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Everything posted by Mikocen

  1. You miss one thing. Player base was higher in this time beacuse Naval Avtion was quite new product. Most of these players left game cause they were bored, there was lack of content. Merge will change nothing except annoy huge part of EU community and make small Global community happy (but as i think not at all)
  2. Stop being offensive. And stop crying for merge servers. Go back to your beautyfull pve global where stupid players like me dont play. : - )
  3. Np. M8. But they dont want let us do it and try to merge our pvp server with their pve global!
  4. As long as RvR exists this game has no chance to be historically correct. I dont see anything wrong in creating nations without capitals for big communities like germans, russians or poles until we have RvR in this game : - ).
  5. What can I say? Oh, i found this word. I will spell it. N - O. I dont really care about historical aspect. KPR is british, Habana is spanish, for me its enaugh. (and wait what, no United States? As i remember after the creation of US they were one of the bigest players in this area, but ok...) This is a game, for players, not for historians, there are groups of players which are really happy about new nations, they are invinting players to them, some guys planed to buy NA because of that. We will see consequences of that move after month maybe two, but one thing i know for sure. Big number of players wouldnt join Spain, GB, France or Dutch after deleting their nations. They would leave and thats all. You cant force players to do something cause in your opinion you are right and they arent. As i noticed it before, game is for players, not for historians. If you would try to force anybody to anything because of historical aspect this guy wouldnt be really happy.
  6. [DC+], Sverige Player 1: GhastlyGhost @GhastlyGhostPlayer 2: Vazco @vazco Player 3: Mikocen @Mikocen Less talking, more drinking!
  7. You can say that it is selfish, but its not only mine opinion. You can give me examples from global, but situations about which you are talking are possible only because global community is samall and you know each other. Every player wants to play in his prime time and it doesnt matter how many times you will say that it is not true or things like that. EU community is really big in this game and playing with for example americans was trurly annoying. And i was against spliting server for EU and Global, i was playing in GB/Dutch/US fleet, i remember a lot of nights lost because there was port battle at 2am my time. If devs would merge servers i would still play like in the past, but i dont want right now back to these times. And calling me selfish because i dont want to have portbattle during my night is even more selfish.
  8. The reason is that we want to be able capture every port in our prime time. I dont want to see situation in which clan captures port in the centre of our territories and then set timer for 2-7am. I dont want have war against nation which is fighting in different time than I. Its uncomfortable and its why big number of this community wanted pb timers for whole server.
  9. Month? Three? A year? No idea. How long other nation will stay without RvR? No idea again. Im not fortune-teller, and you also arent, so dont try to be. Danes will do what they want. I hope that they want fight us, maybe im wrong. You dont know it aswell (or if you know just tell it. It would be great to know). And during this amazing adveture called discussion i went a little bit to far, cause i started spamming. So right now it is end from me (lets back to the "battle results") and if somebody want to discuss im always open on pm : - )
  10. And you still are trying to be clever. As I said, they can do it. We will waste 15, max 30 minutes per every set portbattle, they would waste more time for hostility missions. Its a game, some segments are similar, but war law doesnt exist here : - )
  11. Thinking is not your strong side, so ill tell you a secret (but remember, it is a secret so dont tell sveno that you know it from me). We are waiting for second portbattle and doesnt matter that we will win or not, we will do our best. Keep train your brain : - )
  12. You are missing one thing. We see the problem, but we are players like the others. we built our strenght by playing together, every player of this fleet has or had a smaller or bigger impact on its strenght, and now lot of us dont want leave it behind and start again. We care about valance but no for all cost. And yes, winnig is s target moreless in every multiplayer game : - ). We dont care about it really hard, but fighting without winning will is pointless
  13. Firstly, how we celebrate our victories? Yes, we were really proud after yesterdays portbattle, but about others if we said something it was "you played well". And we didnt lie, frenchies, brits, spaniards, all of them played well, but not well enaugh to beat us. In every of these battles we were focuse cause we needed to be if we wanted win. So dont tell bullshits. And its why we are not pushing to far. Its why we arent oneportong our enemies. And its why we are changing our target if we destroy fleet of enemy. We are not evil sweeds, we just trained in this fleet, we gained expierience here, fought many battles and noone should judge us for beeing better. Right now we are good, maybe in two weeks somebody will be better. But we won't throw anybody out from nation cause we are our small swidish community. And its why many swidish clans dont want to leave. Winnig is cool, atmosphere in this community is amazing. And every nation can do the same, we are waiting.
  14. I dont think live oak white oak i such a strong combo, but its only my opinion...
  15. Wasa which has higher firepower and sligtly less armour hp than 3rd rate (25 hp and 3cm thickness) should be closer in br to it (60 is too much)
  16. Ego? Easy victories? We are looking for hardest battles and it's why we love yesterday pb. It was great and really hard to win. If we would look for easy fights we would never stop on guadaloupe and came more to the south. We wouldn't stop on Sant Iago and came more to the west. The problem is in you (not personally, "you" as other nations clans (and again not every, but a lot)). You just surrender and complain. I remember time in Dutch nation. Danes didn't stop after first wins, they caped port after port till they reached Willemstad. And even then they didn't stop and came to Maracaibo gulf. But the difference is that we have never surrendered. We were fighting and loosing ships, and then finally we won. We defended Maracaibo and made counter attack. Now somebody can say, taht all in all we lost and Danes left our ports cause we were not able to recap them, but the reason was in our splited fleet. We didnt unite with the "second" half and we lost. (And we were fighting not only against danes, but it doesnt matter here). So dont tell me about our ego and easy victories. We won't win for you. I know that you would be happy if we would, but it is impossible. Only you can defeat us, but firstly organize yourselves. We dont want "oneport" any nation, but look for hardest battles on this map.
  17. I can agree, that we should split if we want more fair fights, but which clans should leave? Sweeden looks like it is because of good organization, excellent commanders and amazing teamwork between clans. We (clans) did Sweeden a great nation and it is our succes, not only one clan. And from the other hand we don't outnumber other nations. For example yesterday danes had bigger screening fleet than we. I'll repeat something what was told many times before. We are not big in number, we are organized, we don't argue inside a nation and we got one of the best commanders in current playerbase. If only other clans in other nations wouldn't split and argue with themselves, but organize and try to create 25 people fleet situation would be diametrically different. Thats the solution of our "Swerg" problem.
  18. Ok, sorry, maybe i shouldn't laugh, because im not in your nation and i dont know how your "between clans" relations work, but still. It sounds ridiculous.
  19. I'm taking my time seriously. And i will do it, even if we are talking about piece of software. It doesn't mean that i don't play for fun, because im doing it. And in my opinion this is the end of this discussion. I said everything what i wanted. o7
  20. I'll underline it again. Test doesn't mean, that dev should not respect our time in game. And big advantage? I paid for it. Everyone can. Tbh that argument is pointless, cause anybody in every game can say, that other players have big advantage becouse of longer play time.
  21. I know what i bought and i have no problems with fact, that bugs happen. I have problem, that alpha is using for justification for everything. Taking responsibility for these bugs is normal in final product, and in alpha aswell. In my opinion, if we are testing their product, cause its "Alpha", developer should make for us fair environment in which bugs dont decide about (for example) RvR results. In this case they did.
  22. And you are doing it once again. Just saying "Bugs happen", fixing bug and leaving situation. We are punished for your mistake (it is brutal, but it wasn't our fault that this bug happened). Thank you once again for fast reaction, but please, learn how to refund for your fails. We are spending our time in this game, so please respect and don't waste it. o7
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