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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Kejsaren

    Serious game lag

    Well seems ok again, think the issue was from my side.
  2. Kejsaren

    Serious game lag

    Experiencing same thing.
  3. Yes you could, but you would have to abandon your current ship...🤒
  4. Shrug, if everybody would exploit game mechanics because they can then... yay
  5. Worst part is they probably too proud to admit this was a mistake and will be kept that way.
  6. Maybe make a poll about it, my perspective on this may be biased as I am one of the (few?) who thinks dead should stay dead. 😉
  7. Let me rephrase, Rum being the only source of reviving crew is fine, no need for 10 variations of it. Might aswell do that with hull repairs, rig repairs,.. what else we got,... introduce ammunition and a wide range of different types. The list goes on and on and I just think there no need for it. I just don't see how more diversity as to which type of "crew reviving" drinks onboard your ship will make the game more enjoyable or interesting. Just an opinion mate, I suggest keep things like this simple and introduce divsersity some other way.
  8. Why we need make things more complicated. Keep little things simple, complicate where it matters. Rum is fine as it is i think, no need for ten different variations of it.
  9. During my stay here I have managed round up a few players to ignore list. Made my play much more enjoyable, however.. Could we pls add that.... in addition to not seeing what "ignored" player is writing can we also please not see what other players write to "ignored" players. It kinda feels half-ignored if i can see other's replies to them. If i have them on ignore list i have no interest in what they writing or what others are writing to them. Nevermind actually, who cares. Wish I could remove this post but I can't sorry!.
  10. Doesn't sound so bad after all, starting to like the idea more. If done right.
  11. I wouldn't burden devs with things like this. That's like a feature you can add when there is absolutely nothing more to be added to the game.
  12. Ok I think we just misunderstand eachother. But I finally got what you mean. But then pirate nation would have to go in my opinion as then every nation would have their own pirates (no matter if you call them outlaws or not) otherwise we would have a pirate nation AND pirates in every nation. Or am I completely not understanding this?.:)
  13. What's complicated with what I said?. It was just a statement not a suggestion for game mechanic.
  14. A solution to this would be that the clan creator has the power to set a limit to how much an officer/diplomat is able to withdraw w/o consent. Could also set it on each player, so that officers that have been around for long time and could be set to higher limit then someone who was recently appointed.
  15. By outlaws you mean pirates no?. Your are right if you are born in U.S don't need to fight for U.S, you could fight for Great Britain, but then you wouldn't be sinking british ships would you?. That would make you.. pirate.
  16. Not for every nation. Just weird with officers attacking other officers of the same nation.
  17. I think it would be too easy to switch perk setup depending on what you do. For example I'm in a hercules with 1pods and carronades I dont need double charge or double shot, I switch to perks i got better use for. When I am done I get in a bigger ship and switch perks again, or if i want to go trading I switch, when I'm done I switch again. Personally I think it's fine, at least I cannot afford to keep switching perks to whatever is best for what I am doing atm.
  18. Lol 100% my reaction aswell. @redii - check @havelock - check @otto kohl - wtf?
  19. Yes limit repairs, right now you can take enough repairs in cargo without being bothered too much about speed and able to repair hull and rig at least 3-4 times in a battle. (Even more but then speed starts to suffer).
  20. How it is surprising?, surprising that you are not ganked when you go out all by yourself in a slow ship. Or maybe you are ganked and just so good you sink them all single-handedly, or you just lucky and meet another tanked out ship and have a good 1 v 1... Or maybe you just manage to dodge gank squads with your variable tactic.
  21. You got to me after the surprises worked down my sails, what's your point?. My fault I got ganked?, okay but did I ever complain about it?. And you go out in super tanky slow ship hunting on your own?. You know sitting outside a port and hunting are two different things.
  22. Reward them?. Yes, give them 100 pvp marks and 10 mill. I think that's what I am on about here...
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