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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Game is boring af. Two years on Steam and the only reoccuring content are Port Battles. PvE dull, boring, only two types of mission, which is still pretty much the same PvP - good luck getting decent PvP without sailing hours and then losing your ship in the first five minutes - ggwp, all for nothing. Economy only rewards those with most alt accounts
  2. If you just want a fair fight, why not simply ask in global for a duel? @Palatinose @Imperator1 @Alone Hunter @Moscalb @Malachy @HachiRoku @Otto Kohl are some of the people who probably would gladly accept a fair duel
  3. I think there are several places across the map where you can get good fights ... Yet swedes, danes, pirates and russians all come to Jamaica every day only attacking Brits, even joining up to fight againts Brits because all they want is fair fights ...
  4. Judging from your speed and crew numbers, I guess you are using a ship sold by the NPC, that is actually made out of very light wood. Fast, but nimble. And crew space is of no use, better try to get your hand on a player crafted cerberus, something like white planking with white oak frame.
  5. The last reasonable spanish player I met was Gavilan. Why are the unreasonables left in charge? Try harder
  6. Thats the problem with Spain .. even when you have been beaten back to only a few cities left and are not in a position to negotiate you don't see any advantage in enemies approaching you and demand something like 40 ports.
  7. Legends selbst ist ja schon Tot. Dreißig, vierzig, mit Glück mal fünfzig Spieler. Runter von hundertsiebzig. Und irgendwie hat Sepp ja schon recht. Wieviele verschiedene Vorschläge für Content wurden von der Community eingebracht, wieveile verschiedene zum Rework der Piraten gab es? RICHTIG neuer Content kam doch das letzte mal mit dem Land in Port Battles. Oh, und lasst uns nicht die neuen Nationen vergessen, die wir ja alle haben wollten. Und die Wasa, für die wir im Ship Poll gevoted haben.
  8. Ich glaube, jeder Kapitän wäre froh gewesen wenn sein Schiff so durch den Wind gegangen wäre, lol. Ich mag die ganzen Manöver, die möglich sind und dass die Devs versuchen, die Schiffe einzigartiger zu machen. Allerdings wirkt mir das Paket in seiner Gesamtheit zu arcadig, zu schnell. Man braucht ja garnicht mehr vorraus zu planen wann man anfangen muss zu drehen ect, denn man ist ja so schnell das man die Konsequenzen nicht fürchten muss und der Gegner eh nicht mehr schnell genug reagieren kann, sobald man den Turn begonnen hat.
  9. Während einer Sea Trials Phase gabs mal einzeln steuerbare Segel inklusive hissen und reffen. Das wurde aber wieder abgeschafft - viel zu viele Tasten nötig und wenn im Port Battle 50 Spieler anfangen einzelne Segel zu steuern, macht der Instanz-Server ganz schnell Feierabend. Driften die Schiffe jetzt immer noch so rum als würden sie über Bananenschalen fahren?
  10. I think the one is attached to the other. It's wrong that there is so little to do after this long time in Alpha & Early Access. Port Battles (The only reoccuring content on a regular base - still after nearly two years on Steam) PvP (If you get lucky and find some in a reasonable amount of time) PvE (Missions - boring, repetitive and quite frustrating for new players from what I got) Trading in a nearly non existent economy that only rewards players with most alts Crafting (useless, now that the most OP ship can be obtained woithout crafting)
  11. Loool. Better be happy that devs compensate you at all. This is still early access, after all.
  12. If you don't get shot, you probably didn't shoot enough people in the first place.
  13. You are as entertaining as an onion, @Malachy, but you are my onion, and thats what mattters.
  14. So on average you play about 14 hours each day. Ouch.
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