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Everything posted by Pelennor

  1. US/GB/DUTCH alliance is still outnumbering Pirates BUT: 1) they have a massive oragnisation issue and no coordination 2) I understand that losing PB again and again thoses lasts weeks is discouraging Anyway, stop playing isn't a solution if you want to improve your skills and organisation level
  2. Best community management ever. Screenshoot.
  3. @admin Sometimes, I really don't get you.
  4. For sure you can introduce mecanics to balance PBs, lot of suggestions were made on this forum.
  5. This topic has been discussed for months and nothing has been done. It is shocking to see how many good players left DSFS and NA due to unbalance... and we got the exact same situation on PvP2 ! If someone can explain me the developers point of view to justify their inaction, I would be grateful.
  6. So, that means you are going to give us Orinoco back ?
  7. Happy new year ! I wish the best success for game labs company and happiness in private life for all of us.
  8. I would like the devs to consult the log (if it exists) of port battles on PvP2. To see how few they are, and how few disputed they are due to faction imbalance. RvR is dead since the PvE grinding patch, I wish they could take some decisions about it. (balance alliances, rework grinding or merge servs)
  9. Be aware that Danes doesn't play by the agreement, I just saw them ganking brits players. I don't think they don't respect the rules on purpose, but they are probably not aware. EDIT: NPG, an US clan, tried to gank me, don't trust them, they don't play fair.
  10. BSR told on global they regretted their past actions. Let's give them a second chance. If they fail again we will report here.
  11. I agree and had made a topic about that back int he days...
  12. La situation est limpide, il n'y a pas de triche. Je te confirme, si besoin, que ton équipage a été majoritairement tué par les amis de Louis XVI qui te tiraient dessus pendant que ce dernier temporisait, le log est clair à ce sujet (Ok). Et oui, tu peux également reculer facilement dans le jeu, comme Tenaka l'explique. (je suis du PvP2, donc aucun parti-pris)
  13. Ca a l'air sympa, plus "fancy" que l'interface actuelle biensûr. Mais attention, malgré une interface dégueulasse et une apparance de chi-fou-mi ridicule, l'abordage sous sa forme actuelle fonctionne rudement bien ! Derrière son apparence simpliste se cache un sacré mind-game ! IMHO comme on dit, pitié, attachez-vous à produire une mécanique de qualité, peu importe l'emballage. Edit: et s'il vous plait, testez-la (testons-la?) proprement avant de la lancer sur le live, oui c'est une alpha, mais il y a déjà eu trop de featurs gamebreaking lancées
  14. Shallow isn't something I appreciate too, IMHO, it should be 1 shallow out of 3 events.
  15. Long story short, I moved from PvP1 to PvP2 for play-time reason, and I can testify this dutch community is excellent, very helpfull and you will enjoy play with them. ô7
  16. This feature open an instance for instantly PvP. Due to low game population, you have no chance to find a match unless you find an opponent by yourself (one of your friends, or recruiting in nation/global chat). Both sides have to be the same BR. Duels are for 1v1, small battles are for 3v3/4v4.
  17. 1. Grinding hostility for ever on PvP2 (a little is ok, but this is too much) 2. empty PB 3. lvl 50 crafting and not beeing able to craft the ship I want, when enemies can (Ocean)
  18. I don't want to speak for Stropwafel, but he may have mentioned he plays on PvP2. We have here a little population and the amount of hostility the game asks for open a PB, compared to the population, is ridiculous, especially for the smallest nations who are now out of the game. This is a point PvP1 players may not understand. The hostility needed cannot be the same on PvP1 and PvP2 due to a large difference of population. This is too much to ask to a player, even an hardcore one. As an example, if Dutch goes to war vs. SWE, they will have no chance to counter-attack. I am not talking their chances of winning a PB, but they will simply unable to trigger an offensive PB ! The game leave them no chance to HOPE something in a war... This is nonsense to me. But to me, the roots of the problem is server scaled, not faction scaled. So: 1) Merge the servers quickly. or 2) Adapt hostility needed to PvP2 according to his population.
  19. Ouf... Beau boulot sur le patch (selon mes premières impressions toutes relatives...)
  20. Such counting was relevant in the very first rounds, now it's not for obvious reasons, main one is you can't measure the participation rate. Honestly, your system gives you SWE with almost equal number of players than GB, and that doesn't ring you a bell... Most of the clans have made some charts following voting system, and I find their results much more accurate.
  21. Mais je ne vois là que de bien belles choses ! Impatient comme tout le monde de tester ce fameux systeme d'hostilité en RvR.
  22. Il semble que tu n'ai pas compris que ce sont ceux qui campent la sortie d'une instance pour gank qui essayent d'abuser des mécaniques d'instance/OW. C'est simple pourtant, et aussi élémentaire que la cohérence temporelle. Que tu fasses parties des gens qui n'aiment le PvP qu'en 7v1 autour de FR, c'est une chose (on a les moyens de ses ambitions), que tu milites pour que les joueurs qui osent vouloir faire du PvP soient la cible d'abus, c'en est une autre. Mais je suis assuré que les Devs savent où est l'interet de leur propre jeu, leurs dernières communications sur leurs orientations en matière de PvP nous indiquent que la page de la bataille restant ouverte est tournée. Edit: cf nv social perk, nv cercle de tag, BR, battle screen avec tp ou invisibilité...
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