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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I have played NA diuring sea trials, it was fun to get Santi, it was fun to play pvp, it was fun to get first Trafalgar, But then after 90h of play i felt something is missing, i got bored to the death. Now when it got OW i invested in just sailing around another 600h. If you really want world of sail ships go molest wargaming - this is ambitious game and is doing fine.
  2. Before wipe i tested almost all nations, i chosed Brits (cultural reasons) but i belive that PL community choice of Dutch is best option. French and Spanish are concetrated on language players so they are less popular choice. My point of concern is that: cultivation of lake Maracaibo could be quite booring - and in future open beta could be deadly for pvp organisation.
  3. I guess the Grand Wizzard will be one of your members? Wonder when game ends and ideological warfare begins...
  4. Instead of a fish even the most tasty , I'd prefer engine and tools - can venture a new distribution system, that would allow you to sell the scenarios created by users. I believe that you created a brilliant tool to reflect conflicts from the period 1700-1900.
  5. I am very happy about the anti-British riot, for at least two reasons. It makes us stronger, and in our opponents mainds it causes unjustifiable sense of superiority which usually leads to many disasters. British faction will always be over-populated () , so the more people decide to join other factions , the better. After testing most of the factions/communities in the game I think that British "society" is still the best and most open to foregin players. However, an unacceptable violation of the principles is in my opinion the continuous shift of the conflict to verbal flame on forum or global channel. I heard a few curses already, and I think that the gentlemen concerned should control little better their words.
  6. From the very beginning, this map really helps me especially for long-distance planning. It is a pity that the gap does not give in nautical miles. thx
  7. Definitely yes. Even PIRATES ! 1987 tried to emulate something like that . Navigation can be one of the elements that will attract the appropriate (target) people to this game. This is indeed one of the things which so far gives me the most fun , although in the absence of proper tools , it is quite primitive counting of course on the basis of time and speed.
  8. i5-4690K 8GB ram W7 64-bit R9 290 4G Tri-X OC mo-bo: GA-Z97X G1 Gaming with max settings ivgot around 56 fps
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