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Everything posted by Greysteak

  1. Voice communication seems like such a large part of Naval Action that it shouldn't be left for some clan to run a TS3 server. I suggest the developers take control of this either with in-game voice or by running an official NA TS3 server with their own rule-set. A player-run amenity should not be a factor in my decision to play a game or not. As it is, this game leaves itself vulnerable because of someone else's TS3 server rule fail. On the other hand, I think those want to run their TS3 server as a sort of members-only club really shouldn't advertise it as a "national" server. It's their server their rules and that's fine. But I wont be a second class participant, unable to represent my clan with a tag when others can.
  2. @admin Yes. I got combat xp for both the endurance exam and the final exam totaling 10,000, enough for a rank.
  3. I agree. In fact, how about just not sorting it at all until and unless we click the sort button?
  4. I like the new interface, great work. I also like some suggestions found here like moving the point of view onto the ship when it's there. It would be great to be able to walk around the ship and port. The old style chat window looks out of place. I'd like to see an update to the chat/clan window to match the new interface windows. I was able to gain a full rank just by completing the tutorial and exams. Was this intended? The crafting requirements are easy. I'll go back to try the missions.
  5. Yes. Well, not a tax but bribe payments each time a trader docks at an enemy port. Also, cause why not: Dock fees and building maintenance.
  6. How about if the quality of a redeemed ship is tied to the frequency of it being redeemed? Something like this: If it's only been a few days since it was last redeemed, make it a base grey with just a small chance for an extra perm. If say, it hasn't been redeemed in a week make it green, 2 weeks makes blue, 4 weeks makes purple, 16 weeks = gold. Let it be just blue or maybe purple for the first time it's redeemed.
  7. I'm all for dlc's to support further development of the game but I won't buy these ships unless they are seriously nerfed. Here are a couple ideas that would make me interested in buying: Reduce the frequency you can redeem it at to once a week if they are going to be so OP in battle. If balanced with craftable ships, they should still only redeem once every 3 days or so because they don't have to be crafted. Everyday-redeemable ships kills the strategic aspects of the game that ship crafting provides. If they are meant to be redeemed at a rate they could be crafted at, count the cost and time to build buildings and transport resources for each one. Or, try this... Just reduce the base quality of dlc ships to grey. Give them a small chance to be green or very small chance to be blue if redeemed at a capturable port.
  8. It does actually. A day on the moon equals it's orbital period. It spins once around on it's axis for each orbit of the earth. About 327 hours of daylight followed by 327 hours of night each lunar day.
  9. Perhaps making the rare-wood building production variable on a daily basis would then allow the devs to better control it. Like, buildings might produce 50 logs one day but 10 the next and maybe 200 the day after and so on. In other words, rare-wood buildings have no pre-set amount of daily production, it could vary, along with cost, according to the dev's wishes each day.
  10. Ok ok. It's not that simple. Those "unique" ordinal indicators are used whenever the least digit is 1, 2, or 3 except for eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth.
  11. Just to be clear. The ordinal indicators in English are unique for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The th indicator is used for all the other numbers.
  12. This is incorrect grammar: "Only 4 rate allowed class of the ship for this mission" It should be something like: "Only 4th rate ships are allowed for this mission."
  13. I like the new interface more and more as I use it. It's a great step up. A couple things I've noticed though... One is the "X" in the upper right corner of each fleet ship when in the fleet (F) window . It can be misinterpreted as the close window button when it's really the delete ship button. In my opinion, it should be an X overlaying an image of a broken ship, or perhaps a burning ship. Another is the older visual state of the compass, chat and clan windows. I hope they will be skinned to match at some point. As for the compass in particular... Please, don't make navigation any easier. I don't want a new compass with more ticks or one that is easier to read. Just one that matches the new art would be great. I'd love to see one be wobbly and move around a lot when turning. I want it to be more difficult to use and navigate in general. Can't wait for the port interface.
  14. I am unable to trade ships with my clan mate since the update. Trading other items works but nothing happens after we both click accept if there is a ship being traded.
  15. On the new map, there appears to be a road or two bisecting Lake Nicaragua.
  16. Suggestion: Please consider presenting the hold contents with the newest additions at the top. Like a FILO stack. This would prevent unnecessary scrolling to see what new items, like fish, are in the hold. Love the new artwork. The UI may take some getting used too. Also, I don't mind having fewer location clues like what county I'm in. In fact I like that better.
  17. The Hercules is a beautiful ship and very powerful. It did seem to me that I progressed way too rapidly unlocking the knowledge slots for this ship. I imagine that is due to it's very high dpm for it's rate. I think it should take a bit more work, especially for the 4th and 5th slots. Despite complaints that it sits too low and the big guns are underwater too much, I think it's a good compromise for it's firepower. Under battle sails or healing downwind, it's not a problem getting a good shot off with those. Glad to hear some non-premium 6th rates will be buffed. That and adjustments of the shallow ship BRs will be a good thing. I'll expect that to improve the balance overall. As for premiums being non-capturable, I'd prefer being able to capture them in the battle instance but, as @jodgi suggested above, loose them as soon as the battle instance is over. Or perhaps instead, loose any captured premiums as soon as you enter any port. Once-a-day dlc redeemables do seem like too much. Once-a-month, like forged papers, wouldn't be bad though.
  18. Hard to know that for sure without knowing the new ship building material requirements. What if ships end up requiring much more coal than before?
  19. In addition to being towed to the closest, how about linking the wait timer and cool down timer to the distance towed with a minimum of the current 5 minutes/5 hours?
  20. I love it! And I support pimping it. I think it should also be available in battle instances and ports.
  21. I like the idea of clans controlling the fees and moderating this. I'd say make it unavailable in unconquerable ports, especially if shipbuilding will eventually be discouraged there.
  22. No need for this. The advantage for late traders is already built-in with the shutdown.
  23. I think implementing a no-sail line-ship timer for the loss of a line-ship might help. The Admiralty shouldn't let a captain who just lost a line-ship leave port right away in another line-ship should they? No there should be meetings, investigations and so on. The better the rate of the lost ship the longer the timer should be. Ships unrated, 6th and 5th rates, 4th rate frigates should be exempt. This is for line-ships only. For example: a 30 minute timer for 4th rate line-ships, 2 hours for 3rd rates, 8 hours for a 2nd rate and 32 hours for a 1st rate. As long as the timer is in effect you can only leave port in a lower rated ship than the one you lost.
  24. While I like this, I'd like to see purple and gold ships remain as rare or more so than they are now. I feel it would be better to drastically reduce the chances for purple and gold in unconquerable ports. Or even make the base build grey for these locations and players would have to get very lucky to build a blue in KPR.
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