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Dis-mast penalty?

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Having never been dismasted and never dismasted another, what is the game play penalty?  Is it something like I have read in books for that period of time?

i.e. Massive drag on ship movement with lose of some directional control until the crew chopped the connecting rigging away?


Just wondering how they have model it in the game?

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Having never been dismasted and never dismasted another, what is the game play penalty?  Is it something like I have read in books for that period of time?

i.e. Massive drag on ship movement with lose of some directional control until the crew chopped the connecting rigging away?


Just wondering how they have model it in the game?


Your ship sails like complete ass when you lose a mast.

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I dismast most of the time (if I am using med or long range guns) prior to boarding a ship. It REALLY slows them down and they have a hard time turning away from you when you are trying to board. Taking the rudder out helps too.

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Having lost masts stuck to a ship until you survival them away would at least from a visual perspective be quite a herculean task to add. You'd basically need for every mast two or more different animations of sticking them to the sides of a ship. That's another 6+ animation things you need for every single large ship in the game at this point. 


While cool in theory, if you lost a mast in a fight you're already crippled enough, so it's not really a necessary addition for gameplay - I dont ever recall anyone saying losing a mast aint no big deal. 

Dev time better spent elsewhere imo

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Taking out a mast slows the ship and puts it into rigging shock.  This is true whether you take out bowsprit, foremast, mainmast, or mizzen.  The exact amount of slowing depends on the specific ship and mast.  It also unbalances your rigging depending on which mast is lost, and can make your ship extremely difficult to turn.  I see mainmasts get shot down a lot, but I prefer to knock down foremasts because that has a much more significant effect on the balance of your rigging.

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the only thing about demasting is that the ship can still rotate i understand if a ship has oars to move slowly but a demasted ship shouldn't be able to move or rotate.

If you still have your bowsprit, you can turn. Barley move though.

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If you still have your bowsprit, you can turn. Barley move though.

Even with out their bowsprit i have seen ships able to rotate still, be it slow but still...hell if the devs said that they had oars and we just didnt see them ill be fine with that answer...but idk man

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Even with out their bowsprit i have seen ships able to rotate still, be it slow but still...hell if the devs said that they had oars and we just didnt see them ill be fine with that answer...but idk man

the devs have said that you need to imagine that when demasted you send it your boats which will rotate the ship.

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the devs have said that you need to imagine that when demasted you send it your boats which will rotate the ship.


Even though it is completely unrealistic and would never be done under the guns of an enemy ship that had taken up a commanding position. Not to mention that ships boats were lowered over the side and towed in preparation for battle to remove the splinters they would cause from getting hit and to keep them from being shot full of holes and thus useless.


Also the rate of rotation is way too high for what ships boats with kedging or sea anchors could achieve.

Edited by Cragger
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Even though it is completely unrealistic and would never be done under the guns of an enemy ship that had taken up a commanding position. Not to mention that ships boats were lowered over the side and towed in preparation for battle to remove the splinters they would cause from getting hit and to keep them from being shot full of holes and thus useless.


Also the rate of rotation is way too high for what ships boats with kedging or sea anchors could achieve.

either way its for gameplay reasons, the other alternative is that if you loose all masts you just sit there doing nothing, not fun for gameplay.

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Even with out their bowsprit i have seen ships able to rotate still, be it slow but still...hell if the devs said that they had oars and we just didnt see them ill be fine with that answer...but idk man

The wind is always at a certain strength in this game, for fair gameplay reasons. So, if so, even with a bit of sail left, you could still rotate the ship. Infact a ship adrift in a wind even without sails has trouble sitting still. A small sail will affect the ships heading, even if you're not going anywhere.

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I understand the reason for it.... its just funny seeing a ship(3rd rate) with out masts rotate 360° fire its guns like a stationary platform....

I agree though, if you or even A.I. loses all sails, you should not be able to turn.

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either way its for gameplay reasons, the other alternative is that if you loose all masts you just sit there doing nothing, not fun for gameplay.


Not for the person who has been demasted, but it is for those who did the demasting.


At the end of the day you shouldn't have allowed yourself to become demasted. I'd suggest removing the ability of fully demasted ships from being able to turn at all, or alternatively they should just surrender immediately.

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Not for the person who has been demasted, but it is for those who did the demasting.


At the end of the day you shouldn't have allowed yourself to become demasted. I'd suggest removing the ability of fully demasted ships from being able to turn at all, or alternatively they should just surrender immediately.

well if you get focused on your mast by say 10 first rates, you can quite quickly loose all your masts.

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