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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. About leaks: Yesterday I was in a port battle and I received 11 leaks, despite being at heeling 0°. This gave me 40% flooding, just a few more might have been too much. This really can't be right, it's one thing if you heel away at 10° like an idiot in a Trincomalee, but my Essex was exactly upright. Yet mass leaks from a broadside.
  2. Does your fun depend on you pulling off insane and impossible stuff because you can game the game?
  3. It's a real problem with the early game that should be addressed. It's very hard to hit cutters and lynxes compared to hitting sixth rates. The shooting part of the game becomes so much easier as you level up. Maybe make rank 1 missions match you against a trader's snow?
  4. Skill should not trump realism.
  5. Overall it's fairly good now, just a tad too hard to punch through ships above your own size.
  6. Same as in resources. You can mine iron ore for 74 per unit, but you can at best buy it for 149 from the AI shop.
  7. That really depends on what you do with your ship. I'm pretty certain the 5 dura of a PVE Trincomalee doing 152 exp orders would last forever. 4 duras on a ship intended for PVP? Might be gone after 5 hours, and then you break the ship because it's cheaper to build another than to replace the upgrades. I'm strongly in favor of the once while building approach for food supplies.
  8. Then your expectations are founded on entirely fictional premises and should be adjusted.
  9. Lack of history knowledge + bunch of ye olde buzzwords = bad RP I hope you're providing more ships to Spain than you provide to your enemies through careless actions losing pavels and Santisimas on open world fights.
  10. No, it indicates that blind luck drops are broken and have no place in a skill based PVP game.
  11. Wenn du die auf 10% armor runterschießt und dann boardest bekommst du praktisch volle Versenk-Belohnung und dann noch die Kaperbelohnung. Außerdem gibt das viel mehr exp.
  12. So it's basically just another material like Ship Provisions were in Pirates of the Burning Fail?
  13. You want to play EVE, that game is still running.
  14. Schweden scheint irgendwie nicht so die Probleme zu haben.
  15. Ich vermisse ein wenig das Hervorheben der Stärke von Marines. Die sind wichtiger als alle anderen Boarding upgrades zusammen Übrigens hängt fire deck guns von der stärke des top decks ab und kann nur verwendet werden, wenn die Schiffe nicht mehr als eine größenordnung auseinanderliegen, sprich eine Victory die eine constitution boarded, kann kein fire deck guns verwenden (und die consti auch nicht), und ein eindecker wie die Niagara kann gegen eine Inge auch kein fire deck guns verwenden. Auch hängt der Schaden davon ab, wie viele Kanonen das Deck hat. Fire deck guns von der Renommee ist sehr schwach, fire deck guns einer Cerberus oder Trincomalee extrem stark. übrigens, einfachste Methode mit wenig Prep ein brace anzugreifen ist so brace vs fire deck guns brace vs fire grenades attack vs defend - attack wird in letzter sekunde auf fire musket volley geändert attack vs brace - sobald der Computer von defend auf brace wechselt - er kann nicht auf guns oder grenades gehen, weil dieses auf cooldown ist. Er wechselnt dann auch nicht mehr auf Defend zurück. Dieses Fehlverhalten könnte jedoch mit jedem patch gefixt werden! Fire musket volley verwendet der computer gar nicht.
  16. yeah what snoopy said. Equal ships can hurt each other at long range again. Just smaller ships can no longer get involved.
  17. I wonder what the harm in producing more stuff really is. It's certainly not harmful enough to forbid buying multiple accounts to double and triple your available hours.
  18. The same is true for PVP players. No reason to play when there's no PVP going on.
  19. 1. so far that the name isn't being shown. So far I have to aim in the sky for the balls to hit the hull. Barely chain shot range at 0° heeling. Saw a consti get torn to 50% armor by Inges from that range fairly quickly. Sadly we have no accurate way to measure distance in this game, I'd love to give you more precise answers on this. 2. yes, that's a lot of leaks. The point is that it's very easy to punch that many leaks into a ship now and have it instantly sink since penetration is a guaranteed leak, right? I think it's pretty hard to balance the damage in a way that it drops off with increasing range instead of going full.full.full and then falls flat on the face because penetration becomes too low. Right now close range damage feels good, but long range damage is a bit weird. It feels almost like an actually realistic tank simulation (ie not wot), where you are in a tiger and can blast a sherman comfortably at 1500m, because you know he can't possibly fight back in return. That's basically what it feels like to fight a ship one "rank" higher. They just need to get to a distance where they can penetrate you, and they will with most shots, while you bounce all shots.
  20. mo money mo inflation. more labor hours -> less inflation.
  21. Looks like we're back to ultra long range penetration. 70 leaks into a constitution - sinks instantly.
  22. The worst part is that private chat tabs don't even start blinking upon new messages. I'm just closing tabs all the time, that way they at least reappear when I get another message.
  23. Der ursprünglich versprochene Anreiz war es, dass die Piraten der sehr schwere Schwierigkeitsgrad sein sollten, für experten des Spiels als besondere Herausforderung im Moment haben wir das Gegenteil.
  24. why are you lying? https://youtu.be/fSLSR9a6QfQ?t=1h11m32s You're a liar.
  25. People are not being banned from the forums or the game for making "I quit" posts on the Elite Dangerous forum. It's just against the rules.
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