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Everything posted by Mikocen

  1. I had a lot of fun during this war. GG!!! : - )
  2. Naval Pay For Action? If you feel that it is a good way to take ppl out, then i dont agree and thats all. You cant buy skill, thats impossible, otherwise game would be dead for months. But buying at least small advatage is kind of pay 2 win, and I cant agree with something like that in pay to play game. However, only the first screen shot makes sense if we are talking about DLC ships impact and if you are trying to tell me, that it is not big, so as i believe, other two are posted only to show good battles : - )
  3. On screenshots posted above i see non-DLC ships aswell. Most of them were you victims while using Herc. Whats more, the only sank ships on your side is Rattlesnake Heavy. I understand, that you are good player who can use every ships and kill your enemies on it, but average player experience is that DLC ship is the only way to win against other DLC ships. So please, dont try to prove your rights when rediii and Pala pointed something which is pretty much destructive for the game. No proszę cię kumplu : - (
  4. As i think better word would be still Now Jeg spytter på deg even more than you at me... Why!? Why you destroyed everything for what we fought!? What was your plan when you were joinig to this shitty war making sides unbalanced? I trusted you! When the light side became so strong inside your heart?
  5. All i want to say is, when HAVOC in VP attacked Poland, then old PFK hid behind Swedish fleet and HAVOC was outnumbered. When DK attacked Poland, new PRIV hid behind HAVOC. @rediii YOU DISAPPOINTED ME! (Dont punish me, master ;-;)
  6. I believe that it will be craftable. Such a big ship in current DLC model would only destroy eco, cause why somebody should craft an Endymion or something else, when can get Consti for moreless free. I believe, that Devs have plan to release this game and earn some more money, than try to get as much as it is possible from current player base and decrease it once again. I believe that Naval will be Pay to play, no pay to win. Oh, and i forgot to add, that I am an idealistic optimist : - )
  7. What are you talking about? Of course they will! They are doing it for more than 2 years and look, they are great! However maybe not in fighting, but in storytelling : - )
  8. In this video all i see is that you made green v gree cause you didnt care who you will damage, all you wanted was to explode. God dammit, its just a prove, that you are guilty!
  9. Dutch too easy. @rediii our job is done, we must find new place for HAVOC
  10. Im okay with everything (even with premium ships) without this: I understand that developers need money and game must earn for itself, but why this is not introduced as account progress? I mean, somebody who is fighting a lot doesnt have to pay for ship knowledge slots, so why somebody who is crafting focused must pay for his slots? And ok, i know that even now something like this DLC works through alt accounts, still I dont like this "pay to craft more". As i know many players claimed that they would love to pay for for example paitings, which doesnt impact into gameplay, but are only catching eye thing, so why not introduce this? Thats all from my complains, lets check the rest changes. o7
  11. I see many great diplomants but only few RvR players. Maybe lets create "Great diplomacy results" topic?
  12. @Havelock Are you our overlord? I didnt know that, tbh i thought that we are fighting eachother in OW whenever we can. Everyday i learn something new about myself xD
  13. Ok, so from my side. Dont call it tutorial, cause its a challange mode. Last two missions (Endurance exam and Final exam) are really difficult and new player will not manage to do them. How do i know it? My friends cousin, who never played naval action, was stacked on demasting exam. When he finally starded Endurance he was really annoyed. After Endurance (which he didnt finish) he just quited. Another thing, ships in normal battle dont behave like in tutorials. They normally dont gain and loose speed so fast (bug?) and their cannons dont penetrate with such big angles. Tutorial should show how normal battle looks like, right now it doesnt :/ All in all, in my opinion last missions were really annoying but worth their reward. Still, there are really bad thing if we call it tutorial. Tutorial should show to new player that game gives a lot of fun, not frustration, right now it shows the second thing.
  14. About cancelling missions. In sweden i had many times situation in which from Gustavia my mission was placed in front of Road (or Spanish) Town (Danish ports). Maybe before making such a thing like limitations in number of cancels firstly repair that? Mission which is 30k from port is not a content, it is waste of player time. And i will repeat that once again, DO NOT TRY force people to do PvP. Dont listen to whining of gankers, even in PvP server player should be able to do something without big risk of being ganked and its my opinion.
  15. @Lord Vicious Please come back!!!!
  16. I will pay 10 PvP Marks for NameTBA and extra 10 if he will be sunk on 04/10/2018 in trader
  17. In my opinion its fine if you get the same amount of PvP marks no matter that you sunk 2nd rate in Frigate or Victory. However i would love to see less PvP marks as a reward if you had for example 2:1 BR advatage or more.
  18. So much trash talk in this trash topic
  19. Its not stupid. If everyone will join to one nation it will be the strongest one, so everyone will have victory marks and access to every material!
  20. Im surprised. Do we agree about something? In this case that game should be clan based?
  21. Hurray! Once again i can repeat, that nations are one of the biggest problems in this game. After your nation change we will have two swedens, but they will be not able to fight against each other. Maybe i should say thank you? Maybe finally nations would be deleted and true clan wars will appear? Who knows. But for sure we know, that Reds and VCO doesnt care about game health (What Chris claimed weeks ago) and they try to destroy other players fun once again : - )
  22. Sweden, the only nation which can exploit by sendig suggestions. I think that admin should ban them, cause it cannot be that russia lost a battle : - )
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