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Everything posted by Mikocen

  1. Danes lost 7 (2 first rates, 4 second rates, 1 fourth rate) ships and after another 1 (1st rate), Swedes lost 8 (8 first rates) ships. Whatsmore some minutes before the end of battle 3 Danish Oceans and one Santi had to retreat from our small fleet to much bigger reinforcments. Another thing is that Danes survived meeting with our second fleet because of battlegroup mechanic (tagged guy left the battle group). I agree that swedes were not able to win in first battle, but Danes didnt manage to win that battle aswell. If battle is taking part till the end of the time and both sides are still alive and able to fight its what in sport is called Draw. But all in all your side won, we didnt manage to get to the port. That is also in the report, pirates won battle by Danish hands : - ) @Edit but if you really want, I can write something like "time out, Swedes lost more BR, Danish br victory."
  2. Screening fight in front of La Mona Sweden vs Danes, Pirates and Russian @ Barahona Commanders: Sweden: Sveno/Mikocen Danes: chaos&anarchy Result: PB was not fullfilled, so Pirates won. In screening battle was Draw with big Danes advantage Sweden expecting bigger screen in front of Barahona decided to get a fight close to La Mona. Swedes had wind advantage, but Danes proprely started destroying our first rates. About 15 minutes after start, battle become a brawl. Danes made a first kill, after which Sweden Comander changed. During fight one of Swedes exploded between Danish ships whats made a chance to gain some kills. After 1,5h of fighting result was as you see on screenshot. After that Swedes decided to rescue thier survivors and during that were able to tag enemy. Unfortunatelly for us, DIMAS left a battle group and he ended alone in a battle. Well done Danes, we really enjoyed this battle. o7 : - )
  3. I really dont like this change. Now argues about time zones will back to servers. But as always i will adapt and wait till server split appear again.
  4. Thats the point. Why you came and insult others? Why you do not respect other players? What you try to porve? That you are better than whole swedish navy? That Palatinose is worse than you, that Rediii isnt a good commander, that players who are not famous on forum shouldnt speak about game, cause they are worse than you? I understand that you dont remember me, but you insulted me some times in game and a lot of more other players with who i was sailing. So please stop. You are offensive everytime when i see you on forum/in game. But I can write much more and you wouldnt change your behaviors. Good luck my small "Skilled" player : - ) : - ). Nice try, im waiting for your elite fleet recaping Guadeloupe. (@Eleazar de Damas Sorry for not connected posts to the topic, but i had enaugh of one player's arrogance. I wont continue that)
  5. Your friends tryied twice last week without success. And yes, in compare to you im noname. I dont have as much success in OW as you and, whats more important, im not crying as much on forum as you. I dont have to be most famous player in game to point that you are nothing more than crying (and in your mind really skilled) baby : - )
  6. Gank, hide, escape. Your fleet in three words. Gank: Its easier if we have an advantage in fight! Hide: Lets bait an enemy! They will chase one ship and then we will leave battle in which we stay! Escape: F*uck. We are not going to have number advatage, and enemies brought some more skilled players. RETREAT! Louis, if someone has a big mouth, it is you. Maybe you are skilled player, but as human you are on the lowest lvl. You are selfish, insult people without a reason and do not respect anybody who doesnt agree with you. Everybody can gain skill by training, but its much more harder to become nice and clever person from being a loud idiot.
  7. Tell me, why should we make job for you? The conclusion from this topic is "Sweden, please split yourselves and make other nations great again, because we can't do it by ourselves". For me it doesn't make sense. After port wipe we started from 0, organized ourselves and made strong fleet. From this time we are sailing (Warning! Key word) Together. I like my nation, I like sailing with people there. Why should i leave this? Why should I force myself to sail with people who I dont like, or I dont respect at all, or I don't know? Swedish fleet is not the stronges fleet in history of this game. It is strong, but, what is most important, is well organized, so most of us dont want to leave and join mess and chaos which was made in other nations.
  8. It is rvr exploit, not mechanic. Battles are dedicated for fights, not for hiding inside them. You didnt use them properly and i wish that devs will fix that. It is annoying that enemy fleet can hide just in front of port and be untouchable.
  9. If 10 players is ZERG, then there is no future for this game. We decided to help Poles only because you decided to attack their capital (and you knew about it). Still, from my side, Karma caught you. You were able to do that, it wasnt agains the rules. But still would be fixed. Nice PB (watched whole battle, was nice).
  10. Maybe its not much connected, its why i will make another thread, but this: https://imgur.com/a/NEodB Is not ok aswell. Karma? I think so : - ) (If somebody doesnt uderstand, RUBLI organised battle against friendly danish player (they made Danish circle in land, so there was no option to join battle), and they waited in this battle till PB start, and then joind PB during invisibility : - ) )
  11. Its funny that empty number is the most important thing for you. I agree that this game needs more players, but also needs at least two servers for different time zones. Server merge is not an answer for everything, it wont give you huge numbers of players in EU or US prime time. For many players it would be only an anoying reason for quit the game. NA suffers because of lack of content, there are not many activities, there is nothing challanging (but devs did one small step in this way with better epic events). Server merege wouldnt change that, for huge group of players game still would be boring. You are looking for solutions, that nice, but try to look in different place. Merge is dead end which would change nothing.
  12. Thanks for battle : - ) Was really hard (i was truerly close to sink) and its why was fun. (after battle screenshot form Ca-Francais. It doesnt show that Marcus (SE player) sunk aswell)
  13. Its not his power, it is a gift from Santa. He wrote about it, i dont know how you missed it.
  14. I don't think so. There is a reason why in nearly every multiplayer game servers are divided between NA, EU and some more categories. You can think about it, and when you will discover an answer, then back to this topic. (Ping is not the only reason, but is important aswell) ??? So where is difference between 2 servers and your idea? That i will be able to gank American players during night, or what? So maybe lets make map smaller, because then result would be moreless the same
  15. I dont like agreeing with you, but this time i must. You behave like small jealous kid, because EU server prosper better tha global, so i will speak with you like to the kid. We dont want to play with you, so take your toys and go back to your mum!
  16. As i remember PFK had three ports for some weeks. Dont tell me that you didnt know about this system cause it is a lie, you just forgot about it : - ) So please, dont complain, build a warhouse, and dont make the same mistake again.
  17. DC+ confirmed. @vazco @GhastlyGhost Also please right now our team is from Sverige/Commonwealth of Poland Sorry, fake info. Vazco is still in Sweden And if it is possible and wont ruin anything, we would like to add 1 reserved player. @Morfin van der Wendel
  18. Im not hiding it. I was against spliting our server, but it was done no matter i was for or not. I dont like regress, i dont like "new" starts. I just adapted to situation. And server split was not bad decision, it has pros and cons. Right now we have small lack of PvP but maybe new nations will change something. But about one thing im sure, server merge is not a solution for this game problems. And make things clear, spliting wasnt a solution aswell.
  19. No, you want kick our asses, so its you who should come to us. Why should we help you? : - )
  20. Nice bait. It shows how desperate you are : - )
  21. Not at all, but close. We dont have a lot of toys in this sandbox (to be honest we got only rvr and some ways to earn money). And i dont need players with who i will never play cause they are in game when im sleeping. Players are playing when there is something to do in game. Before and after server split playerbase was deacreasing. Conclusion? Players were bored and it doesnt matter that server was EU or Global. What should we do with that? For example create more events (like Liq's tournament). Server merge? We dont need it : - )
  22. Reason is not in splited servers. There is no content for players, so there is not a lot of pvp on the map. But saying that small number of players is a result of creating eu server is comfortable for you. So yes, live in your own world : - ) It would be difficoult for admin, but you can do something. Stop crying. If you start now, then in few days toxic level on forum will decrease.
  23. And now we have a circle. Whe only one pvp server existed eu community was being destroyed by non-eu community by night flips and things like that and its why huge part of eu players wanted their own server. Now, when EU server exists non-eu community is being destroyed by eu. The question is "how?". By playing game and having fun? Nice : - )
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