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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Love how this thread went from "Should I join GB" to "GB is not allowed to take neutral ports from Poland".
  2. I've simply set up some new rules (Just recently btw).
  3. Nah, you haven't lived in NA until you played brits. Our meetings now last 30 minutes and you have pvp infront of Jamaica all day.
  4. What makes u think he plays russian empire?
  5. Or simply remove names from OW ships - "Great Britain/Denmark-Norge/Sverige/Dutch/Espana (add rest of nations) player sailing on ship A". done
  6. I've noted that the picture from Saint-Louis can't be watched full screen for some reason, so I've uploaded it to another hoster - hopefully nobody has to use a spyglass now to read the names of battle participants
  7. I didnt say so. But you shouldn't be wondering that people get pissed and adapt. If you want your opponent to play fair, you should do so aswell. @Stepp636 Ernsthaft - du hast mein Förmchen gestohlen, also klau ich dir deins?
  8. 1. I don't think it's trash. People should know that the clan they maybe join uses certain game mechanics to avoid ... competition. 2. So teleporting to Barranquilla was fair play?
  9. Elite French Rig + Winged Out Ballast gives you 25% thickness + 36% Mast HP without any speed penalty.
  10. You have long lost the last bit of reputation you ever had (if you ever had such). Everybody know you are blinded by arrogance (_Insert_SLRN_bashing) and racism. You hide behind your safezone of a nickname, only speaking for yourself. Brits and enemies alike have realized that you and your opinion are worthless as long as you use that nickname - nobody will ever take you serious and only talk to you because you provide a little entertainment.
  11. Tell me your ingame name and all your trolling and toxicity towards players from other nations shall be forgiven. Hiding behind a fake name and calling other people traitors. I would ask you what you ever achieved for GB, but that would probably reveal your ingame name. So just keep hiding behind roleplay posts, coward.
  12. Bratwurst is cool. BRAUTwurst not. Why would you make wurst out of your bride???
  13. If you are interested in doing some digging, contact me ingame (Batman) and I'll give you a heads up on what we know about him. Until then I can only advise not to take this guy for full. He hides behind a forum nickname and is very toxic towards everyone who does not play in Great Britain.
  14. Are you sure this isn't related to high ping spikes (5400ms), @Capn Rocko?
  15. I give table of Parts of Ships of War to whomever is able to give me his true identity. Of course you must be able to prove it.
  16. Just get out of your corner and attack somebody - btw there are nearly a dozen nations to choose from, not only Great Britain
  17. Britain faced the same Problem when KINGS/KBEAR left. It didn't ruin our game
  18. The land of the brave and free apparently hates free ports. lol
  19. Just leave the guy alone. There are a few suspects who match his asshole-identity. Once we know for sure, it will be made public so the whole server can send his regards. @Jorge @_Alucard_ @Banished Privateer
  20. Its not just thickness on 1st rates - pushing ships into the wind for boarding? Ramming other ships (either on purpose or not) should cause severe damage + maybe crew shock and rigging shock due to heavy impact (sudden loss of speed ect) - mortar brig is Op af. Firing 4 Mortar Balls every what - 5, 10 seconds? lolwut why can a mortar be loaded so fast while it takes 71 seconds to load a much smaller ball into a 42 pd cannon
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