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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. The thing about limited repairs that I find interesting is the strategic aspect that it brings. Right now, using repairs wisely is already important, using right repair at the right time can determine the outcome of the battle. With limited repairs it's taking it to another level. However, on a negative point it might make the gap between new players and experienced ones even wider, the more complex the more difficult to compete with the "vets", and I would be cautious not to make that "gap" too wide. A new player is already completely and utterly defenseless against a veteran no matter how hard he will try to win a fight he will not. Becoming "competitive" against other players takes long time of training. It's not like CoD where a new player can get lucky with his shots and kill a very skilled opponent. Luck only comes into account when players are about the same skill level, if I meet an inexperienced player I can make 10 mistakes and still I won't loose. If i meet a veteran i probably can't afford making a single one.
  2. I'm all for it, you have good ideas there. Just highlighting another issue that will arise if implementing what you suggested. But, just another problem to solve. I like the ideas, thumbs up.
  3. Well since 90% of the times I hit someone in reinforcement zone more enemies show up, then it would make almost impossible to hunt there and we might aswell just make those zones pvp free instead. But if make them pvp free zones then we kill off 90% of the open sea pvp activity in the game, and be left with either port battles or patrol zones.
  4. Yes, jumping to a port to buy 20 oak logs might not be worth it. Young captain should do something else.:), like sink a trader o so and get dubloons.
  5. Not bad idea but.. would make battles in reinforcement zones even more punishing for the attacker. If that is what we want then fine. Let's say I attack an enemy in his reinforcement zone, an even battle and after long fight I am finally about to win, but we all used up our repairs. Now suddenly 5 more enemy players enter... My enemy is sinking but sails are down to 50%, hull damaged... low on crew... I'm done, the moment they enter the battle it's over.
  6. Not need, want. It is not only about the "zerg". It is about making the seas more active, not less. People already sit in ports jumping left and right doing their thing without having to actually journey the seas. We have enough tools to avoid long distance sailing, don't overdo it. That is not true, as you can get alot more dubloons from pve then from pvp. I sink an enemy player sometimes I get betwen 10-50 or so depending on ship. I can sink a traders brig and get 500, then you can jump back and forth 50 times, so no, that is not an issue really. No comment.
  7. Such a nice ship, hardly usable because of the limit of 3 knowledge slots. I would suggest increase to five, i know being able to dock at any port is a huge advantage but you could contain that advantage somewhat, like this: Attack on nation (player or npc) will make ports of that nation unaccessable for a period of time.
  8. I think recent changes good step in the right direction, ships being more expensive, more content in the open sea etc. Before patch I would never attack an AI for any reason. Now I find myself doing missions and hitting trade ships. Spent over an hour fighting a constitution AI in my requin (that connie fought better then most players and those guns were shooting fireballs from hell), got sextant upgrade reward and something else. Definatly haven't stopped hunting players, but I enjoy some pve aswell, which I didn't before, thumbs up!.
  9. Yes and then same cutters show up in numbers in patrol zone being able to take almost any ship down without riscing to loose anything. Basicly people beg over chat for someone to tag them in patrol zone because they just there to do some damage and claim reward. Patrol zones a death trap as it is. Basic cutters have no business there whatsoever. And no I personally have not been ganked by cutters in there, so this isn't about me.
  10. No. That would hurt gameplay in so many ways. Just think about it. Most of the time teleport is used to check stuff, what's in this warehouse, what's in this shop. Visit admirality etc etc, it would be doable but some things would need to change for it not to become too tedious.
  11. I can assure you that I do. I would restrict the use because they give no reward, have unlimited repairs. They are meant to be a starting ship, not a ship used by Rear Admirals in for example Patrol zones because they afraid to loose a ship. Or to get you from point A to be B with no risc. Leave starting ships for starting players. At least remove unlimited repairs and the no reward feature, then sail it all you want.
  12. That starting ship is mostly used by highest ranked tho, should restrict it somehow i think.
  13. Do we really need them in the game?. If so, why?.
  14. I proposed this before, That devs implement a limit to what you can withdraw without consent from clan creator or other officers. A limit that can be changed by clan creator only. East fix.
  15. What about removing all safe zones whatsover and enabling pvp on and off, only switchable once per week or something. That way new players can learn the game and stay safe if they want but they wont be able to participate in any pvp activity. Problem would be that people could use alts with flagged for no pvp for trading and such.
  16. Yes i agree, accuracy should decrease greatly over distance. Crew fully fix in open water is unrealistic i agree, but.. too much realism and game wouldn't be playable.
  17. Also not possible, imagine sailing half the caribbean, spend hours finding an opponent. Maybe have a good battle and after that you need to sail all the way back to repair?. Ideas are not bad, just difficult to work with the current game mechanics.
  18. As long as you can "snipe" mast it's not possible. Battles would be all about who shoots down opponent mast first.
  19. Yeah,.. sad to see this turning into a naval action legend + empty ocean.:P. People won't waste time there anymore, they will log on and if want to fight will use duel room. And I think it will be bad. Maybe the final nail to the coffin in regards to hunting. RvR and duels for pvp.
  20. Duel Rooms good and bad. Good for action,.. but will also be less action in the open sea.
  21. Take a break, come back in a year and see if you find the game more to your liking then.
  22. Thanks for clearing things up, i was getting confused.
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