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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Add forum icons for ranks and medals. This will keep visitors interested in lvling up and behaving on forums.
  2. You can't log out/disconnect if you are in battle.
  3. The body plan, sheer lines, and longitudinal half-breadth for building Cornwall (1761), Arrogant (1761), and Kent (1762), and later for Defence (1763), Edgar (1779), Goliath (1781),Vanguard (1787), Excellent (1787), Saturn (1786), Elephant (1786), Illustrious (1789), Bellerophon (1786), Zealous (1785), and Audacious (1785), all 74-gun Third Rate, two-deckers.
  4. A must have feature. Society can help out members or gift friends and build the fleet strength.
  5. The best way would be: If you went offline on the open sea (with passive real time timer you will end up in the nearest port or half way to the port, depends on the distance to the post and how quickly you will come back online). Once you are offline on the open sea your ship start invisible sail to the nearest port. ex. Nearest port is 1 real hour away. You went offline for 30 mins, so you will end up(spawn) half way to the port location. I think leaving ship on the open sea for unknown time is simply not realistic.
  6. List of ship types: http://www.thepirateking.com/ships/ship_types.htm All 1-4 rates should be Man of War type I believe.
  7. Will we ever get the ship specs like (Reload, damage etc..) anyone knows?
  8. Well it's the same process create text, image and/or your own logo that represents Naval Action game. Guidelines were stated in 1st post. No one said you can't create new and present it. Guidelines 1. 600 by 826 box art image 2. Naval Action name has to be present and has to be readable 3. It must be age of sail setting or/and game related 4. Copyrighted work of others must not be used (its ok to use which is more than 100 years old) 5. Feel free to use screenshots or create completely new art
  9. Light ships collection: http://www.john-tom.com/SailBoatPlans/SailBoatPlans.html
  10. This one would be a great replacement for those who like such ships: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3508-british-race-built-galleon-1610-plans-available/
  11. Just add 'Shift' to stabilize it for 5 seconds same thing is present in BF4 while sniping. This feature would be great. Devs please consider it.
  12. Use http://imgur.com/ to host images. Copy link and paste here on forum as shown above.
  13. After each fight there should be sailors in the water floating on ship's wreckage. Players should be able to sail close and by holding (ex.E key) retrieve survivors.
  14. I could also suggest to use something similar to bf4 commo rose style. Different naval commands. Hold Q, use mouse cursor on enemy ship and select a command.
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