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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Create global chat communication for all languages. Add option to filter languages, ex. If I play in English and can understand Russian I will select those two, but hide all others. So, if someone said something in Spanish it would say in chat - (Player Name commented in Spanish) and if player said something in English/Russian I would see the whole post! In battle ​Create symbol communication system. Not words but pictures that all will understand. Only Admirals will have access to such battle windows. Ex. Code for each icon can be entered in chat, so admiral action icon will show up in chat and all captains can see it. ex. 00A - Attack 00B - Formation 00C - Focus Fire In chat it would show up as a tiny symbol ---- Admiral (Players Name) ordered on (Enemy Player/NPC name) What do you think?
  2. AMD 1100t x6 @ 4ghz 8gb ddr 3 1800 r9 280x 3gb video Win 7 64bit All Ultra, x2 antialiasing = 60+ solid fps.
  3. Did they all vanished from the oceans? ex. Did 90 Honda civics vanished in 2015? nope we can still see them on the road. Here is the official timeline from developer 1600-1820.
  4. It should be ok when they will add economy and exploration. Can be used as trader ship no problem.
  5. I wish developers could link all these upgrades to exploration world. The more exploration you do the more upgrade blueprints you find. Blueprints can be used same way like in POTBS citations exchange etc. Great list!
  6. Race Built Galleon 1610 ​Beautiful design and impressive armament.
  7. Zeehaen Fluyt The fluyt ZEEHAEN and the expedition of Abel Tasman in 1642 Abel Tasman (1603 - 1659) was the first European to discover New Zealand. He was born in the village of Lutjegast, in today's province of Groningen in the Netherlands. In 1633 Tasman signed up with the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC) and left the Netherlands for Batavia. In August 1642 Tasman received instructions to find the mysterious and supposedly rich Southern Continent, which had been eluding and tempting explorers for centuries. Two ships were prepared for the voyage: the ZEEHAEN, a fluyt of about 200 tons, and the HEEMSKERCK, the flagship, a small warship of about 120 tons and carrying 60 men. The celebrated pilot, hydrographer and surveyor, Frans Jacobszoon Visscher accompanied Tasman. On 13th December 1642, the coast of New Zealand came into view, and Tasman noted in his journal "groot hooch verheven landt" (a large land, uplifted high). Tasman named this land "Staten Landt", which refers to the "Land of the (Dutch) States-General." The area of New Zealand which Tasman sighted was in the vicinity of the coast between modern Hokitika and Okarito, on the west coast of the South Island. There is more information on his journey on this website about New Zeeland in History. Little is known about the fluyt ZEEHAEN except for her tonnage of 200 tons. According to the books on shipbuilding by Nicolas Witsen a fluyt of 200 t had dimensions of 100 x 22 x 11 feet. The ship was built in 1639 at the Amsterdam VOC shipyard. The ZEEHAEN left Holland in 1640 for Cambodia. In 1642 she and the HEEMSKERCK were put under the command of Abel Tasman. Plans:
  8. British Trade Galleon 1620 Building a model: http://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=71169
  9. Step by step figurehead build: http://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=71034
  10. Sorry did not see it. I am looking for ship plans, but no luck yet. Had more luck with this one: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2962-french-navy-la-couronne/
  11. Build thread: http://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=70059
  12. L'aurore Frigate Google translated from French The light frigate, small vessel relegated to the bottom of the ranking between large frigates and long boats and applied for all purposes in the Navy of Louis XIV, had never until now been the subject of a comprehensive study . This is in line with the one on French naval architecture • 17 century, initiated by Jean Boudriot, author of two monographs, one on the "Ship 3 decks of Monsieur de Tourville" and the other in the long boat "La Belle". Jean-Claude Lemineur, based on a manuscript of François Coulomb, written in 1683, has written a monograph on his side of a 5th rank ship "Le François." The study of Dawn he proposes, begins with the definition of the characteristics of light frigates at the entrance of the reign of Louis XIV, who still respond to the views prevailing in the first half of the 17th century. It then traces their evolution, the architecture of the adapting light frigate, like the ship, the steady increase in firepower over the great periods of the reign and the following decades, until despite the reduction of its senior, she is abandoned in favor of the corvette whose forms are more clear-on the water. The study continues by focusing on a remarkable example of small frigates built in the aftermath of the Ministries of Colbert and Seignelay "L'Aurore" of 18 guns of 6 Books, start of construction in Le Havre in 1697 by Philippe Cochois. The Dawn is carefully analyzed, both in its architecture and its decor features well-volu metric of its hull. These demonstrate the talent of Philippe Cochois whose career is briefly traced, demonstrating an unusual command of volumes he fashions with boldness. Restitution of Dawn by Jean-Claude Lemineur therefore appeals to all of the few specific sources for this type of building. The result of these studies is concretized by 31 boards 1'écheJle 1/48 ° that graphically describe Dawn in all its aspects, from its schematic forms to complete rig through its structure and interior layouts. The relative dryness of the subject is somewhat mitigated by the account of his service in the Royal Navy, particularly with the story of two long cruises across the Atlantic. This story, significant enrichment of the book is the work of the historian Patrick Villiers. It helps to give of Dawn, a more vivid image. In total, the monograph provides information both on the technical and historical light frigate in the French navy, de1661à 1750. Its content should respond fully to the expectations of savvy designers. Plans: Building a model: http://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=70946
  13. HMS Advice Prize HMS Advice Prize (1704) was an 18-gun sixth rate captured from the French in 1704 and sold in 1712.
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