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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Yes sometimes I use fir-fir garbage, when I sail alone. You should try sailing alone in tanked out ships see how far you will get. You changed ship to one good for chasing cowards?, you're not even the one who caught me. I said good luck, and luck was with you as i went into shallows. Had nothing to do with you. I know you consider yourself the ultimate badass of naval action, and maybe you are. But you are also a very salty badass.
  2. Ganking/griefing.. same shit. Part of game. Get over it.
  3. Kind of hard to actually set a rule for that though. Where do you draw the line between kiting to waste time and kiting as a strategic part of the battle?.
  4. Always two sides of a story it seems, if you are the one who was hunting Pina Colada and he tagged you it's different story. I was under the impression he was hunting and attacking you...
  5. Well shitty way to pvp but not sure against the rules.:P
  6. Plenty of OW activity? That's like going to the middle of the sahara stating that there is plenty of water around if you bother to look. There just isn't.
  7. Oh and btw, Banished is right, The deacceleration is like a friggin 1st rate. If opponent starts slowing down i'm gonna be 10 miles ahead of him before I managed to break. The ship definately needs looking into at some point.:).
  8. This is Naval Action, not Naval Wealth. The game can't be won. It can only be enjoyed. You do not earn marks by buying them for real money. (You probably earned the money in real life but you didn't earn the marks in the game by buying them, they are earned by playing the game being successfull. I'm not against sponsoring the game by purchasing stuff, I just don't want stuff that affect gameplay/RVR in any way. Stuff like skins/forged papers etc are stuff that doesn't affect gameplay and I got no problem with that. Can add that to the pve servers if want but those suggestions have no place in pvp competitive server.
  9. It's clearly a boarding ship, can take more cargo then others and above all you can dock at any port. It's a decent ship, if used right but it's also rather weak compared to other combat ships, which it should be. However, it being a boarding but only has 3 knowledge slots is too weak. All other ships can have superior boarding setup then a ship designed for boarding. It's not a great ship, it's just decent... but it really needs to have 5 knowledge slots to really be able to compete. Any other ship can have same boarding setup and two more slots, there is no reason for that because having 5 slots will not make it superior by any means. With that said, pls consider giving 5 knowledge slots like the rest of the ships. Stay above the waves!
  10. That sounds awsome Vile, i'm leaving today but I'll be back on thursday. Looking forward to it!.
  11. Thanks HachiRoku (and you others) for all replies in this topic, appretiate you taking yer time posting vids and coming with tips. Yeah I will definately want to 1v1 some of you guys in the future. When I feel ready for a beating I'll let ya all know.:). Watching the vids is great, you make it look so easy but then in reality when yer in the actual fight sometimes I wonder wtf I'm doing. Maybe I should be recording myself and compare but not sure I might be demoralized to the point where my legs start shaking and heart start pounding at the mere sight of enemy ship!. But we'll see what I will have time for, I love to hunt so much, but arranged 1 v 1's for learning purporse once in awhile definately. Just let me finish saving up my marks that i need for the damn pvp carpenter mod.:P
  12. The guy who doesn't like solo hunting calling me a running sheep, lol. So you form cross nation hunting group because most of the time you are facing 18 vs 4?. Somehow I find this very hard to believe, maybe start doing some real hunting. Don't need to solo if you are scared of going out alone, bring 2-3 people normally enough to take down anyone im sure and also pretty sure swedish nation can field that consider amount of players they got.
  13. Yes you are right in a sense, but also i would rather watch 1 vid of 1,5 hours of 2 good players fight then 10 short vids of good player vs bad player. I need to learn how to be good vs good, not good vs shit.:P And soon work will start, ... hard blow to my pvp practice..:P
  14. Soon anyone out there is gonna be in a group wether same nation or not. And people wonder why fir/fir and speed mods...
  15. I been watching alot of vids on youtube and such of some of our greatest pvp'ers in action. First off, kudos for uploading them they are great fun to watch and also great for learning. Keep it up!.:) I can't stop wondering though how come I never see top vs top?. Is it because you never encounter eachother or do you fight it off on legends or?. Because I run into them all the time they not really hard to find, even tho I tend to avoid them 1 on 1, but surely now and then there must be clashes between the pro's too?. Only time I see more then one "pro" at the time they are grouped up or hunting together even if they are different nation. Where are those vids??.:), I'm kind of sated watching pro's with superior upgrades battling average ones. Or do you use legends for those fights?. P.s I might also just have missed those vids..
  16. The only thing I can agree with is to make trading more interesting and rewarding maybe for those who enjoy it. But do not restrict the game further pvp wise. Fair fights, unfair fights.. it's all part of the game as it should, of course I don't like to get hit by 10 enemies and sunk. I get pissed, so what?. nothing wrong with that. Safe zones are already out there, but if you keep restricting the game it will become dull and i think alot of people will loose interest. Freedom is nice, restrictions are bad. My thought anyway.
  17. I was gonna clear some shit up that you obviously missed but nevermind if you don't understand what i write this can go on forever. I give up. Have a nice day.:)
  18. I'm pretty sure the original clan creator needs to promote you to creator, so yes he needs to be involved.
  19. Your reply to my quote just makes no sense at all. Are you writing just to write something?. Do I seem to be stating that best solo players always sail fir/fir with loadsman?, if so.. please point out where because certainly not from what you were quoting. What I am trying to say, which apparently i wasn't clear with, or you didn't follow the discussion or whatever, is that everyone who sails fir/fir is not afraid to fight, but also some of the top pvp'ers that some of you seem to worship like Gods do from time to time, are they retarded cowards too?... Anyway, I made my point (i hope???) so hope we can end this discussion now.
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