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Everything posted by VirtuallyIdiotic

  1. It was a battle, we had a great time, fun, we were respectful in our communication with our opponents even after we were taunted and insulted in a few of them. United States is working towards developing as a team and not just a bunch of individual solo players. Whitman as well did some good things and some bad things like any individual does. Respects to him and hope he enjoys the game as much as many of the community does.
  2. Trade ship yeah. The Hercules it was just three light built Niagaras against the Hercules who didn't use his sail repairs till his one side was two thirds gone and the rest of the fleet finally caught up since we were battling the wind all battle where the Hercules does have the advantage but control from one of the Niagaras kept him in, which I am not the biggest fan of control just being given. Should be a captains perk similar to determined defender. Originally we thought he did not have repairs since he had them around 60% for the longest time before popping his first.
  3. I admitted to playing poorly. Learned from my mistakes and now know how to fix them and what to expect from repairs. Lost my Rattle later but was able to defend majority of my friends trade ships. Later took out all of SeeQu trader brig fleet (was very negative in battle chat) and a Hercules with friends. Said GG and took the loot. It was nice getting some action in the shallows. Apart from the taunting and condescending remarks I had fun bringing back old memories of those very active nights in NA.
  4. Yep. Bring guns and you can fight back. Taking out my bow sprint and not able to repair it. Was not expecting to not be able to bring it back up. Good fight I enjoyed it. Hit repair hull instead of repair hull. Went to shield in rest of traders. Throw away ship not a big fan of Rattlesnake. Good fight none the less. Signature says it all.
  5. Something going on this weekend? Damn! Was really hoping to get some serious Post Scriptum play in.
  6. Why the hate? But seriously, flag needs a change or just remove the nation in fact. We have too many nations as is. Prussia was enough of an addition as it is.
  7. Would be a nice compromise to the limited open world player information. Maybe clan banner.
  8. Similar to Hachi issue few days previously.
  9. Shhh! Same feeling here. Took me a while and granted was not the first in my clan but was not close to being the last so feel real proud about it now.
  10. You have my attention and cant wait to see the game to have the new ui fully implemented. If done in pieces I can see this helping attract some old and new faces.
  11. Done one recently. No one inthe group chained in any epic events we have been doing. Maybe use your head and bring proper ship builds and work together better. #gitgud. Agreed. Until full content of patch drops and a day or two of testing done. It is pointless just to assume with as little information received so far. Like the concept of limiting chains as long as certain other changes will be made. We will see then.
  12. Full statistics with various varibles that can filter stats would be nice to see down the road.
  13. Was there not talks about them changing the repair system eventually?
  14. April Fools or not I always wondered why EXILE was in Great Britain. If you are going to Danmark that should be a great fit for your playstyle and means of entertainment in this game. Best of luck.
  15. And the American people respect that and do enjoy the PvP the Prussians provide. The more we lose the coastline however the less pvp there will be since "coast guards" range of responding is becoming limited.
  16. We do not mind a fight as well. But we have a lot of inexperienced players as you said. We were and still are trying to develop them in the shallows. Start them out where the loss is not great and they can get use a fast pace battle. This has been hard to do when the one nation we can play against competitively pulls out like a cheap one night stand in the shallows and we have Prussia along with France moving up our coast with their experienced players while these inactive and dying clans in the United States make careless mistakes that hurt us while they go off and be carebears leaving the mess to active clans wanting to develop to handle. PS. Only reason we are being stuck to the safe zones is because our open ports are being taken by three nations which we do go out and scout the waters around when they were in our control. As you said we could go to Tumbado which a lot of us do but our supply chain for consumables not using alts is cut off with the loss of our Florida ports making a trip to resupply for most Americans too risky of an endevour.
  17. What about the large Australian/Oceanic group you have in your nation? At Mangrove they had fun and were happy to have content much like our Oceanic players did. It is not just Europeans in your nation anymore. I understand the whole cost of ports though. You have enough American and Oceanic players in your faction that can play so "nightflipping" should not be an issue.
  18. Yeah I originally thought they were just going to give missions for players to use where ever or some other limitation on location. I do not mind the zone but it needs work that is for sure.
  19. It has been a long time since I really made a post listing suggestions, desires, and demands, I have heard from the community and items that interest myself so I decided to create a new thread rather than bumping up the old thread below. I will add to this post however the content that is still relative from the former thread here. Patch 22 1) Continue adjusting Upgrades and Books I feel that upgrades and books should not give your ship the significant boosts that they do. They made a great adjustment on the speed mods and I feel that they should continue that work. 2) Clan Warehouse Record Keeping There have been instances where something is taken from a clan warehouse and no one knows who took the items in question. It will be great if a record was kept of who is adding and taking what from the clan warehouse. 3) Port Ownership Transfer Have the ability to transfer ownership of a port to a friendly clan. There have been cases where clans moved or just died out and the ports they own go to neutral which could have been avoided. Also can help with expenses of paying for ports handing the control to other clans that have the money but not the means or ability to play at a certain ports battle time window. 4) Port Battle Window I love the idea. Only draw back I have found though and it seems to frustrate many now that the servers have merged is the time frame in which the port battle windows are. They seem small. If the time was extended a bit more in each of those time frames then that might help ease things slightly. 5) Introduce Old Events and Paints Right now we only have the shipwreck event. It is a fun event, but it is the only event we have. It would be more entertaining to have other events brought back into the game along with paints that created an unique feel to your ship or at least the feeling of one. I really do miss Swede Dreams. 6) User Interface You teased us enough with images of the new UI template. We like what we see. We really want to see it implemented as soon as possible. 7) Removing Majority of Safe Ports What I mean by "safe ports" are ports that cannot be captured. Leave only the capitals as safe ports. There is no need for some factions to have two safe port regions. It places a limit on the content for other factions, especially if those safe ports are in ideal locations or rarely used by the holding faction. 8) RvR value Give back interest to RvR. The cost of creating a PB timer and the lack of value in Victory Marks has created a situation where some factions just do not care for RvR anymore. Potentially an easy fix is change the rewards for Victory Marks up slightly. Add upgrades, cosmetics, convert Victory marks for gold to pay for timers, etc. Anything to give Victory Marks and RvR value again. 9) PvP Zone Zerging Apart from the shallows which I have seen been great where no one is really dominating, the other zone locations you get certain groups that just come in there with top of the line rate ships decimating all in their path and in turn people just not showing up to those zones. Even keeping younger players to not show up and play in those zones anymore. It should be made where certain rate ships cannot tag other players in the PvP zone. For example, Someone cannot go in a 3rd rate tagging people in their 5th rates unless that 5th rate tags having the 3rd rate start the battle as the defender and not the attacker. 10) Nasty Weather Battles Lets get some battles back that are affected by the weather on the map. Nasty storms occurring in battle or dense fog create another element for battles.
  20. Sorry about that. It was not planned from the best of my knowledge to be and no one showed up for a pretty idiotic reason. There were people there to contest the port battle but were not able to enter.
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