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Everything posted by Mikocen

  1. Finally you got your win in moreless equal battle, old discussion has ended, Russians proved their strenght. Swedes in retreat, but not for long i belive. I hope that bloody war started today, not ended and we will have a chance to get revange. o7
  2. @vazco Do you like wasting your time and looking for AI? And taking risk that somebody will gank you? Game shouldnt annoy players, with your tips it does. But I fully agree that it should only work only if both players are in the same port. Duel room was a great option for testing and teaching. The problem with it was that you could teleport your ship with "Send to port" option after duel, but this option doesnt exist in game anymore, so why not implement duel room again? It doesnt give money, exp points, there is nothing what you can gain by it except your own expierence. I would really love to see it once again : -)
  3. Another 1kk for sinking @sveno when he's on Wappen from me : - )
  4. https://imgur.com/a/rbSW4 Mission near Gustavia. Crosses were moreless on land, as i think it should be like that
  5. Not at all. Russians captured port. They claim that they are better. Swedes sunk much more bigger russians ships in not equal battle. They claim that they are better. You are great example of that habbits. Only real fight with equal br (like in pb) will show who is stronger and as i believe and wish will end this stupid war on forum.
  6. This war on forum is a little bit annoying. Lets wait till first real fight between swedes and russians. Untill this moment both sides can claim anything and nobody will know where the truth is :/
  7. But not impossible. With new sailing profile tournament would be even better as I think, so why not try to organize it again?
  8. Here you got how game looked like after merge. Players number boost is a consequence of new patch, but nice try Chris. I like your manipulations : - ) @Edit number of players before merge: If you dont trust me find video from 7th december : - )
  9. 2500/6=416.(6). 416 players per nation online. Even if you would need 25 players for port battle, that would mean that every nation could organize 20 fleets which will be not able to fight each other. Now as I remember we got 11 nations. 2500/11=227.(27). That means that every nation could organize 9 fleets. What does it mean? That every single player will have bigger impact on his nation and more enemies to choose, more things to do. (Now i must underline again, that in my opinion nations shouldnt exist in their current form and as i think the best option would be adding true clan wars without big nations impact on them)
  10. -Its me, lvl Admiral player -Say that nightflips were fairytails on global and there wouldnt be nightflipping actions on Carribean server -Do the night flip -Say that it is enemy problem -Set port timer for 4-6am, so enemy will have big problem with completing fleet at this time -Winnig time! -Enemy set a portbattle, what a surprise -It is much easier for us to organize players at 4am, so we feel this easy win -F*ck, enemy didnt appear, we wasted our time -Its unfair that enemy did something unfair. Only we can! -Shame on enemy, we must threaten them, maybe lets say that we will cap Cartahena -For mother Russia @Christendom
  11. I dont agree. In my opinion even on PvP server should be safe place for every player. PvP should be an option in which you want take part. There are moments when player doesnt want to take part in PvP because he doesnt have much time or something like that and he is interest in for example one mission. Safe Zones are ok, but they are implemented in wrong way. As i think there should be one safe zone for whole server in which you can do simply trading (basic materials should be inside this safe zone) or do missions to get a proper rank/ship knowlege (and these missions shouldnt be awarded like now they are). Then if you would be interest in better ships you should leave this safe zone, because better materials would be further from safe zone. But right now it is impossible because we got nations, and word "clan" in "clan based conquest" is a hidden "nation".
  12. It will be time which will judge this change, not we. For now i have nothing to add, enjoy your game. We will see results after one, maybe two months if there wouldnt be breakthrough in game mechanics.
  13. On this one world if sun shines over me guys around me dont see moon. In one city is one time zone. If somebody is attacking my city we see the same sun possition on the sky. One world, one time zone for each place.
  14. Yes, you are right. Server merge is not as big change like server split which gave more changes to the game. But it still support my point of view in which devs should focus on game mechanics, not on merging servers.
  15. If you are interest in discussing about hay island pb, enjoy battles results topic in careibean news. I have no need to add anything because numbers are telling for me. Before server split annoucment on pvp1 we had 700-800 players online. After annoucment only 200-300. When EU server appeared we had big boom and online came more than 1k players (in apogeum 1200). On global numbers were smaller but not small. You got more than 600 players. Then players number decreased to final and stable ~500 players online on EU server in prime time. After server merge we got only ~600. Anplify, i dont care what you would say, numbers are on my side. People enjoyed server split idea, they came back to the game because of that. Then they stopped playing because of lack of activities, no because EU server was a failure. Whatsmore, it was global which had much less players online. After merge we didnt have big boom, we some players came back, some stopped playing. If you dont see that you should buy new glasses. Devs should focus on interesting activities, but they decided to merge server. It wasnt a way to get more players and yesterday i had a prove of that.
  16. I logged in ~20:00 srvr time (in my country that was ~21:00). I noticed only 560 players. Why i say only? Because before server merge annoucment in this time on server were logged in ~500 players. Whats more, after every big change players number was increasing for a week, maybe two. That means the server merge was pointless. Right now we must spend more money for ports to set time frames, and that means: MORE GRIND! I love doing PvE to be able to do RvR. And there is no way to not spend this money, because then you will see: NIGHTFLIPS! Like today for Hat Island and like before creating European server. Thank you very much devs, for months there was only one thing in this game which kept me in and it was RvR. Right now you totally f*cked it up. As I see you have no idea how to keep players in game and you are forcing bigger groups (EU server players) to keep smaller (Global server players). That wont work. I stopped playing with annoucment, right now i see that i made a good decision. GL with destroying your own product, o7.
  17. I stoped playing aswell, so DC+ is not in full squad right now
  18. I said probably because i dont know how you are playing. There is a chance that you spend ~9h in game per day. Then there is high chance that you'll play with players from all continents : - )
  19. Its amazing that you probably will never meet %of players because they are playing in diffderent timezones. What an great news! So the M-Day happened. Lets start count days till the server split...
  20. I have never called it pure exploit, but i understand why sone players are calling this (how it was called?) "Tactic". I just think that it shouldnt work like that and its why this suggestion is here. You are tagging enemy fleet which is in front of you and you are not able to cause one of them left group? Thats ridicoulus. And if you can explain what was unfair in this explosion? We were really lucky that Ghastly managed to explode, but as i think it is what explosions it this game are for. Am i wrong?
  21. If they wouldnt gave battlegroup, rest of them would be tagged with DIMAS. Only battlegroup allows to avoid being draged to the battle with an ally who who was tagged.
  22. I cant agree. Firstly i dont see any politics in Sveno's suggestuon. Secondly, it is exactly for what the subforum "suggestion" is. To suggest ideas which can improve the game or fix current problema. Yes. If enemy fleet is sailing in battle group you are not able to drag them into the battle by tagging anybody who is not in this group. And now imagine that somebody is leaving battlegroup. Instantly tagging him wont drag the rest of the fleet, what doesnt make sense at all. With 30 seconds delay he wouldnt be able to leave a group, because tagging takes 15 seconds.
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