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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. They havened on all the servers at the same time, my complaint was that there was no Mods/Devs on PvP2 or PvE to give hints to check on post about it so PvP1 got a heads up over every one else about what was going on in the events.
  2. Remember if you surrender you don't loose your crew or officer lives. Though I agree it would be nice to have an option to surrender and give a ransom to keep part of your cargo and ship and go on your marry way. It's not like the warships can carry every thing. This would be great to imploment if they forced you to sale your prize ships back instead of magically telporting them back to a port. Unless it's a small trader most cargo is in a hold and would be hard to actually just dump over board. The things that get dumped are smaller contraband not the full cargo hold. Fireship is kinda this option but hay who is going to put that mod on all there traders, specially when most the times I get away cause I'm speed fitted to run on most my shallow water traders. The LVG on the other hand are made to be slow and full of MARINES for counter boarding lol
  3. That low of a level it's not hard to level up with your officer. Yes when you reset it, it resets to the start of that level. Which means you loose any earned xp. So if your wise you only do it right after you rank the officer up or while you have very little xp on him. That or once you get him to level 10. Geee guys you don't have to pay 3 perk levels any more stop complaining and that is what they talk about it's free now. It use to cost you three levels every time you reset the officer.
  4. People never read forum rules and EULA of things. Oh and last I check the 1st Admid doesn't mean crap when it's dealing with a company from another country and well this is like many have said a private forum with there own rules.
  5. I think this event would of been better if they did more than one big wreck spread out over the day at diffrent times and in diffrent areas. Many folks didn't even make it half way there and it seem it was more for those that had ports in that area or even just lucked out. I can't have ports every where. Would be nice if we had 10 ports instead of 8 cause I'll tell you I would now have a port over there if I could do it and keep a decent area of influence for PB"s and PvP along with my econ. 2 more ports would really help out. Even folks that left from Key's didn't make it in time to get any loot.
  6. Would be nice if the MODS/DEVS respond about anything. We got people on the US server confused. We didn't get a heads up by the mods as the EU server got. and folks are asking if it's a one time thing or will they respawn through out the day casue they think the devs said it will be an all weekend thing.
  7. 6 ports should of been 6 different spots all over the map. So with the 6 ships was that it? Is there no more? To me it seems the guys with ports in there are the only ones that got it. Most of us haven't even made it half way across the map and oh yah that part of the GOM is not the West Indies. I do agree it should of been something and than the added rare chance for the BP or paint. I have only seen one paint on the US server so far. Every one else got mods and most weren't even golden. Though now the fighting has started, but it's from all the folks pissed off they wasted all that time to get there to empty chest. \ OH AND NO MODS COMMITTED OR SENT THE LINK ON THE US SERVER. So one with two accounts had to sit on both servers and relay the info for us. To be exact when was the last time a mod has even been on the US server?
  8. Yah all the guys that had ports over there are the only ones that are getting them. any one on the other side of map is pretty much getting screwed.
  9. I just pulled a port out of there and some of us have never even been in the GOM. Our notes have said West Indies and that isn't the West Indies.
  10. But some games do limit you to having those accounts on one faction per server. I played many that if I wanted to play a diffrent faction I had to play them on a diffrent servers than my other chars. Even if I owned two accounts. Though normally it's hardly ever known unless you do something completly stupid. I mean i had 5 accounts on POTBS and all of them but one was in Spain. The one was French and he was low level and I only logged him in to make wine cause it was a production you could only really get in french ports.
  11. Actually hasn't the devs said if you pull flags so your nation can't attack your alt nations is cheat? That type of tagging and doing things I do believe is cheating. Taggin your alt to pull a team in to a fight to stop a PB I would say would be cheating too. Many games allow alts as long as they don't effect there counter part in play. I get the Sabotaging and spying stuff, but some things are prob crossing the line in play.
  12. Remember in real life there is spies and sabators that happen in every nation. If you don't want them to know stuff keep it private and to TS or clan chat. As long as your not using that char to cheat like tagging to keep out of fights or other things like that than there shouldn't be any issues with multi accounts.
  13. If that little Spanish player didn't show up we prob would of never caught you either. He wasn't even part of our group that was running around after the battle. We got BigMO's Buc's just after yours. Got to say that was my first time in a SOL in a port battle and it was the free ship they gave us. I still like Frigates and below, but it was a good fun and WAY TO CLOSE battle. Talk about in the nick of time.
  14. One of the spainsh has some screenshots of his great adventures with the gunship. We so going to need to do a big battle with a bunch of these little guys.
  15. And remember we didn't just take one port, we took two of theirs for the one they took. Not just any two. We took two of them right in there front yard.
  16. Not enough players to allow for such that is why the EU Mirror got shut down and the PvE got moved to EU. They need to just merge it with the PvP1/2 servers and be done with it.
  17. As much as I liked the fact we could get ships moved around a lot faster, but to be honest this will make planning attacks and defense more important a head of time and folks can't just port there combat ships over fast to an area. You actually need to keep ships spread out to the are's you need to fight in or patrol.
  18. Even worse is some one tries to post a ship at a good decent price and some players will buy it and than post it up again at a much more jacked up price than before. This was hurting new players big time. It blew our mind when we saw how low the prices was in MT compared to CT. Oh and speaking of good prices I was doing some port hopping in a trader last night and popped into the Spanish capital and they are doing the same, hell I think they have the lowest prices I seen in any of the capitals. This helps support there new players and those that might want to make new chars in that nation but have the Rank. Though it's not a lot of ships, but it's a good thing for helping there nation out. Good JOB SPAIN. The last part is pretty much why most of us left. In fact many of the Pirates pulled us a side and asked us why we left when we first switched over. Pretty much they keep getting the same answer over and over about how Toxic some US players (not all as there is some great players still in the US Nation). Before we switched we would give good fights at end of battles we even lost to the Pirates for just that, it was a good battle. Cause of that we got called traitors and we where to friendly with them. Guess what when you fight the same guys over and over you get to know each other and there is no reason you can't be on different teams and still be civil and respect each other. It's normally the sore loosers that get nastie. I will take a lost over and over to some one with good sportsmanship after battles any day. Hell I was joking about one of the guys that keeps showing up for shallow water battles and being sunk by us making him a new ship and giving it to him for free for the good spirit of the battle.
  19. Like other games I think you should only be able to have alts in the same nation on the same server. For most of those it's for extra econ hours and nothing more, but hay some folks might have more. I had like 5 in POTBS cause I was a ship builder and it helped on my econ that I didn't need any one else. All of them Spain nation exept one French that I used for wine production.
  20. The other day I was in a shallow water PB and I was boarded doing 5.2 KNOTS and when in the boarding screen my ship was almost a full length a head of the other guys. I did an F11 for it cause I knew he would get me, but he shouldn't of got that second board at that speed and it was really fast after the first board so felt like the reset timer hadn't even warn off either. That and seems a like the AI has been very heavy geared with board modes cause they are doing almost twice the damage on there attacks as I am even though I have more marines and muskets and crew in the fight.
  21. But it's ok to have ranks like DEMONS and DEVILS instead? We where just talking about this today. I don't care but I think it's funny how some folks will flip out about just about anything not PC. I would be all for freeing some slaves and killing evil slavers and even doing the same to whalers.
  22. Why don't you keep your mouth shut about stuff you don't know. We plan to update when we got more stable. In fact it was only 8 players that switched over, the rest (about 10 that was active and 10 not active) have stayed in US. Some even joined other clans by tags I seen. So UNKN is currently Pirate and it's members is about 11 at this exact time with all member active and growing. Hell some of those players that aren't as active might still switch over so the number isn't final as it's only been a week and half since we switched over.
  23. Most Privateers where called Pirates by the nation they attacked for there sponsored Nation. IE if he was a French Privateer and he took a spanish ship. Spain would call him a Pirate. So would maybe British if he took some of there merchant ships too. They tend to slide off the letters of there powers a bit and that what makes them pretty much Pirates to any one else.
  24. I would like to see more ships like Pirate Frigate and they can even keep them only basic ships so folks won't jump on the "THEY ARE OP" Wagon. They can do some combo's like Take a deck of guns off and add a bigger cargo hold (not trader level but more than the warships have). Stay wiith the ligher armor, but more gun and/or crew on some ships. It's not like we can't capture any of the SOL any way, but if we do I think there should be a big bounty on your head to have that ship sunk or returned.
  25. Guess I missed the pre-edited version of this. You want to know something CBR DIDN"T GIVE ME CRAP. The only thing that I got from that clan was Speedfreak on his own offered to craft a Surprise for me if I brought him all the mats and the labor contracts. Which I brought to him plus a little extra. All items I built myself and gather after solo playing for a long time since EA started and than starting over when I switch to the US server after making 1st Lt. Was half way to Master Com when I asked to get the ship made. He made the ship like most good crafters do to get the XP from making the ship to rank up. I have no issues with him and still think he's an ok player. All the other crafters I talked to wanted me to do all the mats, bring the labor contracts and than they wanted me to pay pretty much full price for the ship. This is a thing we see a lot in US with crafters. It wasn't the clan that did this, it was one player that was helping out a player that switched over from EU and had to grind all the way up in ships to a Cerberus to get to his level and wanted to get his next ship crafted and I did. No one else has helped me from day one on either server as I was a very solo player. I didn't even get into my first PB until I joined UNKN. So before you start saying things you might want to actually learn the facts. The players I still respect aren't the ones on here name calling or doing so in chat in game. Hell most these guys like your self I have never dealt with in game before I turned Pirate. Apparently I was pretty popular if I effected ya'll that much to piss you off? I now build ships for my clan and I have never asked for anything from the players in my clan. Most of them give me a little this or that to help out but I do it to help the clan. Yah he just keeps raging and raging and I don't even know why he has so much hate for me.
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