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Jack Feathersword

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Everything posted by Jack Feathersword

  1. How does the port timer window and the ability to get in to port battles affect the chances of people in off-set time zones (AU TZ). How does Admin see these players taking part in the lord system. does Admin recommend these players focus on making the money to buy the access to voting or PVP to gain access to voting?
  2. Why has thread been left open for so long? kill it now, kill it with fire and be done with this useless shite of a thread.
  3. Max xp is Damage all sides and kill the crew plus sink the ship.
  4. Every hour spent on crafting should give 1 XP. That way people can level up making parts for ship building and start making the crafting notes.
  5. It depends on the target you want to go after and how far you are in to hostile waters. I think for small fast targets in very hostile waters i would go a Ren. For bigger ships close to home i would go a trinc/ surprise. If you want to have some cheap fun, id go a snow and use its 180o polar if you get caught out.
  6. We Danes have been heading to Ille-A-Vache to the fights and it has been great, large numbers of Brits to have seem to of moved into the area to counter us. Perfect.
  7. I thought it would be the best combo too, im not sure if it gives a speed debuff or not. I plan on making a nother few tackle Rens to find out more.
  8. I am interested in the repair changes and the repair crew focus and how they might work together? Will you be able to repair slowly in repair more? will you still have repair kits? Has a repair over time been looked at that uses a slow trickle of resources to repair? the more damage you have the more crew and materials it uses?
  9. Really it comes down to the underlying technologies used. The database design and stack might be a limit, it might be a giant write once do or it might be multiple. The data might not handle being moved from node to node or passing player position from shard to shard. I like the idea but without the specs of the back-end we have no way to know of it would work. Is there any unity 4 reference doco for architecture?
  10. The brigs do not handle as well as the snow. If you have not learnt to manual sail I would take the snow and go from there. The priv is better across the wind and is better at killing cutter and other privs. The pickle is better down wind and is better at traders and other brigs.
  11. I would love to see that as the backdrop for when you are in ports.
  12. I had this after a "small battles" 1v1 vs a NPC. I boarded and captured the ships but after the battle was over, no ship was available on the battle summary screen.
  13. I was the other player. There was no intention to turn pirate, he was not typing or interacting with UI elements. also there was no warning.
  14. I would suggest move it backwards 2 hours, (depends on the numbers of Asian based players you have) otherwise i would suggest move it forward 4 hours.
  15. Remove Neutrals as player factions. (keep some NPC ports as neutrals) Make 2 - 3 characters per account. 1 nation per account/Server crafting to be time and cost based not labour based. This fixes issues with the current system and prevents loopholes. It doesn't punish players that share computers or want to RP or have characters for different reasons.
  16. A few notes on the cerb in game. It has a much bigger profile than the ships before it; it is much easier to hit it and the hull shape makes for easy penetration. The broadside weight increase between the cerb and the brigs/snow is quite high. It has no chasers, catching anything small is a pain in the arse. If you are going to use the 32lb nades; you need to be able to manual sail very well as you need to be in the right range to hit correctly. See point 1..
  17. Dont re-install windows or the game. I get this too, however normally it is fixed by re-starting the client. Are both the systems you tried this on using the same graphics card vendor?
  18. I noticed this yesterday. I was in a bellona firing grape into a frigate, i took the crew down from 280 to 140. After this i sunk the ship using double shot. I only recieved XP and gold for 8 crew (killed by double).
  19. 400-450 with long guns should be enough to win without the nades doing too much damage don't you think?
  20. Really the only use for all nades is vs AI fleets or only really fast ships. I would like either the ships to be all set at the historical fit outs or open to anything that fits.
  21. ^^ The 10% would be a compromise to help aid the less skilled players last longer. Make them the same cost of the current repairs and keep the cool down on them even make it 5 mins with a limit of 3. That way anyone with the skill will not need to use them unless something had gone wrong. For the Crew: Take the % of killed vs wounded from actually battles, keep a count on the wounded like current system for hull leaks; Once in survival mode these crew slowly return to service.
  22. I really like this system of repairs. Some short thoughts: * - I still think the crew need to be looked at, repairing crew to 100% is terrible. * - I would even be happy with a mix of repair kits that are popped in battle that repair 10% of a certain item (hull, sails) and are limited to 2 of each type and the survival mode repairs mentioned in the OP. * - If sinking is going to be much more difficult than other conditions for ending a battle need to exist to end a battle. Right now, its Spike > dps until sunk.
  23. I want the 1815 HMS JAVA. Dimensions Dimension Measurement Type Metric Equivalent BWAS-1793 Length of Gundeck 171' 11 ½" Imperial Feet 52.4129 Length of Keel 144' 9 ¾" Imperial Feet 44.1389 Breadth 43' 6" Imperial Feet 13.2588 Depth in Hold 14' 3" Imperial Feet Burthen 1,457 36⁄94 Tons BM Armament 1815/11/16 Broadside Weight = 972 Imperial Pound ( 440.802 kg) BWAS-1793 Upper Gun Deck 30 British 24-Pounder Spardeck 28 British 42-Pounder Carronade
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