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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. It's hard to fight a clan when all they do is run away! Is hre still active?
  2. WE ARE ONLY TWO WEEKS INTO WHAT IS BASICALLY A NEW GAME! I love pbs, I love screening for pbs. I'm a bloody pirate. Right now is an arms race, don't worry soon the pirates will be on your front door. I wonder if you will run away or fight...!
  3. No no and no! What alot of people are forgetting is we are only two weeks in! I actually like one dura ships. (I love the ships with 500k worth of upgrades on) if in battle I take too much damage I'll protect my ship. Instead of throwing it away as hey 3 dura left. Also stealing ships is fun again. I love capturing ships then retrofitting them as fireships, and attacking bigger ships in game.
  4. Most of use sail with the map up. Only going into ship view to fire. I like the idea but I wish it was a vocal key not a visual one (more immersion)
  5. On test server I think it was 17 or 18 but it cost like 28+ million. So I'd say double that for the live server at a guess
  6. He is asking for more free things. Give me strength! Should the entire game be given for free. First rates for free, no crew costs. On my nation trashing! If he sails for gb then frankly my point stands!!!
  7. I'm sick of the whining about change! Basically the last four days have been filled with: A) I want it all now for free! the games too hard, I want my millions back! C) the same posts reworded day after day.. Use the search function!!
  8. I agree with you totally. On the eu server (Im sure you've seen the sea of tears), there is about 4 large pirate clans farming regions. Iv not yet seen randoms or smaller clans push hostility but every pirate demands to take part on a pb! I keep saying go do the work for a pb BUT the response I get is "why should I do pve, I hate pve" then why the hello kitty should you get the rewards from the port battle!! This game is full to the brim currently with self-righteous pompous children, who can't believe things have changed. Who refuse to work for anything. From these forums all I see is "I WANT IT NOW FOR FREE, GIVE ME IT NOW, I HATE CHANGE" .... (drives me nuts)
  9. Unless I'm mistaken WE GOT A FREE OUTPOST SLOT ON LAUNCH!!! You just had to pay to build it. WE ALSO WERE GIVEN 5 SHIPS SLOTS FOR FREE!!!! Please get over the mentality that everything should be free!!! (Im guessing your sail for Britain?)
  10. The whole point of the restricted port slots I believe is two fold: 1) money sinks (we had none before) 2) makes conquest fluid, if you can't have 10 ships all over the place. Your are forced to pick your docks carefully. (people hate change)
  11. First rates from week one or two!! Do you actually think about what your writing or does it actually just fall out onto the forums!!! Yes certain nations Currently have access to more resources than other (just like gb of old), BUT I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! It still takes the same volume of resources and money for everyone to manufacture ships. Some clans are building bigger ships faster than others but that's because they are pooling resources. By your own very twisted logic. Gb by its sheer size and access to a wide range of resources and massive population. Should have had 100 first rates within 12 hrs of the wipe! But as it doesn't work like this, please stop beating your ridiculous drum!!
  12. So many salty British players on this forum. [SORRY] Ps. Where were your tears when the server was plagued with all the largest population nations belonging to one alliance!!
  13. U lot complain when pirates worked like a nation and now the same people are complaining that pirates are not acting like a nation! Give me strength!! There's a massive map out there, get off your Arse, get organised and take advantage of it!!!
  14. Why haven't nations tried hiring certain pirate clans to raise hostility on their behalf, this the agreement to hand it over!
  15. Is there not a open world timer stopping this?
  16. Put caros on a basic cutter to farm those missions with ease. Then farm. Get funds. Figure out what resources are in demand and exploit that resource! Then when you have the funds get a better ship.... So on.
  17. @Norfolk nChance I totally understand why certain nations are struggling, but I think that is down to poor leadership and inaction. Instead of nations capturing their historic homeland, they should have been highlighting resource strong areas and conquering them first. While Spain is spread out all over the map they are weaker! I know alot of players and nations seem to be against opening regions up in totally different regions of the map,(areas where said, nation has never operated). We the players and our nations are supposed to be creating trade routes across the map. The age of Easy spoon feeding is over! (unless your a British or Dutch player who can't handle not having their hands held! I notice the usa have a tiny population but they are getting on with it and not complaining...hmm)
  18. How is this not a banable offence, this forum users over the top language is getting out if control. (see what I did there)
  19. You ask how do you conquer be regions. You get 15-20 players together who farm hostility, pooling all pve marks etc. Then you get your nation to screen. And you keep going until you win. We are in a new age of naval action where the days of relying on allies to fight your battles for you have finished. You quoted the pirate/spain/USA deal and yet the Dutch have a deal with the British for a safe boreder!!!
  20. *Rolls eyes* The whole point of this game is conquest. Meaning to take regions! We are in a new age where nations like the Dutch NO longer have instant access to 75% of server population in alliances and 75% of map ports through alliances!!! (why am I seeing the same players now complaining, when in the past they said nothing)
  21. With the production costs the same for everyone. Clans are still having to pump funds in (reducing personal wealth), to get the bigger ships. At the end of the day with 1 dura, I'm surprised you don't see more capping fleets with a mixture of ships...
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