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Bart Smith

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Everything posted by Bart Smith

  1. Having current system limit RvR to two sides of conflict and causes question: why we got so many nations in game? I belive there was many suggestions about alliances as they really need rework in not far future. What i personally dislike especially is ability to join port battles by your allies. For me alliances need be focused more on crafting, trading and in matter of joint fights - only open world pvp. We got perfect picture from recent weeks how this works: One, skilled and very well equipped fleet (Danes) participate in most of their alliance port battles. Don`t get this personally just for sake of testing: Spanish ports defend by one spanish player (rest was Danes) sounds out of place a bit for me. Anyway alliances should be in full release game but after serious rework.
  2. I am afraid your suggestion cant be even consider by developers - removing PB from Naval Action will be like take dog a bone In next patch (hopefully) we get reworked port battles with land - so strong NO.
  3. Nope they are for looking far away. We talking here about camera positioning more likely. Got feeling on some ships camera is too close on OW.
  4. Agree. For me ideal will be double distance as we got now.
  5. Join our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/podw-pvp
  6. Of course - its a beta version of very promising game.
  7. If isnt working try find another working solution. But when you focus only on gameplay as you said: many people want to play because there is no realism at all. All we need is find good balance
  8. Not sure this is good for gameplay but have to agree: when tag usually ships are moving so they should moving with same speed and direction when battle starts. Not sure how hard this could be to implement in game but maybe worth to test it at some point?
  9. You cant focus NA development only on gameplay - have to be some scale of realism in it. Age of Sails obliges.
  10. That was changed just because people were unable defend ports = having fun from game same time. Maybe current system is not perfect but way better than previous when in one day one nation can take over 10 or more ports without single shoot. We have to see wider perspective here and find compromise between realism and gameplay otherwise game will be or unplayable or boring as hell.
  11. Indeed strange. Update drivers and check other games maybe if this happen only in NA...
  12. Mate you not get point at all...but never mind If you have ANY suggestion instead sarcasm share it. Please. Current RvR status is a one of main factors so many people left game but hey 30 guys have fun participate in every PB on server and mine side winning so why bother about rest...always funny how some pepole are short sighted and selfish same time in terms of future of Naval Action.
  13. Simple fix: not allow allies join PB only OW pvp...simples. Eventually allow maximum number of 6 allies in maximum 5th rate when new PB system come.
  14. My few cents: There was a lot good and less good suggestions about Port Battles already on forums. Currently PB favor certain group of players (Agamemnons owners) and throw away rest. Another problem is possibility to reinforce allies in port battles - same people with same ships and same screening fleets - no place for casual players and possibility to earn some experience for them. PB are now only for small group of hardcore players with a lot time for playing (including craft and haul). Again: what the point have so many nations when 30-40 same people from mostly 3-4 nations participate in every PB on map. What about rest of players? They come few times get farmed and leave...leaving negative comments All hope for land in PB this will be great feature, no doubt but we need change as well pure PB mechanics (coming soon) and not allow to join allies or at least limit them to small numbers or ship size - let the nations defend own ports. Here we could use pirates in privateers role - allow sign letters of marque and fight for certain nation for certain time (not PB only OW). Port battles may be limited (i know nobody like this word) to 2-3 per nation daily with 2 hour between them allow all interested to participate if nation have smaller population. Assuming we get more players after game release this need to be adressed imo otherwise whole RvR may turn into fun for 40 players. Ideas about few "mini PB" are reasonable and could be tested futher. Strongly recommend open "test server" after game release for future testing and polishing game.
  15. Like most people log in daily (and those who not as well) i hope. Maybe, just saying maybe developers tried listen players to often instead pick a own vision how game should look like. Eventually pick best (or at least best "on paper") players suggestions and add them on test server for those who interested to test them after release of game. But that just my thought...We got what we got but remember as well you never satisfy ALL players, not even majority i think. So keep good work as sruPL said - you got full support from a lot of must say "addicted to NA" players...
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