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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Sella

  1. Very nice! Does opening of the Pacific means possible exploration content or just more ports? Also, announcement of the wild card?
  2. I have tried her and i am in love with her, that's why i want more
  3. Very nice! Hopefully with the wild card we will get something smaller to beef up the smaller ship roster. A corvette maybe?
  4. I'm going to expand Hethwill's idea a bit. I believe that everything should be driven by economy or strategic reasons. I'll use the example of a game called Port Royale. Let's take a look at this map (ignore the red highlight): Even if it isn't visible the map is divided in "regions". Every region has a regional capital. They are the following: Regional capital's are the seats of Governors and some the seats of Viceroy. If you observe the map you might notice a pattern. Sometimes 2/5 resource slots of the regional capitals produce finished goods and some of the surrounding settlements produce the raw materials needed to produce the finished goods. Usually a region includes approximetaly 4-5 settlements including the capital. Adjacent regions usually don't produce the same goods. If a nation ends up with only one region left, make it unconquerable but raidable as Wind has proposed above. This might be useful:http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Port_Royale_2/Goods#Essential_Goods Now sometimes not all the settlements are needed to supply the capital with all it needs and that will probably mean that the settlement is not important. Well i will propose a "decentralization" plan. Instead of keeping all the important resources and functions to the capitals and historical cities spread them out. For example: 1)Some cities like Havana could build first rates. Instead of keeping it in Havana make it exclusively available to the settlement next to it and do the same to all the regions(This might be unpopular though). 2) Unique resources like gold,silver or maybe goods available from Europe are only available there. 3) Shipyards with higher chance of building finer ships or that can only build a certain ship. For example a French port that specializes in Belle Poules. This can only work later with the increase of the amout of ships available in the game or it will be extremely unpopular. 4)Recruitment hubs for officers(when implemented). They could be exclusively recruited from there or they could have a better chance of being finer if recruited from there. 5) Insert idea here... 6)...
  5. Am i the only one who is happy that the Devs aren't like Electronic Arts and Creative Assembly? I think of this game a bottle of good wine. The more it ages the better it gets.
  6. You could just make the rammer receive substantial damage to his bow and the one getting rammed receives minimal. No leaks. So kinda punish the rammers who try to exploit it and makes you plan your moves to avoid ramming frendlies. On the other hand, leaks caused my ramming could be tested.
  7. Coz she is so purtyy.. And probably because detailed plans are available.
  8. Sure, as long as there won't be different grades of it. For example: basic,exceptional etc.. Because nobody will want to be at a disadvantage by using basic powder making it a dead feature of some sorts. I think there was a similar thread about it a year ago.
  9. I'll just leave this here http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6805-pacific-coast-whats-the-plan/page-4
  10. Sella

    Battlefield fans

    In b4 Mark IV's can move faster than modern tanks for gameplay reasons
  11. How about implementing "Warbonds" or something similar to simulate the buildup before the war or a port capture? Once the decision is taken to declare war a certain amount of Warbonds must be sold before the war triggers. Warbonds cost money,goods maybe even ships. The people who bought warbonds will receive an xp or money boost depending on their contribution. The boosts will be only valid against the targeted faction. Warbonds could also influence the lenght of the war since they will have a limited time.
  12. Is hiring crew gonna have a cost? If it doesn't an upkeep should be applied to maintain them. Not anything crazy though. Some buildings could also be introduced like a tavern which will provide a bonus in crew regeneration. But make them national projects and costly since the boost provided will be for everyone.
  13. Will estate holders lose their land after an x amount of time if they don't do something or if they don't meet a y requirement? There should be a risk of losing it to guarantee that the same people won't decide for things over and over.
  14. There is already a hidden section for people with the Tester tag were they discuss all their secret thingies.
  15. I love the sound effects used in Darthmod. Do you reckon that we could ask him to borrow them for NA?
  16. There was little to none Prussian navy in that period. Most of their ships maybe all of them were small coastal patrolling ships for the Baltic. A small navy reformation started around mid 19th century. If a nation was to be added, i think that the best choice would be Portugal. Given the current map that we have it seems like the best option from many aspects that are obvious. A map of Europe in the future isn't unlikely. But it all depends on the state of the game and most importanly the size of its playerbase.
  17. All the answers you need: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13031-make-more-spanish-ships/page-1
  18. If exploration is implemented and a generated map as well that could also open the door for settling. Giving you a true pioneering feeling that you create something from scratch. But those settlements shouldn't be buildable on islands that are going to get wiped after a short time. Well they could be if the wipes weren't so often. Or there could be lets say about 5 that will serve as "hubs" and will be always in place This has so much potential to go unnoticed. I'm pretty sure that it is going to be unique in the gaming industry as well.
  19. To be fair storms were already in the game in a way. But it could be turned into something like this:
  20. Sella

    Premium Ships

    I'm guessing it will be somthing like kickstarter. If the goal doesnt get reached then you get a refund
  21. This right here is one of the reasons that the NN section will be closed..
  22. The innocent often pay for the deeds of the guilty.
  23. Renommee, Snow, Gros Ventre, Mercury Well the Renommee is the Renommee. Simply amazing in every way. The Snow is the cutest killing machine you will ever see.
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