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Everything posted by Chimera

  1. Well, you could argue to increase it to let's say 7-10. Other than that it would just lead to a troll fest.
  2. EDIT: content removed as its reply to offtop - Bart Smith Cudos to PODW for even posting battle results of a lost battle!
  3. isnt that what the "wipe" will do anyways ? :-)
  4. the graceful way would have been to take the straw i have given you by saying that all nations have their fowl fruit, but instead you went on denying it....
  5. so what you are saying is, you should have been banned earlier because you clearly cant hold it together in chat?
  6. i dont think it can be disputed that these words were used. but just like in british nation not everybody with an ingame or forum account represents the stance of the nation as a whole. so its not propaganda but idiots...
  7. Double edged sword here. One of my clan mates got ganked in Dutch territories. wr have to live with the fact that not everybody agrees with majority decisions in the politics tab.
  8. The Good think is you don't represent British nation. It was never out intend to kill somebody's player base and will never be. it is very sad that you would actually consider that as a strategy to "win" a game. That's just shameful
  9. Three admirals treaty and not "one-porting" Spain after our weekend campaign was a good idea. A lot of posts from Spanish players and the inherent propaganda is really pissing me of with their double standards and ungratefulness being the most annoying two components. Nevertheless this is a warGAME. Beating somebody to the ground only to continue to camp their capital is never a good idea. If you have no "enemies" there is no Game left. This is about fighting battles after all. If there was no back and forth and all ports where red or orange what would we do then? I would like to see a mechanic where a goal ala capture 12 regions or gather some sort of admiralty points to "win" is set and once there is a winner you then have a let's say 2 weeks period of enforced peace. As a gimmic you get a rare ship (not a BP because is might screw up balance) a campaign flag or a set of paint and custom stuff. Rinse and repeat.
  10. No he doesn't. Rules are simple. If chat banned post in the thread specific for that topic why you were banned and you will get an answer via. PM
  11. Holy shit. That is one long post with a lot of good information. Thank you for putting all the bits and peaces together. Must have been a lot of work.
  12. A ) it was done just to piss you off personally. they new this was easy to achieve so they went for it. OR: B ) it was done in the Bahamas, because it is the only shallow water region with a lot of ports nearby what do you think? A or B?
  13. It was kloothommel. It doesn't make him a liar. I would assume it was an honest mistakes
  14. Fact is: you were beaten to a handful of ports and instantly started crying and bitching on the forums (and haven't stopped to this day) Now you are trying to do the same to the Dutch. So much for your honor. Only difference: non of them are crying.
  15. Just because you repeat it more over it doesn't become true. The British Zerg you keep on talking about exists in your head and nowhere else (I would love the British nation to be this unbeatable juggernaut with hundreds of active players. Unfortunately it just isn't.)
  16. Trying to stir the shit here a little? Not going to work
  17. IIRC that "medicine" was invented by Denmark. So please stop with your BS. As I have stated over and over war needs to have a winning condition other than make a population quit the game by one-porting them. For this round before the port reset. Not a lot of players left that really care about RVR and are willing to invest a lot of time and resources to stop you from taking empty ports.
  18. If you had read them carefully you would have stumbled across this: "Rule set will be updated regularly. If a situation is not covered here, post the case in the Tribunal forum"
  19. There is no Double Penalty involved -100xp and 1000gold Or the likes can hardly be considered a punishment. All I can see is a multiple offender who knows that nothing would happen to him if he "just shoots sails".
  20. His suggestion is: Sail to your target press attack, jump into battle instantly without a timer (or a 2 second timer at max, which is utter nonsense. What would a 2 second timer be good for) And as stated earlier. I am against the suggestion.
  21. I wouldn't change the tag timer. If you want to catch a traders Lynx bring the right ship (Lynx, privateer) The perfect tag is a tag that will see you end up right where you want to be after 20 seconds and not one where you are in perfect position the second you click.
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