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Sven Silberbart

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Everything posted by Sven Silberbart

  1. LOL Logged in Steam and now in waiting queue with NA cause there are a max. number of 50 players ingame^^
  2. AND "Send to closest outpost" ALWAYS DESTROYS ALL the cargo. It is absolutely unacceptable to let this "Magic"-Escape Button in Battle Screen as long it is possible to do with goods onboard. In Addition the devs ned to keep an eye on defence tag mechanic. If that is too easy everybody can escape from all attacks.
  3. BUT - like much of the others - I also absolutely agree that is very important to reactivate the screening mechanic by stopping the logout and login problem in front of the harbour. I know the devs say "players must be able to logout if real life calls". And that could be, but then please implement another mechanic to prevent that these players cant be intercepted by the screening fleet. Otherwise screening is senseless. Maybe give them a 15 Minutes time based debuff countdown to prevent joining a PB after logging in or something. A little story from the game experience: I wanted to help my nation in the Port Battle. Most nations do the logout/login thing because a win is nearly impossible if the PB fleet has been intercepted (after pb starts, just some minutes to join). The leaders says we need to do that and that means I have to logout and stop playing NA and wait in TS for the command to login when the PB entry is open. So i dont like to play a PB with such a need. What does it means to the game?: PB Players dont like that and the sense of screening has been killed. And now the bridge to the Topic: If screening is senseless, the screening rewards are also senseless i fear.
  4. Anders herum versteh ich auch nicht unbedingt das Problem wenn nicht resettet wird. Wenn ich anfange ein x-beliebiges MMORPG nach dem release zu spielen, dann hab ich noch nie ein Problem damit gehabt das Andere bereits max level sind. Ich persönlich könnte auch bei 0 anfangen, sehe aber gar keine Notwendigkeit für einen vollständigen Reset. Im Gegenteil, denn dann sind wieder die Leute die 24/7 zocken können diejenigen die das Spiel in den ersten Wochen dominieren.
  5. This suppose remembers be to the supply-tranports in Guild Wars 2. I loved to sto or escort the NPCs. That was working good to make a PvP Action Spot
  6. Ist doch egal..Geld ist nix Wert also hast nen guten deal gemacht ;-)
  7. I really like the changes until the following.. - Why changing ROE? Dont see any need 4 that. - Please no comeback 4 the worst Perk ever just my 2 cents
  8. 100% agree to all what "Jerome" said. PS: I like that one: " Make this game what it once was, cutthroat pvp and disregard the losers whining about ganking."
  9. Alpha, ich sag nur Alpha. Wir sind Tester und du hast es getestet. Poste es im Forum und wenn noch mehr Tester der Meinung sind werden die Devs schon reagieren und die Schrauben nachdrehen. Man kann natürlich auch einfach wegrennen..geht auch^^
  10. I don't like the idea, because of RvR and PBs. A nation at the right buttom of the map can attack a nation at the upper left map with just some clicks. A hole PB Fleet can magically teleport across all over the map. I dont like those magic stuff. It should be hard to organise a big fleet to do such a thing. Not everything in the games must be easy.
  11. I am opening the game map and see the Pirate "Nation" with black spots on the map. That kills my immersion. They should have a hideout like the Thread Opener says. Yes we all can figth the rats and reduce them to one port, but that feels like a fight against a nation, not against a real pirates. I dont wanna know where they are (exept their hideout was discovered) and when they come and how they are organised. Its alI a question about immersion immersion immersion and realism
  12. If the DEVs start to ban those danish guys, they need to take a look to the last months. When they do this and ban all players, who are using this game weakness, then i fear the server would be loose much pb players. I am not really a PB Player but I heard so often that this weakness was used by several nations. So.. calm down and hope the devs find a solution. Edit: Dont know why the devs dont move the spawn point outside the circle of the harbour (fixed points or random) and just dont allow to logout there?!
  13. I really like this ideas and they make the pirate gameplay more unique. I never understood why the devs bring pirates as a nation into the game. We already have much nations, why we need one more? For my feelings a Pirate Life is so much diffenrent then a Life as a Captian in the Navy. Bring this difference to the game and make the rats something special and hard to play.
  14. "Scout! Do you still have contact?" .. "Yes, Sir." "Are you ready for a fight?" .. "Yeahhhhh!" "Whats your orders captain?" .. "We should send them some iron balls!"
  15. "I 've heard captains daughter is a beauty" "This waters are full of sharks" "We need to keep our powder dry" "Eat fish all the time. Every day fish fish fish"
  16. right. I have much ships, much money and all will be lost when the game release comes. And i doesnt care about that. Starting a new "campain" sounds intersting in my ears. And yes: I have a job, i have family, a house and i think its not the problem to rebuild my new fleet after release. But i am very happy about not loosing XP, coz i hate to level up BTT: I love to feel the patch is so close. But that is really needed. The player count on my server reached a critical level the last weeks.
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