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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Don't understand why people keep capturing ports they will loose anyway.
  2. But you should make this clear in the description, imho. So if I have a speed built Renomee of fir with copper plating, lets say a frigate master perk is comepletly useless from the speed-side?
  3. Ok then. Just noticed this the first time today, so wasn't sure if this bug is known or not.
  4. Same procedure as on the Bucentaure. Physical main gun Deck (24pd guns) is below the visual gun deck ... 18pd and 9p gun deck are fine. Please fix this.
  5. It does not matter. Its not just pirates. So far i only had the pleasure against PODW once and in that Battle i had a DC. I was just in Login Screen when my clanmates Said my ship left battle
  6. At least PODW gives a good fight. Other clans core to Gank At jamaica and soon as they See an anti gank fleet they do a 180 and run.
  7. Good eye there. I noticed, too. Sometimes you just smash a broadside of 42s into the water, even at hugging range. Never thought it would be because of actual "physical" cannon placement being to low.
  8. So, why have I bought a MMO with a PvP part, where I cannot play with my mates? admin, please?
  9. So we don't loose outposts, ok.
  10. Will you tell us in your detailed announcment what will happen to outposts?
  11. jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja
  12. Is it really Spain this time and not just Spian again?
  13. I did when I changed OS to Windows 10, because I couldn't play the game I had to reinstall it.
  14. I just noticed Steam Overlay is not working. Yes, it is activated in steam settings and in the game settings. I am on Windows 10 and run bothe Client.exe and Client_.exe in Windows 7 compatibility mode. Overlay works on all other games. Any advice?
  15. I'm Batman! I'm not going to change name! It's to much fun being Batman.
  16. If you don't stop, I'll come to Fort Royal But I think what I wanted t talk about was sorted out later with another clanmember who had more patience then I.
  17. I tried, but had no permissions to move around.
  18. How are you supposed to poke someone if you can't see anyone, neither move and just get ignored by all incoming dutch players? I sat there yesterday with "need diplo" for at least one hour, asked in global chat but nobody answered me.
  19. You can shoot different locations of a mast and force them to come down. It's just that everybody only aims at the bottom - where the mast is thickest and therefor easier to hit, but also taking longer to fall.
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