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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Kejsaren


    Yeah yeah..:), not realistic i know, so let's save all these great ideas of how to improve realism for once the game is finished.:). I want RvR to be fixed first damnit!.
  2. Kejsaren


    I think we should also see exactly how damaged all the ships in the battle is. In case it's player vs player we can see which side is loosing and join the "right" side. (J/K) Some ideas not bad ones, just don't think they are needed or worth the attention of the devs at this stage. Maybe for a finished game it could be done to "polish" the realism or whatever.
  3. Kejsaren


    Yeah you are right, waaay to much involvement. What was I thinking. I do like the idea of being able to see what woods as you mentioned. Because right now you actually have to board and take the ship before you can see the woods (for NPC ships). Not sure if there a "thought" behind that or if devs just missed, because player ships you see the woods. But, that's a different topic I guess.
  4. Kejsaren


    I don't prefer to be blind, I just said that I like it how it is. You are the one who always refer your own opinions to be everyone's opinion.
  5. Kejsaren


    I have an easy fix for that, click on the right one. When nation call for help they should inform what ships are involved, easy to figure out which battle. Don't see the problem to be honest.
  6. Kejsaren


    You ain't seen much then have you. I am.
  7. Kejsaren


    Not being able to tell is a good thing in my opinion. Let's keep some elements of surprise in game intact.
  8. I encounter player within 15 mins almost every time I log on, even with this low population. If want , learn where they are active and go there. But yes, encountering other players at less "popular" areas are very slim. Looking forward to 500+ at least.
  9. You and me, are both right. Practice rooms are good for several reasons, what both you and also @Liq and others mentioned. Maybe we will get some people coming back to the game and enjoying quick practice battles, but chances are we might loose people too, less people playing the "actual" game with already low number of players could also make people quit out of boredom. Right now some players who are after "quick" action just grab a cheap ship and hit patrol zone just to fire some guns, those will probably just hit practice room instead and do the fighting there. My advise is don't introduce practice rooms as an alternative to playing the actual game, instead make it so there is no need for practice rooms. @Liq mentioned practice rooms good for people who just want to log on and have a quick fight. Do we need practice rooms for that?, why?, because low population. Solution is not practice rooms, solution is to fix the population. Aim for interaction, not segregation, unite instead of divide.
  10. If only about 1000 people out of the 7.7 billion in the world we will have the playerbase we need.:), a few good fixes from the devs and we're good.:).
  11. Yes I understand that and I certainly wouldn't mind practice rooms. Just not at the cost of less people actually playing the game.
  12. That would be a dead game except for practice room..., I would prefer 400.:). Even if population is 2000 what would that matter if 1900 are in practice rooms?.
  13. Only issue i have with that is that people would end up doing practice battle's, population right now pretty low as it is, having people in the practice rooms instead of the open sea would only make the seas even less populated. There is simply not enough players to sustain that without impacting the game itself.
  14. Or why don't you see if you can actually do what people are suggesting, you are completely ignoring everything people are advising you. Instead of going out looking you asking devs to place the ships at your feet.
  15. John, you are not listening to what people are saying. If you are out at sea for 4 days still not a single target, then YOU are in the WRONG place. Can't you understand that?.
  16. By the way I lost two ships today, one was dlc (with outfits worth far more then most brit ships I encounter) and pirate frigate. Both times outnumbered in reinf zone, now I can blame reinf zone. But both times if i acted differently i would have gotten away. So in the end, i can only blame myself.
  17. How you get it has nothing to do with this tho. OP main issue is that dlc ships overpowered. And that is why he lost his 2 endys. I simply stated he is wrong. Not saying I am a fan of dlc, never been. But I like the ships.
  18. I am casual nowdays, difference is i learned the game. I think issue is that you are all used to just finding all you need right outside capital?, the ships are out there. You just to learn where to find them. And don't go look for them in areas that have a frequent player activity, like outside capital waters, near patrol zones or free towns. Rather big map out there i'm sure you will find a good spot for your hunting if you give it some time and effort.
  19. Maybe you missed them while you were watching a movie and eating your pizza?.
  20. The game mechanic is what it is, and if more people bothered to actually learn how to sail/fight less people would be frustrated with it. You can thank DLC ships that actually have any sort of pvp action in reinforcement whatsoever. And there is the main problem, people don't learn. Because majority of the players never do fight, their only pvp experience comes from completely outnumbering their opponent, the only thing they learn is that if opponent don't manage to escape you win. You learn to use chains maybe. So, when you don't have the numbers and have to fight on your own you have no chance and won't matter what ship you are in you will loose. You think that hercules beat those two endymions because it was a hercules?. If he was in a belle poule he would have lost?. No. The outcome would have been the same. People don't use hercules because hercs are overpowered, they use it to have a chance to escape the group of players who can only fight when in numbers. Maybe if people weren't such cowards dlc ships wouldn't be needed. But when I have to come right outside enemy capital to drag some players out of port you can't expect me to be in a regular frigate. I can sail around KPR see basic cutters and buccentaurs. When the basic cutters are the ships that trying to get you to tag them, and the buccentaur are the ones running for their lives into port you know something is wrong. The absolute only time I get someone to attack me is when they are 4-5 ships. And when I at least try and drag them out of reinforcement zone usually they won't follow. Even when outnumbered most of the times they turn back, back to safety. Time to stop blaming DLC ships for everything. They are here to stay, now get over it and learn the game instead.
  21. If herc hugging you, slow down, he has to sail passed or at least maneuver away or you can board him. Order other endymion to shoot herc sail. You got outplayed don't blame game mechanic.
  22. Probably a bug, doubt they would make such patch without informing, patch notes are there for a reason.:)
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