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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I believe Capitan that would let to die even 50% of his crew men could just end his career at this moment but I rarely seen surrendering in this game. Decrewing by 90% is solution to that extremely high morale of our captains and his crew, there is no way we could model historically accurate behavior in 1:1 but game can do it by tricks like that. In multiple occasions devs proved they know better than the loudest amongst us so I Say: in devs I trust.
  2. The problem with such small economy is it cannot be Player based cause it will end with what we had before patch couple power traders controlling the market with their alts - this is a problem with much biger eve online - thanks to devs it not so easy botable activity as it is in eve. Trading gives much better income than mission running - and it is less involving in general. You are becoming ideal target for all sorts of pirates and privateers witch is great vale for the game. Guys that finally cached my Indiamen earned 3 millions from it at least - imagin how happy they were when they got it. Trading between freeports, I believe it is working now only cause devs wants to test few things out - it won't be this way after release.
  3. Only for you and only for now. This is preventing people than cannot make decision from making them. In democracy you have for instance age census or other censuses.
  4. I cannot disagree more the current system works fine and I'm strongly supporting it. When I read your post the quota from Winston came trough my mind. I'm happy that you are unable to shape nation policy in any way, at this moment.
  5. Wow these guys know what they are doing ! Glad to be accepted on probation hope ill fit.
  6. Somebody asked me why i hate SLRN so much? The problem is there is nothing to hate anymore. GJ Dundas

  7. Moving not necessarily means alive, im like rest of brit community zombie...
  8. Cammon manuva he did't edit cause it is obvious. They rule the waves! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v699phBmr_c
  9. rattlesnake is needed
  10. Napoleonic era so many tiltels so few worth playing, i think it is better to go into niche. Voted for Renaissance (1450-1600) imagin ocasion to do things right and imagin perfectly balanced multiplayer.
  11. I was part of most Jeremie defence fleets except one, it was fun time. Last battle was really great ending - I'm just wondering why so many ppl that weren't present there have something to say. Good Joob Kuthara and rest of Pirates.
  12. War and peace mechanic is serious threat to this game, it was since beginning of this post wipe era - but I hoped it will be resolved by players. Now I'm afraid with current mechanic, bad blood was spoiled and it will be hard to repair what is broken. I have a lot of faith in devs skills but it is rather hope than trust cause I can't see any long term working solution.
  13. At last some constructive proposition, at first I was thinking that it would be better just to let in player created fleet of 25 but your solution is much better cause it works also for defend battles.
  14. Judging nation on actions of couple clans, its like judge US taking Lord Vicious as benchmark point - in both cases it would be unfair. Lord Vicious There is point why you are not in any well known US clan - this also show that there should be way to remove ppl from nation - ppl that are counter productive to their national interests.
  15. I guess that this was one of such doubtful incidents. I'm last person who would ban anyone but such incidents are a problem.
  16. Jim


  17. From the album: Jim's

    sad dirty trick
  18. Nice compilation of sources ! Good job sadly it is already not up to date, cause sources like Jogdi measurements are obsolete. But so far it is best guide i have seen.
  19. Properly used snow is immune to Consti, so next time try to get long guns on your consti and just shoot him back... No tribunal case for me.
  20. I believe it might be a bug Manuva was blamed once of not setting the timer in south Cuba or Haiti. But it is extremely difficult to check such thing if you see no timer you should assume it is correct. So right now you should just F11 bug ad do not blame ppl in Tribunal shame on you!
  21. I see no problem make damage over 40% per each side, bow and stern 100% and board... you will get the kill.
  22. This upgrade used to give more advantage, and yes it is must have in pvp - and will always be as long as demasting is valid tactic. There was no downside having better quality/stronger masts, except price.
  23. Whole this issue shows need for true in-game diplomacy - cause any players agreement doesn't work at the moment. It also shows quality of leaders on "both"(all) of sides, yes my bigest disappointments concerning leaders.
  24. I belive as a nation we deserve this. SLRN is the least responsible for that state of affairs but still as a nation in game Brits worked hard for that.
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