet it's so easy even a caveman could do it.

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