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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Um, no. I'm for teleporting to a capital, bc you can get lost, and teleporting yourself between outposts. Nothing more than that. The biggest pain in sailing time is using a basic cutter to set up an outpost in a free town across the map. But once that is done, sailing isn't bad. If you get attacked & sent to the nearest friendly port, you should not be too far from where you were, just sail back. If you are afraid of being attacked, tp back to the capital. If you took hours to sail there, then set up an outpost in a nearby free town. I have all outposts unlocked & in use, and only 1 is at a pirate port, Mortimer. The rest free towns, some for hunting players (although I haven't started hunting solo, yet), some for gathering supplies.
  2. If you are worried about the new conquest system & hostilities being raised at off hours, admin already posted that pbs will be at times players can meet up as hostility raised at off hours will be lowered at the enemy's off hours. If you are worried about Sweeden taking Spanish ports, for example, Sweeden is already allied with the Brits & so has allies nearby. When allies come into play, expect to see scattered colors on the map.
  3. IMO, the less crafting the better. The last Econ patch, in 2014, in POTBS was a killer with more structures and everything, it seemed, requiring more parts to make. And everyone, it seemed, hated it. I like NA crafting as is. It's a breath of fresh air compared to POTBS crafting. I like how a shipyard is the only structure necessary to make a ship and hope it stays that way. There is already enough to eat up labor hours. When you have more to make a ship, smaller nations, smaller clans & solo econ players suffer. Right now with low player numbers, a largely structured economy is not needed. Im for player crafted cannons to add a separate line of crafting. But do not add more to ship building. Adding to ship building will inflate prices even more. If you never played POTBS, download it, take a look at the auction house, and see the price of non NPC provided ships. A year ago, I think it was 3 mil for a 3rd rate, probably more now.
  4. As the discussion on free towns was getting off topic on the port battle set up page, I'm continuing it here. My Thoughts 1) On ship deliveries Right now, at Plymoth, I'm building a rattlesnake to hunt player traders (watch out) or ai traders if there are no players around. As the area around Plymoth seems to be the coal capital and there isn't much else around, I need to get my silver, hemp, and other supplies from somewhere else. Should ship deliveries be allowed between free ports, yes unless they change it to make all resources available everywhere. I'm sorry but I do not have hours & hours to spend traveling the map looking for extra resources & so if I find a sweet spot for silver somewhere else, I'll get it there, take it to the nearest free port, and have it delivered to my shipyard at Plymoth. 2) On having shipyards at free ports Yes, as tp'ing ships after attacking traders will soon be no longer an option. 3) On free ports & piracy IMO, free ports should be the only ports pirates have. And I know many are against pirates making ships, but again, this is a game, a sandbox mmo, let them have shipyards there. As free ports should be their only ports they do not have the structures to farm resources like nationals, and so have to go, as smugglers, looking for their resources. More pirates sailing around for nationals to attack I think if you take away anyone's ability to make ships, all that will achieve is more alts. 4) On free ports & dock space. Should any ship be able to dock at free ports, yes. I come from POTBS where you can dock anywhere and think it would be cool to have this added to the game. You do not like enemy warships in your waters, form a group to patrol free ports! I think pirates are the biggest backers of having docks at free ports & we have La Tortue, Atwood, and the neutral capital Pitts Town right nearby. Again, this is a game, people do not have hours on end to sail the map. If you are worried about the new conquest system & hostilities being raised at off hours, admin already posted that pbs will be at times players can meet up as hostility raised at off hours will be lowered at the enemy's off hours. If you are worried about Sweeden taking Spanish ports, for example, Sweeden is already allied with the Brits & so has allies nearby. When allies come into play, expect to see scattered colors on the map.
  5. Continuing the free port discussion in a new topic, as we are getting off topic here. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14863-continuation-of-the-free-town-discussion/?p=275916
  6. I really don't think capturing ships really hurts the Econ. What would you rather have, a 5 dur gold frigate or a 1 dur maybe fine frigate? Players that use upgrades will be too afraid to lose those upgrades on 1 dur ships.
  7. You can still find a twitch channel once in a while. Hopefully population will come back up after the next few patches so there would be more people on the open world, more fights, more reason to stream.
  8. I would love to see exploration gameplay added to the pre-release list as was posted here almost 2 years ago. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1534-exploration-gameplay/?p=32219 Expiditions for collectable cards on plants, animals, and artifacts would be cool.
  9. I was able to fix my mistake. I put an L instead of an |
  10. Added some module information, including for fine light canvas (-6% crew needed, -9% hp) but the formatting needs adjustment, as you can see when visiting. Thanks.
  11. So, I recently outfitted my snow for boarding (marines, grog rations, sword fighting handbooks, boarding parties, and extra hammocks) and have been hitting AI traders to relax. Before the outfitting, during boarding, it seemed the attack option would gray out when the timer was down to 7 seconds. Now, after the gear, it seems that I can hit attack at the last second. What has caused this difference? Apologies as I do not know much about boarding or gear.
  12. I really really hope they don't get rid of free towns, it allows for privateers to hunt in enemy waters. I'd hate to solely have to operate out of pirate ports (especially as it would require pirates to play as nats to keep ports). And as ships in the future cannot be tp'd, I've built 3 level 2 shipyards in various Freetowns for when I lose all dur (being a noob at PVP, I can't rely on capturing player ships, yet) And Freetowns are great for finding resources as a smuggler. Keep Freetowns but have a ship manifest of ships docked there.
  13. Quick question, how will pve missions raise hostility as you cannot enter enemy ports in a warship to pick up missions?
  14. Agreed. So to satisfy everyone, if there is a merge, why not merge PVP1 onto pvp2 and rename that pvp1 or just the PVP server?
  15. That's the point I'm trying to make. It is not historical.Pirates should be able to craft ships, even rates if for some who knows why reason they want rates.
  16. My apologies first off, as I do not know that much about the history. But if the devs want a historical game, Econ has to be reworked all together. The most anyone should be able to build is certain parts, bring it to a national shipyard, where ships are crafted, and have some sort of admiralty level, not just XP level, determine what ship you can sail. Then you will see many many more smaller ships & much much fewer larger ships. Pirates would be able to outfit captured ships but not have any econ. IMO, I prefer the sandbox mmo style of play where a player can choose what ship to sail/build over the historical.
  17. When the new conquest comes in where you need to build up to conquest, I think open world activity will rise again. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14642-port-battles-assault-flag-rework-proposals-moderated/?p=271467 Other ideas for OW missions, Deliver X goods to port Y. And, like you posted, some type of bounty mission for sinking enemy players would be nice.
  18. I'll be on this game until the servers are shut down. But one problem, I feel, is that if you are only going to be on for a short time, say 15 minutes, you are limited to crafting (whereas in POTBS you could do a patrol mission or the Tortuga dailies). Unless you have an hour to spare there isn't much else. Even small battles take 30 minutes. Now with fishing soon implemented, hopefully that will be something else to do with a small amount of time.
  19. Probably already posted in this topic, but I would really like to see text boxes instead of sliders in the crafting menu. Having a background in computer science, I know it would not be hard to do With the sliders, it's already coded to show red if there are not enough labor hours or materials All that is needed in the code, if the slider was replaced with a text box, was a check to make sure a number was entered If you need help with that, pm me.
  20. I believe only bc they are still deciding what to do with pirates, port battles, and politics.
  21. This game is not a historical game as no 1 single person could build a ship and very few sailed SOLs. This is a sandbox, if a pirate wants to sail an SOL (for some unknown reason), they should be able to. I'm all for removing port capture. And I will never craft or sail an SOL, but solely removing pirates ability to sail or craft SOLs based on history is a joke. Also, I think it would be hard to implement in game as they can be bought from free town marketplaces.
  22. Sorry, off topic, but IMO (and nats may hate this) only pirates should be allowed smuggler tag as ports and losing ports should be important to nats. Having the smuggler tag gives less meaning to ports.
  23. I did vote agree but then changed to disagree after what Mr Doomed said. If implemented it could be exploited big time.
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