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Everything posted by Batman

  1. French players said on chat that this war is between GB and France when swedish players showed up to get some pvp. They don't want other nations to interfere.
  2. Cano Araguao. Brits joined from a northern position with france making a small line to intercept. One french wasa was left in A, two went for the far C circle, where british Renomee joined. France started with some downwind kiting. Circles jumped around between GB and FR with france getting and advantage of points. Brits had @Mr Pellew cut off, but managed to save him. Eventually, @DizzWho was demasted and @Gregory Rainsborough rageboarded him and a french Wasa right next to him. Now being outnumbered, the battle turned into a chase and brits managed to capture all circles and kill towers to get to 1000 points. Earlier, france won at El Toco due to points, yet they suffered higher losses in that battle. Very shortly before the PB began, a fleet of wild @Tac's appeared out of nowhere and engaged the French screening fleet, which was supported by Dutch and Commonwealth Captains:
  3. An overview of the Circle Layout at Saint Louis France spilt their fleet early, sending pairs of ships to circles. British mortar had to evade ships and got stuck on the coast at A. France managed to get the points up to about 800 with their mortar killing towers and kiting. Eventually, splitting their fleet was the main mistake france made, giving the chasing british fleet a numerical advantage. Commanders GB: @Mr Pellew @HachiRoku @Otto Kohl @Batman (wow I can mention myself haha) Commanders FR: @Comeonche ? @DizzWho ? Don't really know
  4. I know people would like to know and its even mentioned in the OP, but I'm not going to start a witch hunt.
  5. Lol they joined with agamemnons and on TS PB commander wonders why they got heir asses handed. Lesson learned, I hope.
  6. Let's do some forum pvp meanwhile. I will start. @Jorge Spain sucks @Anolytic Russia sucks @King of Crowns France sucks @Banished Privateer Prussia sucks @rediii Sweden sucks @Admiral Horatio Hornblower Britain sucks have fun o7
  7. Can we maybe move the last few posts to Caribbean Invasion News maybe? @Hethwill has nothing to do with battle results.
  8. I don't know if the rest of the server allow us to attack
  9. We can still come, if you want?
  10. Great Britain could take Les Cayes and solve all problems? jk, this is great here. Much drama without cancer, amazing. Small nations can have big problems, too.
  11. For some reason Spain only want to attack GB, I think. But GB has some clans operating in US/AUS timezone and spain cannot attack ports held by these clans because they set timers within their primetime. Even considering that Spain is allied with Russia and the US, that still leaves seven (not including GB) nations for you to attack. There are loads of ports in the timezone of 17-22 from Danes, Swedes, French, Prussians, Commonwealth and Pirates. Just sail somewhere and raise hostility, like @monk33y said.
  12. Well, he made a stupid tag, showed his left side (halfway down) to @Pitxagorri, who was in perfect shape. Instead of turning his weak side away, he just slammed straight into spanish 1st rate and got rekt before friendlies could join and get close. Was pretty much his own fault.
  13. I think this is between @King of Crowns and @Christendom
  14. Had this yesterday. Showed like 25 notifications, before the window actually got "unstuck" and showed them all. It's working fine now. On Firefox.
  15. GG to the guy who was stupid enough to keep his weak side towards you. I think first six ships were pulled in, rest joined.
  16. If you can't attack Port A from Nation 1 because of timer, maybe attack Port B from Nation 2 instead. There is 11 different nations on the map, spain is only allied to russia and USA. Swedes and Danes have lots of ports in EU time. French have also lots of EU Timers in the east or even no timers.
  17. Die Thickness von 1st rates liegt bei 80 für alle drei. Das ist für ein Oak/Oak Schiff. Live Oak/White Oak bringt das ganze auf 92, Cag/White Oak 89.4. Jetzt rechnest du nochmal von der Base thickness (80) 12% extra thickness durch Cartagena und Navy Structure dazu, dann hast du deine richtige thickness.
  18. Upwind nehmen sich alle drei nicht viel, aber Downwind ist die Santi doch ein gutes Stück langsamer. Das vorsätzliche Rammen, umzingeln und Boarden ist auch so eine Mechanik, die dringend überarbeitet gehört, finde ich.
  19. No players in prussia = no clans to add to friends = no problems
  20. I'm pretty sure we have all come across this by now. You want to add a new clan to your friend list, but you can't find them in the list. Scrolling through the list a pain for two reasons: Scrolling itself through the list is laggy af Clans are sorted by creation date (I think?) from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom You should be able to sort clans in alphabetical order (ascending or descending) or add a new window that allows to search for specific clantag in your nation.
  21. Ist es denn definitv, so, dass man in nem PB gewesen sein muss? Hab schon von Leuten gehört, die VMs bekommen haben, obwohl sie wochenlang nicht gespielt haben (Ja, ich rede von einer Pause während der letzten Änderungen). Wie auch immer, man sieht, dass sich das ganze Thema schon wieder hochschaukelt. Es wurde ja glaube ich gestern nochmal um Klarstellung der Mechanik gebeten. Ich finds auch schade, dass diese "heißen" Themen wie z. B. Vorwürfe des gegenseitigen Exploitens von den Devs so müde belächelt werden. Mal heißt es "exploits können genutzt werden, bis sie gefixed werden", dann heißt es "wer den exploit nutzt, wird sofot bestraft". Mit so einer Politik kommt man sicher nicht weit, wenn das Spiel mal richtig released wird.
  22. Als ob in Russland niemand Alts hätte, die euch mit VMs versorgern würden ... Max Mustermann, Son of a gun ...
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