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Everything posted by VirtuallyIdiotic

  1. Nothing to point fingers at either nation that is in discussion here but to point out how this mechanic is in a way unbalanced to @Ink and @admin. Take the nations of Poland, Russia, and Prussia. How often does one see any of their fleets sailing around their ports? While in Poland I would only recall seeing one Polish fleet from time to time sailing around just one port and it tend to be a very small fleet, fifth rate being the largest. Now if this attacking ai ships to create hostility is still a proper mechanic that is suppose to remain in the game, that is fine but please have there be more generation of the three hardcore nation fleets around their ports so that they may not be excluded from this method of hostility production upon a port. Now this has nothing to do against the hardcore nations personally. There is just advantages to doing hostility if it is meant to be produced by attacking ai fleets rather than doing hostility missions mainly because of how the mission and ow battle mechanics differ and no nation if such mechanics still exist should be excluded from such methods.
  2. All hail Sterner, first of his name! Just good to see honestly things getting finalized in a visual form.
  3. Go ahead. It does not justify or remove the actions and statements you have done and obviously have no regrets, acting like a victim. @admin @Ink @Hethwill close the thread and deal with this nonsensical boy.
  4. @admin @Ink I do think Wraith brings up a valid point to this discussion that should be taken into consideration in some form or manner. Obviously a player loses their ship along with whatever is attached to that ship and the contents of that ship. For some players that is hard to replace or recover from. Of course the winner should get the majority of the reward and the loser should of course get the least in rewards but in turn should be rewarded all the same. As @Old Crusty states it can be very devastating for a player to go out there to intentionally find PvP or unintentionally find PvP and lose everything just for partaking in an aspect of the game.
  5. Still wish I knew what was going on.
  6. It is not just the game. The US teamspeak which is hosted in France if I remember Drax correctly and a few websites will not load. Apart from that everything else is working fine.
  7. Fantastic duel with Drunken Ghost of HAVOC. Was a real boxer brawl. I was in a White oak/White oak Hercules and he was in a White oak/White oak Endymion. We called it a draw out of probably exhaustion. At that point I had more hull and he had more sail. Great fight, loved every minute of it.
  8. @admin @Ink So I assume this week mainly to be focused on making corrections and tweaks to latest patch 25. With that said what is the estimated time frame and/goal to start seeing more UI and the economic changes? Lets see the continuation of this momentum patch 25 has created.
  9. Minecraft was being used in this pointless discussion as an example like the other games mentioned, of a game that is not visually appealing yet still sells very well based upon content. I assume you would rather see like any of the sensible part of the community more content towards pvp, pve, crafting, and trading. Not to mention a completed UI.
  10. BS to your BS. There have been games that have sold very well and are absolute not notch graphically. Minecraft, Terria, Crusader Kings II, Rise of Nations, Eve, Mount & Blade, etc. I really could go on to prove my point. Games that have done very successful based upon their CONTENT supporting @Christendom statement and not based upon their subpar graphics of their day and still hold through test of time in sales.
  11. Graphically the game holds up pretty damn well for its age. The game has more pressing matters at hand than enviromental graphics.
  12. I get the lonely part. That is why I been keeping in contact with the few new players that even after that degen Raxious and pcp clan ganking outside Ct stick around I will message them every day to see how theyre doing and answer any questions they have. If they stick around long enough and show improvement I will send a clan invite.
  13. Will join if invited any council. Does not mean however that we will abide by any of their "restrictions." I have been coming up their coasts. Yes they do.
  14. Onion Knights Onion Knights is going to be a very simple North American player Swedish clan based upon how I originally intended my previous clans would be, but never got the chance because of the size of the nations they were in. Clan Attributes PvP and Crafting Focused Become and maintain a midsize clan Come together for resources and on rare occasion clan activities Remove oneself and have minimal concern with player based politics Help others who are willing to receive help Rules and Requirements Do not do or say anything that will reflect poorly upon the clan. Basically don't be an ass. Must be able to speak English. Exceptions can be made. Have Teamspeak and Discord App. Contribute to the collection of resources for clan crafting. Able to work both individually and in a group. If you are sick of the player based politics dictating certain aspects of this game to you, tired of being just another cog or being just a number in a larger clan, or simply tired of playing by oneself with very little interaction with other players then consider joining the Onion Knights. To join contact Davos Seasworth either via the forums or in the game, preferably in-game.
  15. Was there in that said Santisma. The disconnect was not the part that killed him. When the disconnect occurred, if it even did occur, Boom ship was behind mine and I had to turn my Santi around after I had been lowering my sails previously in a attempt to stop him from stern camping. By the time I was able to turn around and get half my side on him he was back. He had multiple chances to get away and a few chances where his fellow captains such as Xsyter were able to shield him but failed to do so completely and I was able to get a few cannonballs into him to finish him off. I am my only witness since I doubt any of the French players will speak the truth if it means one of their own have their ship return to them and there were no other US players in the battle. If Boom does get his Ingermanland back I would like to have my Santisma back @Ink. Fair is fair.
  16. A lot of what you stated I agree with. It has become a hindrance to a nation when they cannot leave their capital because they have to constantly spend their time there dealing with enemy players not to mention rather than spreading things out through the map, having the ability to have combat next to a capital places majority of player activity to small sections of the map, not to mention hurts the game overall by aggravating and pushing away new and casual players who are constantly being harassed every day by enemy players at the capitals which is the only location where most of them starting out can make gold via trading. Not to mention the battles that are created around capitals tend to be lopsided or a group of experienced players vs. inexperienced and unorganized groups which does not create good content. 1. what Vazco stated 2. more OW content. Currently the game is very dry. You really only can do a few things such as PvP, PvE, and trading just to name a few. There is a lack of variation to create extended retention in a players interest which is needed for such a game. Have monthly events or free DLC campaign like content drop four times a year or something. Create interest in a game do not let it get stale and rot. 3. Removal of the three new nations and make Pirates the only hardcore nation. Been saying it for a while even while being apart of one of those three said nations. Prussia right now is a prime example of what Pirates should be in the final product. 4. I do not care or want to see name or clans back in OW, but I do want to see what a fleet has in it. Right now the game looks like it went backwards when it comes to identifying an enemy player and needs to be improved with letting the players know what a person has in their fleet since we cannot identify those ships by looking at a player in OW. 5. More control by clans concerning ports and other clan items of attention.
  17. I would not call it much of an argument when the majority of the participants agree.
  18. Agreed with Privateer and I am not a person that likes to board one bit, choosing to sink my targets with metal and fire. The determined defender perk is just too strong of a perk especially for how much it costs. It does need to be altered where it still helps in preventing rage boarding but is not a determining factor where it can prevent boarding as much as it currently does.
  19. It was not just the devs mate that "ruined it." Players had a good hand in the progressing in some cases retrogress the state of the game and its player base.
  20. every nation has players that use a tow to port exploit such as the one stated here. No point in calling the kettle black, but rather just make an F11 stating the exploit which I do agree is somewhat game breaking to a degree.
  21. His fun did not last long. Raxius got killed by someones ai fleet ship a battle or two later.
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